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Everything posted by Baconxl

  1. I do too, I think his personality would suit him being more powerful now. Before when he had all that power he was just like a lost puppy but now I think he'd be more bad [wagon] with them which would be cool to see.
  2. If Peter gets turned on by baby Matt Parkman? :lol: I'm not sure anything would happen though since he has a preexisting power but maybe he'd get it back. Sylar did say Danko was a shape shifter but he meant in the sense that he has no personal items at home and is hollow, not an actual shape shifter.
  3. Decent episode, a little lacking in oomph but not in a bad way I thought. I hate Danko even more for teaming up with Sylar now, although they make an interesting team he's just feeding Sylar's addiction and when the time comes Sylar will betray Danko. I find it odd that Bennet keeps giving Angela and Peter chances, he does know what Danko is doing is wrong though so I suppose it makes sense. Not a bad one.
  4. So she's a stupid kid, so what? Charging her as sex offender and putting her in prison would only make it worse. As the person in the article said, she needs help, not legal trouble.
  5. The type of pickup lines you're looking for don't work. Riku's example is basically the best way to get to know someone you're interested in without coming off like a total idiot. EDIT: [bleep]ing sword...
  6. Baconxl


    Uhh, I said Malin, as in Malin Akerman aka Silk Spectre II so I don't see where you get that assumption but k.
  7. Maybe Rebel told him, or HRG contacted Peter and told him where she was and that they're going after her.
  8. He can hack into pretty much anything he wants and you don't think he knows whats going on? Sure he probably doesn't know a lot like about the heroes and stuff although they probably have that on record on their computers so he may very well know. Also, they never said that he knew completely what was going on, he just knew they were in trouble and considering Tracy was the only one he's met he decided to contact her and help.
  9. Dude, are you talking about the end of the second season...? It was future Peter if that's what you're talking about but that was more than a year ago so I'm not totally sure...
  10. Baconxl


    Never actually been bullied, sure there's little crap that everyone gets but nothing I didn't forget about minutes after. People don't really [bleep] with me, it's great.
  11. Think about it though, you run into a room with a bunch of super powered people who are in drug induced comas and you see two of which you know basically right there, you also have to leave quickly and you don't have time to free everyone because if you get caught it ends for everyone else too basically. But yea, the heart-rate monitor flat lined at the end pf the fantasy scene I think. The beginning of the dream thing was pretty lame but I don't think the whole Paris thing was terrible.
  12. *Totally called Micah being Rebel* \ I thought that was a pretty good episode, killed off some unneeded characters and there's some mystery behind the story which makes me want to keep watching. I liked the Tracy martyrdom scene, though I hope that eye twitch in the ice wasn't a hint towards her coming back or anything. Kind of curious about the whole Sylar thing, did he leave Doyle in Danko's apartment? Because there was that thing with him in his apartment with the rabbit at the ending of the last episode. Looking forward to next week's episode. EDIT: She took the people she knew, Matt and Mohinder were pretty much the only ones she knew, she could've released someone who actually shouldn't be released so she played it safe. Also, how was the Matt/Daphne thing bad? He just gave her a nice death, it might've been a little cheesy but I don't think it was bad.
  13. Baconxl


    She wasn't in Sin city...? Besides, I was talking about Watchmen, not Sin City so even if she was in Sin City, what's your point?
  14. Baconxl


    In the book when Rorschach get captured they say he's wearing platform shoes or something which implies that he's shorter and they also refer to him as "runt". Yea, Malin was pretty hot but couldn't act for [cabbage].
  15. Baconxl


    Dude...what? I'll try to give that grammatical disaster a shot I guess, I didn't think he did a terrible job as Veidt, could've been better I suppose but not as bad as Akerman did. Saying he was bad from the previews just based off his costume is ridiculously stupid, sure it was a little lame maybe and a lot different from how it was in the book but it wasn't that bad and it's a pretty stupidly unimportant thing to complain about.
  16. Baconxl


    Right about what?
  17. Baconxl


    He has a point...people are passing judgement before they even see the movie. People who base their opinions off solely how the ads portray him without seeing the movie should "s*** [his] d***." Also, child > movie.
  18. Baconxl


    From what I recall, she was a prototype for the squid that attacked New York. Why would you put a prototype for the squid if you don't even have a squid in this movie? (Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what I recall from the comic, I'm probably wrong about the prototype thing, but I know she had something to do with the squid). Nope, just genetically engineered I believe.
  19. Baconxl


    I don't see where you're going with the Bubastis thing...she was in the book why wouldn't she be in the movie? In the book she is killed as well as in the movie, it wasn't put in for your sympathy, it was put in because it was in the book.
  20. Baconxl


    Yea...music wasn't too great, especially during that sex scene :lol: . Though in the beginning with the credits and various pictures and stuff I thought it fit pretty well, forgot the song though.
  21. Baconxl


    I posted that two pages back #-o oh well...
  22. Baconxl


    Not really, almost of all of the movies that I've cared enough about to buy are rated R which would be my favorite movies, which in my opinion would be the best. So no, not really a silly point, just fact in my case. Also, I've seen more bad films that were rated lower than R than I have that were rated R. I'm not going to do a case study to make my point but you'll find that many rubbish films tend to exploit either cheap sex or violence (which pushes the age rating higher) to try to get some appeal and market their films. Think about films that have been released after being banned and then look at how they're marketed. The whole torture-porn(sensor?) sub-genre falls into the bad films that exploit needless violence category. Alright, I suppose that's true but I was really just saying in my experience it seems to be the case and, going back to what Mc said, 14 is a fine age to be seeing films that are rated R and it shouldn't stop him from seeing a movie like this which doesn't really contain needless violence, though it was amped up a bit from the novel. I suppose that was my point.
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