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Everything posted by Zoov

  1. The depth on the first one is great.
  2. If you can, avoid rock crabs and experiments, there is little wealth to be had. I'd recommend slayer tasks or green dragons. Or you could range blue dragons in taverly dungeon.
  3. My offer is market price, should I go for max?
  4. Zoov


    What's ironic is in your sig the selected picture has a quest cape.
  5. There are never any on the G.E., are some actually in circulation?
  6. Zoov


    You could just try aviansies for a few days.
  7. To me guthan's or verac's would be what to get. Guthan's overall is a good set and useful to have for melee, verac's has nice general use for anything imaginable (pvp, prayer set, good armor).
  8. Do you read the front page?
  9. It's that it's a giant risk now because you always lose your items.
  10. Zoov

    Summer's End

    Finally, I did it. Thanks guys.
  11. Luring the beast is ridiculous, 10 pouches used and no luck. I know exactly what to do and I am doing it. The beast gets right by the cave and enter. When I enter either my summoned creature is gone, or it is following me still, but never a cutscene. Please help!
  12. I have heard 1 of each does the trick. So maybe only 6?
  13. First I have to make 30m for the yews, wow. Only 3m for the maples, is it worth it? In the time I can make 30m I could have 99.
  14. Okay so with maples it looks like almost 100,000 to burn. About 64,000 yews. Either way it seems like a lot, I am impressed by people who do it.
  15. What do most people do for 99 firemaking? Yew logs? I know 99 firemaking is cheap, but buying all the logs would be 30m. Also, buy or chop? How slow is chopping?
  16. It's similar to splitbark.
  17. Put penguin points into it.
  18. Of course slayer is good, you kill stuff in a variety of ways. Assignments just add slayer experience to the mix, always good.
  19. Yes. The Art Bazaar A specific place is this.
  20. You have low ranged, but I think your best bet would be rune crossbow with mithril or adamant bolts (you can't do broad yet). Wear an anti-dragon shield and whatever ranged gear you want. Void gear is fine. Try killing them in taverly dungeon.
  21. I'll be doing a lot of slaying and I want to focus my melee on one stat in order to be closer to a skillcape. Right now I'm at 80 attack, 76 strength, and 81 defense. For awhile I wanted high defense for its uses, but attack is appealing to me now. I am taking skillcape color into considertion as well, but not that much. Oh, anyone who wants to know, I've got 69 slayer. Which do you think I should train?
  22. You could try the art bazaar here in these forums.
  23. I'm assuming they don't work, monkfish were added after the gauntlets. Can anyone verify?
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