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Everything posted by Demoli

  1. Allright, finally getting around to doing 3 out of my 4 scythe story missions available, here's my thoughts. Bethan the Botanist: Hubhub, the Whaler: Tomlim, the Missionary
  2. I'd get rid of the Speed carachter, Whalerider, one Chimera and Palmist and get a Soothsayer, a third Solidarity and 2 Witches.
  3. So, what hve they dont ro Randoms? I haven't gotten one in 3 days, have they changed the mechanics?
  4. I don't mind that, I'll not be doing king on release due to the forseeable problems and bugs, so I'll do the tasks til things are ironed out.
  5. Well what do you want? A boss designed around lvl 90 combat stats using 'appropriate gear'? The monster has to be doable with slightly lower gear than it drops otherwise it'd be stupid as you wouldn't be able to get the gear in the first place. Are you saying a combat 160 player (with 80 attack, str and def) is supposed to go to KK and get drops he can't even use? That's how bossing for higher tiers work. They are designed for the tier below the tier of weapons they drop, so that you can upgrade your gear and have something to look for when training up your stats. Having the boss designed around the tier of armour/weapons he uses causes the problem of no one being able to kill it consistently to supply the damn weapons themselves, causing supply constraint and the inability to hunt the boss properly for months.
  6. I named my ships "Lade Pearl" and "The Lusty Tentacle" I had my 2nd as "The Frivolous Guthix, but changed it to:
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCXXmk1Jph8 Looks great, there was also the reveal of a Second Kalphite Queen, without updating the old one's visuals, odd. Aimed at groups of 10, can't wait!
  8. Missionary seems to prefer bones and Assassin definatly prefers Spices.
  9. could people that have finished sory missions please post the plot in spoiler tags? I'm very curious on how some storylines develop but im not being able to do them recently.
  10. I'll have to adress the rudder situation and say that that's not true at all. The rudder is NOT a flat decrease in time, but it does add to speed. The thing is, you would most likely already hit the first speed thresghold with a 2.5k chimes captain and a Bureaucrat anyways, and since you will need these 2 units to achieve good success rates, the rudder is not that useful unless you don't have either. Source: I just bough the enchanted Rudder, it decreased time by 2 minutes, would rather have spent the wood on a new hull or deck upgrades. I did finally get a Fortune of the sea though, and activated it on my main ship. Sent that ship with a merchant on a 200 cherrywood mission, can't wait for the results *drool*
  11. One of these skills will be sailing, even though they said they might name it differently. With the release of Ports, there is 0 chance one of the new skills is sailing, I'd make a ban bet on that much
  12. Overseer is definatly worth it since the Hook doesn't have it's own Overseer, which means Scythe's has not only higher base stats than a lv 7 Skull overseer at level 0, but also a way higher Solidarity bonus. Merchant is debateable though, I have 2 Scythe merchants and I kind of regret it since I could have gotten a couple more lv4 crew.
  13. So, do we know what a Judge of Dice is? I still haven't seen any info in him.
  14. That's not quite right. Every area has it's own Speed, combat, morale, seafaring and Golem unit. Then some have the Merchants, others the Good Fortunes and others the Solidarity (Hook didn't have Solidarity, Scythe doesn't have Good Fortune and Skull didn't have Merchant). So far it looked like each zone had an unlockable island with Rallying Cry units, but on Scythe, the unit has Resurect, however the Scythes extra island also has a new carachter claled "Judge of Dice", but no one has reported the stats or the traits.
  15. I can't stress enough just how good Breaucrats are, their boosts are insane and theyn can do prety much any mission, most valuable unit for sure.
  16. They are quite rare though, I've had 10+ randoms and I still only have 1 bottom row upgrade (Glasses)
  17. For those wandering, the island "Winds Home" unlocks 2 carachters: Sea Witch and Judge of Dice. The Sea Witch ability is called ressurect, and revives the party member with the stats it had before he died, btu he no longer gains exp. Aparently it's bugged, since it nerfs the stats. No one knows what the Judge does yet, he may be the Rallying Cry Unit. Edit: Pic of the revived carachter:
  18. If there's one thing I hate is that the bulding upgrades barely change with the upgrades. The Wherehouse only adds the puffer lanter, and at lv 3 it lights up, really sad about that.
  19. Also, if you have a bit of money, Royal Xbow is the best crossbow curently in the game, alongside royal bolts (very cheap for their power)
  20. 3rd day in a row without any lv3 Morale Crewman. Why must you hate me ports, all I do is love you yet you slap me over and over...
  21. I shall also add that for combat, if you are using abilities, 2H weapons have higher dps than both 1h+shield and dual wielding. Godswords are better than vine whip+ eee and dual cls for example, same deal with saradomin sword and Zamorakian. Ranged also falls to this paramether. As for Mage, there's still a debate whether or not a staff (Armadyl Bstaff is the best non degradeable) or wand+shield (Virtus>Master>Ahrim's) is the best using abilities since autoattacks function differently, but Wands seem to be superior. If using mommentum, provided the same tier, they should be the same dps.
  22. It's just a small bonus on the unit. The others have +0% because you are comparing them to the captain.
  23. I lost my level 6 slate golem today, and around 300 gunpowder. Finished the Botanist's 3rd story trip, she got poison from the sea orphans leader after rescuing him from teh Lartern clan or something, certainly not as entertaining as the assassin's or Psycho Missionary.
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