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Everything posted by Zoov

  1. In my opinion it's a little too dark, I can't see any details. It looks almost like a silhouette. Unless that's what you were going for. EDIT: Looks nice then definitely!
  2. To Kinggabe, Well, there was a sailboat icon on the highscores for a small amount of time, it couldn't have gotten there on accident. And in this picture the cape looks dark blue and white...a sailing cape no doubt. Or a defense one >.> http://media.photobucket.com/image/sailing%20runescape%20banner/Fuzzy-Chimp-07/RunescapeBanner.jpg
  3. Cooking is easy; buy raw, sell cooked. Takes like a week of just cooking stuff, but it's easy and while you cook you can be "afk" for 30 seconds. Cost is anywhere from 2-4m.
  4. It's a great name. If I had to critique it I'd say it's unoriginal.
  5. Celebrities, at least most of them, don't get where they are playing video/computer games. They either work hard, act snobby doing some activity, or are too busy with their job.
  6. It's going to be a new npc, some nomad in the desert who is too afraid to go check out the discovering of the mahjaratt. To answer your question: It's a map of the temple of light, from Mourning's End part II.
  7. Steel dragons, the obvious choice.
  8. The shorthand symbols could all be sicknesses, a different post demonstrated. Maybe someone gets sick..or something actually relate able to runescape. EDIT: Fishing+mining=inferno adze, but for fishing. OOOOOORRRR you use fishing in order to aid mining, and get a dragon pickaxe.
  9. T and D are both horizontal lines; however, T is in the middle of a column and D is at the bottom, making the last letter a T. Dis written above the line when preceeded by an R. A T would be written directly above the R. Check out the bottom of page 81 and top of page 82 in the Teeline link provided earlier to see it. (http://www.scribd.com/doc/9436925/Teeline-Complete) Those are body parts...=body rune.
  10. If Peter left the stove on, do any of the Petes have a stove? Postie Pete, Party Pete...
  11. The Elemental Workshop 3 could definitely yield a full body suit. In the workshop right now there is a body rune door that's locked.
  12. The new elemental metal could make a whole suit, or maybe we work with dragon.
  13. Oh, dangit! Not another mourning's end quest! I just hope they make it less annoying like their other new quests. At least it'd be the last part of the chain.
  14. Ali the Wise has to do with Curse of Arrav, it could be another installment of the series. Rag and Bone man two sounds disappointing, but maybe a new reward from it will be useful.
  15. Perfect, thank you. :thumbsup:
  16. I remember seeing pixel icons of each skill on the official site awhile back. Is there a list of every one somewhere? Example-
  17. The reason some items are so expensive is because they're rare. If people got them a lot they'd be worth less.
  18. Sawdust. Really, though, I'd say a hatchet. You can chop to make money at level 3, it allows firemaking and fletching, and it's a weapon. Also used in numerous quests.
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