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Everything posted by sibmaster

  1. sibmaster

    Sims 3

    The original sims games captured me more There was just something about the primitive graphics ( compared to modern day standard graphics ) and the old style that just made me play for hours. Cant stand sims 2 But ofcourse, the original sims has its faults that i would love it so much more if it didnt have them, like sims getting stuck in doorways, or stuck in general, or cancelling what you tell them to do if they get blocked off lol.
  2. Most of the time i solve this by turning my 360 on and off. If that doesn't work, it's just a simple matter of waiting until later on lol.
  3. I got it on Nazi Zombies with the PTRS. Nazi Zombies, Huge Group of them coming toards me, used the magnum \
  4. I bet if I ever went on a killing spree(though, I would never. Don't have the heart to), they'd blame the fact I played RuneScape regularly 4 MONTHS AGO. Or maybe, they'd blame the fact I listen to metal. The media will do anything to blame things, won't they? :wall: They will. I play violent games, and watch violent and horrific films sometimes. Have i ever gone on a rampage. NO! That jump in figures scares me slightly
  5. It saddens me that people can do this sort of thing to innocent students and teachers. I can hardly imagine the horror the students witnessed and felt who were in the classrooms where students were shot. Also, to the post above. I hate it when that happens, a mass killing or a murder happens committed by a teenager, and the media immediately go "omg video games caused this ".. .. ..no. usually it's to do with their up bringing ( by their parents, or not their parents in some cases, and how they were treated by other people )
  6. [hide=] This new guy sounds amazing lol I can see runescape being slowly restored to being a great game again.
  7. I was just on GH: WT, and i did the 'Tool' "Gig" for the first time, i have to say, what a load of crap! 3 songs that bored me to tears, with awful singing, and a background (while i was playing) that drove me insane. Tbh i would hardly call that a gig -.- By the end of it i was desperate to play an upbeat song that i can enjoy.
  8. A scaffold bar? My friend has one
  9. Battle Royale One of my favourite films of all time
  10. Yes they are sheep :P What else could it be? Clouds with legs ? :?
  11. sibmaster

    Let it snow!

    I had monday and tuesday off :thumbsup: had a blast then, then we went back wednesday and last night it snowed again!! AND WE HAVE TODAY OFF =D. So out of 4 school days ive been to school once XD. This is the most snow we've had in my area of england for many years lol, im talkin way before i was born XD.
  12. Love that weapon : So powerful....lol
  13. Is this the best rant about this people can come up with? Because it's all i seem to see. For goodness sake, if jagex give some things to f2p the entire members world will NOT collapse.
  14. COD4 One Shot, One Kill - On veteran Just about to win the ambush at the end, see the last guy i have to kill, a dog tackles me and kills me. i honestly had this look on my face. :evil:
  15. I love Domination : I usually get about 35 kills and 5 deaths on it, and get about 500 - 650exp overall in a single match :
  16. For goodness sake! It's a game!! Stop focusing on the fact that it might not be what they drank bak then. This is Runescape, a fictional world. Did they have an old man in a haunted mansion with a machine back then?? NO? Didn't think so. And btw, yes people did drink water back then.
  17. I'd only recommend not having the "unlimited trade" thing... Imagine if someone gets hacked. Just like if someone had willingly sold the account, there would be a giant RWT hole there. :| Other than that, everything = fine. :thumbsup: ~D. V. "Again, sorry for the damper." Devnull I see your point now, i have edited it to a 100k limit. Hope this satifies people that ranted about that before.
  18. This sounds quite interesting actually, you have my support. To solve the whole day and night things with places that are permanently in night or day: places like the desert can be put in the dark because believe it or not, they do have night in the desert :o . Places like Morytania could probably stay as they are, because it wouldn't suit daylight tbh lol.
  19. Errm..Just NO! +5 health AND 25% energy restored JUST for water!!?? Overpowered much? Water on the game is so easy to get hold of, 10 glasses of water in inventory..endless run ftw? It should be restricted to regenerating about 5 health and nothing else.
  20. Bump I forgot about this thread i made and thought i would give it one last chance. Has anyone else got any opinions on this ? Anything is welcome, as long as it is a structured opinion.
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