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Everything posted by dangelo

  1. the whole idea is only us l33t people can get in :P A day of alching got me the costume so not hard to do! Have fun Only saw Range11 and redneck wearing hawtness today
  2. Lots of alchers but no one in the hawt outfit :wall: :boohoo: :-s :shame:
  3. Tripsis... you I dont see anyone alching in it atm though :x
  4. Wasnt really a costume thread. Just wanted to psot a few pictures of that Can we have old topic back pplease?
  5. Cool pic dark Get the HNCA costume on and come to 99 edge though :P
  6. I hope so too :oops: Then ill be famous!!
  7. The story Me and 4 other tipiters where alching outside that lovely bank in edgeville when I thought to myself, "wouldn't it be cool if we all looked the same" So to cut a short story short, I made everyone change their outfit to the hot little number below. Camo helmet Mime Top Fire Staff/ Fire battlestaf/ lava staff etc etc [any red one :P ] Lederhosen Shorts Mime Boots Gloves of your choice NO AMMY OR CAPE Did you see us? Do you want to join us in our alching? Leave your comments below and if you are now going to alch in this outfit! LEAVE A PICTURE OF YOURSELF ALCHING! Current Hot New Costume Alchers [HNCA] x own ftw x v redneck v bpk wolfen puck104 [still waiting on bottoms!] Homie love35 Coaandca5 Lawlmahbawls Range this11 Dobby004 69inchofpain Brandiho0 There are more to come, just not sure on exact names.
  8. in my opinion i still own you nub ty for cash for mage cos im too skint love you
  9. Meh. I quit just after you so you win :x Added you to msn...hope you dont mind. Had some fun times pking with daedra and atf you nub! Have fun irl
  10. Hai nub Long time with no proper talk. I hope you have my nub added. Hope to see you in the future with nicer stats k? From one of your oldest friends :P
  11. I think I have missed some recent dramas at world 99 :-# GL on your goals morph. Don't know what happened...don't care. OFF TOPIC: You came back from holiday earlyer b 50 2
  12. NPC Name: Some random numbers and letters NPC Level: 3 or sometimes 4 NPC Location: Yew tree's NPC Type (giant, dragon, human, etc.): Human Other info: Cuts trees all day and all night and then sell them on e-bay Skill name:Autoing Skill features: 24/7 RS Skill pros: you don't have to do anything Skill cons: Against the rules. Everyone will hate you. Blah blah Other info: I hope all you autoers get banned =D>
  13. neeb Stop changing your goals :P Just stick to one and then go do it and give me all your stuff TY Good luck
  14. What do kids learn at school these days? What I find weird is how nothing at pc drops anything. Where does it all go? Is it a magical island where bodys dont de compose?
  15. If i could vote for the worst I would say PC Pures are nothing these days.... Best ones though: Stronghold - F2pers got something for once even though im not f2p Construction - Waste our money good...brings up prices more :P Dragon Autoers - Cheaper bones and hides....fun when you wanna kill things
  16. I've had a 33 second getting into world 2 Wait the 33 seconds then "this world is full" :(
  17. Don't feel the need to tell anyone. Really couldn't care less what people say though. My brother and sister hassle me though :P If you don't let rs take over you life, its ok :)
  18. I read the whole post :shock: I just want to get a clue thats worth more than 200k for once :x
  19. Looks fun :o Nice find Stop being rude to people b 50
  20. Poker would be fun. If your playing with "fake" money, I wonder if it still has to be 18+ :shock: Raising rs to 18+ would be nice though :P
  21. Hum Blueboy86 or something like that helped me so much on my first day of classic. Showed me around, gave me full iron, always helped me really. I did have my colour set too low for the first few days though, so I didn't really remember much of it :oops:
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