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Everything posted by H2PM

  1. I don't particularly care for wubshit, but that was a pretty cool video. Which classes do you guys prefer? I find my self going for Pathfinder usually, but sometimes I'll use Juggernaut.
  2. Ouch. [hide]unless that brony is you[/hide]
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5vt-_cm1Qs&feature=related
  4. Gah, I'm so stressed I'm shaking.
  5. Hahaha Ieyfura, you're such a joker.
  6. My post count went from 24.72 per day, while still climbing mind you, to 24.69 per day. I'm slowly getting better guys, I promise.
  7. Although, Reddit recently made the measures to clean it up a bit. Oh and welcome back, I was wondering where you went.
  8. Yeah, having your own room means you can do this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYxCrugJj_o
  9. Sure is nice having a headmaster that doesn't believe in censorship.
  10. H2PM


    Tomorrow is judgement day...of my Math and chem grades. Let's do this.
  11. H2PM

    Modern Combat 3

    Heh, the graphics remind me of the Duty Calls video.
  12. H2PM


    "I gotta make it obvious that I'm drunk or else no one on the internet will believe me!"
  13. The sad thing is that idiots would actually buy it.
  14. H2PM


    Living the bachelor life of course. :thumbup:
  15. [hide=For Napalm] Also, get your fat Argentine ass on Steam. [/hide]
  16. And then new guy out of nowhere.
  17. What are you doing hanging around 16 year olds when you're 89?
  18. Nice luck right there. Which reminds me, I got my Sydney Sleeper back. Love that gun.
  19. 1 person = half. Riiiigggght.
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