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Everything posted by Zoov

  1. I want to get a black defender but I already have rune, I don't have to destroy my rune, do I? Stupid Jagex.
  2. Attack, because it matches with more stuff. Also strength is a stupid skill.
  3. What does "Ep" stand for?
  4. How about just use whatever you want, obviously there are many good options. There is no guaranteed "best" weapon.
  5. I can't wait to see how it ends up.
  6. Obviously it's the grandmaster quest, While Guthix Sleeps. Just for the prereqs.
  7. Math power :lol: Easiest way definitely.
  8. Tablets with the great orb project work well.
  9. You don't die at aviansies, they're low level and easy. You tank them. Wear something from saradomin, something from zamaorak, and an armadyl pendant (only cheap arma item). The rest should be whatever you want. To be efficient bones to peaches is a must for them. They drop addy bars noted which is where the money comes in.
  10. For spectres does salve stack with helm? It doesn't normally I know.
  11. Well, I am always a fan of money. I've tried all of your methods now, I think I have found my favorite.
  12. Scarf is really rare, you could get it in a few hours if you work well and get lucky. I tried for that and the goggles awhile back, never got anything.
  13. Better gear or higher level. Or switch out your prayer for ranged or vis versa?
  14. I don't consider aviansies multi target because I have an armadyl pendant.
  15. How about fishing! Goes with cooking.
  16. I'm doing aviansies atm. Thanks guys.
  17. I just mean not a cannon/chinchompa suggestion.
  18. I have 80 ranged, leveling up as fast as I can, I'd prefer loot. I was thinking slayer but that's sometimes melee. I am considering black dragons because I don't need potions. What do you think? Needs to be single target. Money is a bonus! Thanks!
  19. At 27 combat it's pretty much impossible unless you have high prayer imo.
  20. It's taking up a bank slot, and if I drop it doesn't tell me about Diango.
  21. Then how do items on the G.E. cost more than that?
  22. Imo they give so much depth.
  23. What's the max? I thought it was 4 something.
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