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Everything posted by Allbot

  1. to get a quest cape u need to do some very hard quest, summers end comes to end. most ppl who say quest cape doesnt require any skill probably havent done this quest. guides only go for far just because u read the guide doesnt mean u can finish the quest easily. none of the skill capes require any skill at all, just patience.
  2. but those pieces arent easy to piece together and theres usually alot of gaps in between. and not all the quests tell pieces of the story, most of them have nothing to with anything. Which is why most Tif'ers get mad because Jagex seems to refuse to end most storylines. God forbid they have to start new ones! It's a frustrating aspect, but you're either gonna keep playing or quit because of it. Make your choice now and save yourself the 5$ membership. '-' yeah it is annoying espacially when they leave the story unfinished for over a year lol. but this isnt something i would quit over, i just want to know what those guys at jagex are thinking when they start a new one while theres 5 unfinished ones.
  3. nice 10/10 but really that all the charms u got for 99 slayer?
  4. so ive been thinking, most other mmo has a deep storyline thats told through major quest and missions like wwo, and guild wars (dunno if many of u know gw). but my point is this, after reading through some articles on runescape wiki (yes i was really bored) i found out that runescape actually have a very deep history (although some parts of it seems very ridiculous like a god "died" because he tripped :lol: *hint zaros*) but only a few quest in runescape actually tell the story, and most of those are unfinished :wall: . so do u think jagex should make maybe a set of primary quest that tells the history of runescape like WGS? i dont know about you but being a rpg i think storyline is the most important part of a game, next to gameplay.
  5. i think they should redo the hp bars, making it more nice looking. i mean thats like the one thing they havent changed since rsc irc. maybe redo the chat too, make the words more nice looking lol, could add a frame to it too.
  6. thx that gives me something to go on, my pure isnt a member yet. but since im getting a little bored on my main might get it soon. starting from the beginning is kinda fun :D
  7. yeah i know but i felt like making a noob :roll: , so any adivce would be welcome. and btw i thought its better for pures not to have prayer?
  8. hi im making a tank pure right now and im wondering what are the best/recommended stats. since i dont pk at all i really have no i idea. i was thinking about getting 99 range/def/mage/hp (way way down the road of course) and should i level prayer.
  9. u need to do the surk miniquest i think
  10. i know u can wear the glory, the boots and the cape, not sure about the familiar
  11. it will change when u get the new crest, except painted herald armors
  12. general chemisty is pretty boring, but i really like organic chemistry i think its kinda fun ;) physics is definetly my worst science i absolutely hate it lol.
  13. lol that sounds like alot of work
  14. the thing that annoy me the most is noobs who half kill blue dragons and expect u to finish it off for them. :wall:
  15. final fantasy X, shadow hearts 2, final fantasy XII just have to kill yazimat lol and get gabranth in the den.
  16. for manga love hina is really good i thought, but blade of the immortal is the best imo even though it is a bit more mature. anime wise evangelion, trigun are all very good
  17. The Sim... Doesn't even have a story!!! It's just normal people living their lives! Are they expecting people to watch people live their lives?!? (Even though that's what you're doing in the game...) Actually, The Sims does have a storyline. (Well, The Sims 2, at least.) really i never knoticed a store when i played sims 2. but 99% of the time movies and games should stay their separate ways. still i would love a final fantasty movie from the main series.
  18. i thought 8 was way too complicated, whats with the junctioning and all that, once u get used to it the combat in 12 is actually really simple. from VII-XII, X-2 is the worst imo, VIII is ok, never played IX. but the rest VII, X and XII are some of the best rpgs ull ever play :thumbsup:
  19. lol DDR rules but u really need a hard pad (the one with the insert) to really enjoy it. if u like rpgs i would recommend these. final fantasy 7,10,12 tactics (7 might be hard to get tho) shadow hearts 2, def best of the 3 disgaea, i just played the first one its like the first video game with great humor, its really funny believe me. zone of the enders 2.
  20. you can just stick with good ol metal dragons, although u might have to bring some extra robe cause its pretty far from the bank.
  21. Hahah, thats so true.. I cant stand the taste of any wine, theres only 1 white wine that i can say is good, its called El Tiempo, very cheap but yet so tasty, fruity mmmmmmm lol same here, most wines are too bitter for me, although my friends and i dont really drink that much wine. beer is more of an aquired taste its ok but vodka is definitly better. Smirnoff green apple takes the cake for me, and x-rated :thumbsup:
  22. i have a very good memory so i mostly just look over notes i took in class, for classes that im too laszy to take notes in i just look ever the textbook. for serious classes tho i usually do some practice problems problems, and i do all of this usually the day before the exam and on the day of the exam. but i have to be on campus to study, cause i will do almost anything at home except studing. lol one time i tried to study at home i ended cleaning up my entire apartment and the dishes and vacumed the whole place :lol:
  23. science has more answers and proofs than any religion does, although the beginning of everything (not just life) still cant be answered. but scientific answers are more logical, i mean what we are now came from billions and billions of years of evalution if more believable than humans being created out of earth in a second by a all powerful god and that he created the entire earth is 6 days. and religion isnt always good, it can be used by people and has been used by poeple for war and what not. plus if you really think about it most religion teaches that there is a life after this one, and most of them says its eternal, now really really think about it, do u really want to live forever? eternal life in its self is the creation of those who are afraid of death.
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