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Everything posted by Blutters

  1. In general: Nox Staff is slightly better than Seismic Wand + Orb, because Sonic Wave is slightly better than Conc Blast. Added advantage, Nox Staff is one item, so you can use a scrimshaw or some other degrading item and protect it on death instead of having to worry about Singularity. Dual Ascensions are slightly better than Nox Staff because Unload is a better Special to use than Incendiary shot in most cases, aside from that all abilities for DW and 2H are the same - though I think Needle Shot (DW abiity) is slighly better than its 2H counterpart. Dual Drygores are significantly better than Nox Scythe, because the Destroy threshold (DW threshold) is amazing and much better than 2H thresholds which are all oriented towards AOE damage - which is not terribly useful. I'm slightly confused, I think you meant to say "Dual Ascensions are slightly better than Nox Bow"? Haha I don't use ultimates except for Swiftness/Sunshine/Berserk anyway :P Also, about the DW vs 2h Magic, I'm just wondering if DW benefits significantly from access to 2 simultaneous Ancients effects, like Smoke + Shadow?
  2. Eh, have they said anywhere when the next batch will be released? I'm hoping that the kids who wanted a numberless, one-word name for the sake of it have already gotten their fill and I won't have to worry about getting the one I actually want when we get to that point in the alphabet.
  3. Basically, I'm wondering how the different level 90 weapons compare with one another, now that Noxious weaponry is getting to be "affordable". Specifically, I'm wondering how the Noxious Staff (with Virtus) compares to dual Ascensions (with Pernix). (They're similar in price at the moment.) Other than that, possibly, how Seismics/Noxious Bow compare with one another and with the two above options. I just don't care about melee lol.
  4. Because its a temporary month of clans thingy, they didn't change all the descriptions etc. I didn't realize these buffs were temporary... -.-
  5. Have the avatar XP buffs already gone through? The description still says 3%/6%...
  6. From my experience Ascensions are actually great on Airut. Able to safespot some of the time, and an ability that disables their rage attack that won't aggro the rest of them around you. :) I use my Ascensions for all my Slayer needs other than Polypore (obviously :P). An incredible benefit is that you don't have to run around the room when fighting many monsters except to pick up some drops. As I don't pick up many drops anyway, I basically become a turret.
  7. Got Buckler/Boots yesterday's trip too :> Just need Gloves and Hilt!
  8. Even 15 hours without trading sounds like a slog, may still do it eventually though :P Thanks!
  9. http://[Use Quick Find Code]/[Please Use QuickFind Code]?309,310,673,65280004,goto,1 Just for reference Says Aug 18 It's wings + tail or wings + cape, but not cape + tail or all 3 lol
  10. Lmfao @ the bloopers at the very end of the video Now we know what he spends all that MS money on ;) Sounds like a great month! Couldn't imagine the elf finale not being incredibly awesome after all the BSing and time spent on it haha Inb4 the "Dark Lord" is some random new character though >.< Lots of great rewards for Boss Slayer, not sure about the prices but we'll see! [buy onyx] Really hoping that they finally make Clan C*l*oaks into overrides, damn shame if they went through all those other improvements but forgot about that, lol Also, looks like they're letting us finally wear wings + capes/tails (they've been talking about it forever on the SGS forums)
  11. Ins Cruelty 1,331,222 (x5) :) Elements aren't selling 1m apiece ins lol Ins Seasingers bottom 2175k Ins Tetsu legs 4,566,378 Ins DL hood 1666k EDIT Elements not even 800k ins -.-
  12. I rather like the colors on this thing, but achieving 5000 "wins" in the Duel Arena seems exorbitantly time-consuming. What kind of time requirement might I be considering trying to get this, starting from almost none? Does the opponent forfeiting count as a win, or must they actually be defeated? I figure there's a reason I tend to only see Comp'ers running around in these :P
  13. I'm having to weigh the prestige-y feeling of defeating Arraxor (Arraxi) myself with the total pain in the ass I just know it's going to be.
  14. I fixed it by downloading the offline installer for Java, removing all Java on my comp, and reinstalling from the offline version. It still doesn't load from the website but the client works now at least! :)
  15. Can't seem to get the game to load from the client, Chrome, or (cringe) Internet Explorer. Half the time it seems the main page itself won't load either. Any tips? This is really frustrating, I wanna take a shot at Araxxy and I'm probably the only person in my clan who has a decent chance... -.-
  16. What's the best Scrimshaw to sell for profit? Still Cruelty, or are the damage (previously crit) ones worthwhile now?
  17. They don't look bad persay, but the particles are VERY overkill. I for one, will be overriding all three of them with better looking things with no particles I for one will be using the Infernal override set like I mentioned earlier in this thread :D Soo glad it turned out to be a scythe hahaha
  18. In that case, let me remind you OP that Black Rhino can be Yak +10% :P
  19. I just had the chilling realization that you have to technically DIY solo two ASCs if you want to match one lvl 90 2H... no clue if they'll take that into consideration in balancing time taken for 1 lvl 90 2H, or what effect that might have on prices -.- Inb4 Signet farming is even deader.
  20. I'm not entirely sure what Lamb means, but I would definitely recommend getting Dragonbane Bolts anyway if you can :P IF they're similar to how they were pre-Legacy update, they should turn out to be level 87.5, which would obviously surpass Royal at 80.
  21. Unless you want to scroll spec constantly (I used to) then use Shadow Nihil over Steel Titan. I'm pretty sure the accuracy bonus and its normal attack damage are better than Steel Titan's normal attacks, and it's far less of a pain. I don't use a Yak there because I do 2 kills per OVL dose and can usually make it through an OVL flask without banking. Sometimes I do get unlucky and have to bank early though. Shadow Nihil are quite expensive but last an hour and a half, so I'd only use one if you want to go for that long to avoid wasting it, or if you don't really care that much anyway (since a single drop will more than pay for a Nihil anyway). Pretty sure you should always use Soulsplit. Lifpoints come primarily from Constitution, rather than armor, and most higher-level armors won't protect you from actually getting hit any better than Void will. As I'm not entirely sure what was altered due to the buff, some of this might be subject to change... What weapon are you using?
  22. Also I just watched the Araxxor BTS, way more excited now, especially to see if they can balance the extra challenge of duoing with reward - doesn't seem they mentioned double the drops for duoing despite double the damage taken. The mechanics seem very interesting, and maybe just maybe like something that someone can do to earn a level 90 weapon solo (that doesn't take a year like f-ing ASC if you wanted pure DIY). Disappointed the bow was the only one shown, but with how ugly it is (even if appropriate) I'm thinking overrides are in order. :P Kinda really hoping for a maul for 2H just so I can use all the Infernal overrides if/when I do get the weapons.
  23. Sounds okay to me. Lol this may seem dickish but if I ever feel the need to crash someone I actually remove my overrides sometimes just to drive the point home that they have no hope :P
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