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Everything posted by True_Ownage

  1. Any video that was made? Maybe? Could help you bro. :D
  2. The doosh copied the template from another topic? LOL. Nice one Infi. 8-)
  3. Nice win, bet it was a surprise to see a big cluster of people outside after the war. LOL! "Hi SoW" :D
  4. Another fantastic pull RT. :thumbup:
  5. Where was my invite? :wall: Great job DF, see Turrets could be the map for you. ;)
  6. Couldn't make it, but signed into lead a big cluster war going down later on in the day. : Result made me proud.
  7. Nice win, Eclipse are very good in matched wars.
  8. haters everywhere i go, haters, haters. :thumbdown: LOL. Much love.
  9. You pull a lot more than MANY other clans outside the top ten that PvP. The best experience you can get is just getting out there and doing it. If you do want to do this then by all means get in touch with me, i have many ideas for TWR PvP wars / JOINT Pk's etc. Sure, I'll pm you sometime. :thumbsup:
  10. Hey, not saying we not gunna, just saying we're waiting for some clan growth and probably some more experience before doing so. :thumbup:
  11. Unlucky DF, your pulls are getting better though, good to see. :thumbup: Nicely done CR, looking forward to negotiating a war with you guys some time.
  12. Well how are clans with a combat average ranged from 100-110 with 100 opts able to survive against clans with combat average 120+ and 200 opts? Sorry, but as a leader of a 95+ clan, I'm not gunna stick a sign over our heads saying: "FREE RUNE HERE" when the majority of our pulls are in the level 90-100 zone. So, what are we waiting for? Clan growth in combat levels and numbers.
  13. Who's side would you take/who would you remove from the chat if the flaming was equal? Why?: I would personally ask both members to leave to cool down, or simply mute the clan chat for a little bit whilst trying to find out the whole story. The only time I'd kick someone is if they are wrong and continue to flame, you have to have trust in your clan members to make the right decisions and not flame back and instead let a moderator/leader deal with the situation. What if your ex member was the one taking most of the flames/insults and your member was the one dishing the most out, who's side would you take? Why?: I would hear both sides to the story, before taking any sides. I would only pick sides if someone is clearly correct, I like to take evidence from other members to make sure there are no liars. However, I would most likely punish both, or at least warn the clan member about a possible demote if the flames are bad, but if someone was to lie about it when telling the story, then they would receive the bigggest punishment and I'd lose trust in them, therefore taking the other persons side.
  14. Great ending. :thumbup: (Pssssst. Dark. This is how you write a topic)!
  15. Well I came into this war expecting little, and was impressed with our pull. 70+ next war please. : Gf. Was fun for the 15 seconds or so I was alive. :lol:
  16. Would be nice if there were more BH worlds so I could actually take LGZ into PVP without being ripped by a bigger, better clan. Jagex are trying though, perhaps not enough?
  17. 2:10-2:13 of the vid, shows members from both Ds and Pl outta bounds. But the Ds member says to the Pl member "U left bounds", hmm......
  18. Saturday. ;) And of course, when you guys are good and ready give us a shout.
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