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Everything posted by Seraphi

  1. tell the person not to be lazy and make a tif account... green dragons
  2. wow, awsome information. probably to do with another desert quest. hopefully.
  3. you cannot complete it as it is constrantly updated... aside from that, 200 mil xp in every skill is impossible in one lifetime i suppose you could always give the account through generations, but then your great great grandchild would still only be like 1/4 of the way there :P
  4. i did hear something about a nerf, no confirmation though
  5. my advice: give up or be prepared to fork out 800k per page with junk.
  6. teleports you to slayer locations, apparently
  7. you're planning on tanking so you will likely need barrows legs. might i suggest a monk rob bottem and zammy dh top, then use prayer method?
  8. metal bars and schimitars, and gems, thats about it.
  9. bunyip, as you can use this on *every* slayer task.
  10. good way to kill banshees: use prayer boosting gear, salve ammy, whip, and super attack and strength pots. just put auto retaliate on and browse forums with melee pray on. when they go unaggresive, go back up well and back down you will pay for the prayer pot costs
  11. Does that still happen? Wow :shock: I would of said they would just been trying to hack your account but anyway. Delete them and set it Friends for 10 minutes, by then they would have deleted you as well. happened to me a while ago, somebody asked me "what are your levels and do you have a lot of money?"
  12. Read up on revs similarities to Pkers and then say you doubt it. Okay, they're obviously people with conscious thought. Oh...Wait. Well, they probably have feelings! No on that, too... They choose their equipment? No. They actually wield and use weapons? No. They're st00pid? Yes. as far as i know, pk'ers weren't stupid enough to get stuck behind walls, and revs are., yes, yes they are stupid not like players at all.
  13. chinchompa abuse! dont bother going for baby, young or gourmet imps, they are noob.
  14. at the very least finish your goal before quitting. buy another load of chins, wear rol next time.
  15. 220 blue charms will take an awfully long time without gargoyles or spectres....
  16. a place where there is just darkness, with no heat whatsoever, no hot, no cold, no nothing.
  17. summoning is just as respectable a skill as prayer -.- the question "whats your real combat level" is stupid.
  18. slayer will accumulate slow money, but it will be fun and train 3-4 different stats at once
  19. sumona has most bad tasks filtered out. steel drags, black drags, scabarites, warped tasks..... I'd go for sumona (easy to get to as well, 15 steps from house portal)
  20. NO. SUCH. THING! there will never be such a thing as all money takes time to get. you expect too much, try green dragons.
  21. if i were you, i would use sumona for the 5+ task. less points, but she already has most bad tasks filtered out. eg. scabarites, warped tasks, black dragons, steel dragons. aside from that, use mazchna for the first four
  22. it shouldn't be, but is, summoning is just as respectable as prayer. some people are just stupid.
  23. i was online, then disconnected and cant get back online due to the login server. is everyone having this problem? e EDIT: guess so, 0 players all round..... forum and freindservers are down as well, has the server crashed, or what?
  24. i was online, then disconnected and cant get back online due to the login server. is everyone having this problem?
  25. just for the record, we dont all hate jagex, stop putting words in my mouth. most runescape riots consist mainly of this: no pk no rs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jegax [wagon] no pk no play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ]@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ we pay to pk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! runescape is dead!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ and then ill be thinking "my god, what has happened to the world?" and promptly tele away.....
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