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Status Updates posted by SlayerMalk

  1. omg congrats on the silentc0re sponsor your famousssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss can i have free stoofs and be in your vids liek plawks <3 your main account banned?

  2. i dont get your pink

  3. grats on finally changing your name.

  4. happy birthday i missed it by 2 days..

  5. darn :/ i thought i was the only one you sent that messge to

  6. OMG VICTORIA~!!!!@!@!@!@!@


  7. Second comment in the new month *second!!!*

  8. can i join your pk clan?

  9. omg 666 profile views!!!!

  10. every day is your birthday silly

  11. i dont wanna watch the world burn >.>

  12. still doing dung? i dont see you on much anymore :(

  13. I sir approve your avatar

  14. O.O omg look a fffaaaccceee!!!!!

  15. its august 21st *points to the birthday on the left part of screen*

  16. *breaths loud and heavily*... Hi

  17. I NOTICED ALL the birthday posts and though i should grats u to

  18. :((( you quit noooo

  19. yup but i didnt go with temple it was parents aniversery so we went for 2 weeks but i can still go through temple for a week (for free) because i technically didnt go in an ogranized group. But i mean there was the western wall, dome of the rock, and (a very significant church that i cant remember the name off) all within an eye sight so its quite diverse

  20. oh hi u talking to me?

  21. i know what half your face looks like does that count

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