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Everything posted by Grim_

  1. Suit yourself, I intend to go a slightly different route though (as in having 1,000 or so pounds set aside as "wheel greasing money"). I find it mildly disturbing that I'm the only one of the reporters who actually has a camera though.
  2. Part of the PI image mostly. Honestly resistance that smg has to have both an insanely large clip and a relatively slow rate of fire if it's fully automatic. Icu, just go with a concept you think is cool, like I intend to play mine as a mixture of inspector Hercule Poirot, Rockford from the Rockford files, Jules from Pulp fiction and Hunter S Thompson.
  3. Righto. Nom/Name: Jean Pierre Poirot (J.P. Poirot) Domaine de ses activités journalistiques/Area of journalistic interest: Criminal reporter/activités criminels. Bio/Biographie: Jean Pierre Poirot is, for lack of a better term, a gumshoe (in all connotations of the word). He got his private eye license shortly after graduating from high school and tried to break into the business of investigation. Jean did well, at least as well as could be expected in a city like gothbeef, which was filled to the brim with like minded PIs all looking to become rich and famous from the next big story. For a time he was satisfied with the life he led, living out of his office and working as effectively a spy for jealous husbands, wives, children and all other people of differing creeds. It didn't take long, however for him to chafe at doing the same old job (occasionally for the same damned stupid client) again and again (not to mention the distinct lack of dames). The one upside of the years spent as a PI was that it helped him get a job (low paying as it was) with the Governor (or Gov as he has taken to calling him) as well as giving him the skill set and just as importantly, the contacts to do the job well. He is currently sitting in his office apartment, smoking a cigar, wearing jeans, a grey t shirt, his usual trenchcoat with his .38 magnum six shooter in one pocket and his old camera in the other, waiting for news from any number of associates.
  4. It should be noted that paradox is having a bit of a steam sale right now (their strategy pack is 75% off).
  5. That is not how one wins a war, power of positive thinking and all that. At any rate, don't you at least have a navy or something along those lines?
  6. Yep, fair warning though, an air force might have been a good buy.
  7. Only way to play the game in my humble opinion. Hence why I recommend a gun like the brush gun or the trail carbine (with the scope) that has fairly plentiful ammunition or is really deadly, and is fairly versatile. The only guns that aren't really worth it (at least in my opinion and in hard core mode) are the miniguns, the lmgs and the smgs (because ammo actually weighs something).
  8. There are some fairly good revolvers iirc, one of the unique ones gives a bonus to damage and to crits. Oh and just as a general tip, if you go in guns blazing you will die, quickly (taking enemies one at a time preferably from a sneak attack seems to work best). Oh and if and when you go up against the higher ups in the legion and the NCR go armed for bear (revolvers generally aren't going to cut it, you will probably want something like a brush gun), because veteran rangers (in their armor) are [bleep]ing terrifying (same with centurions and praetorians (well less so for them)).
  9. Max out agility and luck. Then max out guns. There is pretty much nothing that can take incendiary anti materiel rounds to the head. The varmint rifle is surprisingly good in the early part of the game, but as soon as you can get one, I'd advise getting a trail carbine or a service rifle.
  10. Mather that's OOC, in general you shouldn't use anything like that in game unless the other person said it was also delivered to your country/leader/whatever.
  11. They're not Italian, I am simply keeping with the grand tradition of naming your projects after something in a certain mythology. For instance, Uriel is the Archangel who (at least from my knowledge) guards over the sun.
  12. Most of them are, Amatheon to be particular (the only ones that aren't for public funding are Gemini, Persephone, Durendal and Uriel) though many of them are just maintenance. Hell if you read up a bit on the names you should be able to deduce roughly what the projects are about. Resistance, a defensive alliance and a guarantee of autonomy is a simple act and does not significantly alter the political clime. It just means that we both can call upon the other to aid us if we are invaded or someone is attempting to subjugate us. EDIT: Retech, so you control France but not Germany then?
  13. Very well, time to get down to the crunch. Italy enters into a defensive alliance with France, both guaranteeing each other's autonomy from outside powers (this would be the third year I was working to this end, so sue me). Italy has roughly 600.0 billion dollars to work with. Research is started on several projects that are to be listed here. Project Gemini: 1/30 30/30 billion dollars paid Project Persephone: 1/45 45/45 billion dollars in funding paid. Project Durendal: 1/20 30/30 billion dollars paid Project Uriel: 1/20 40/40 billion dollars paid Project Amaethon: 1/X 25/X billion dollars paid Project Nammu: 1/20 20/20 billion dollars paid Project Badb: 1/20 20/20 billion dollars paid Project Enki: 1/15 20/20 billion dollars paid Project Lugh: 1/15 40/40 billion dollars paid Totaling to 280 billion dollars in funding to projects. with 320 billion dollars remaining. 100 billion dollars is slated to reinforce critical industries (weapons manufacturing among others) With 220 billion remaining from that. 100 billion is used to rebuild the Italian army (the start of the process, more figures will be added later) With 120 billion remaining. 100 billion is invested in the Italian air force (again more figures will follow) with 20 billion remaining.
  14. It's 10% of your PPP GDP (look it up on wikipedia) again, mather tries to do some [cabbage] to (at least in my opinion) give him self an advantage over those others who don't use his system.
  15. Yes it is how the game works, its a reasonable action that is being ridiculously exaggerated. Also you can't kindly ask me to GTFO because then it isn't kind. How the [bleep] is the original hegemony relevent? I'm acting reasonably and to the rules., I'm not going to act differently because you're nostalgic. Please post the formula you're using for budget. He's using population, average income from jobs and tax rate to generate his own GDP. I would say that that method is flawed because YOU'RE COUNTING CHILDREN IN YOUR POPULATION. CHILDREN DO NOT WORK. ERGO THAT METHOD IS STUPID AND SKEWING YOUR RESULTS. JUST USE 10% GDP LIKE THE REST OF US. EDIT: Italy supports the autonomy of France and begins talks with France about a defensive alliance.
  16. Italy spits on your feeble oriental blood (and lies, can't forget the lies).
  17. Dibs on Italy, now I only need to get a supply of fancy hats. EDIT: The hats have been procured. Begin obligatory speech from: Benito Corleone-Marcone-Botticelli-Marinara-Sovrano-Svorza Benito enters from the right of the stage to an avalanche of applause; maybe because he is the newly elected Prime Minister, and maybe because he seems to have been taking Stalin-esque measures against his political opponents and rivals, both real and imagined; though they all got the same treatment from his so called "red shirts", vicious gangsters supporting him in exchange for some unknown boon. He pauses beneath the Italian flag and with a single tear noticeably streaking down the right side of his face, he salutes it (an odd move for a man with no military service, though no one called him on it at the time). He walks towards the podium and holds up a hand to stop the nervous applause (for what else can a man give when he thinks his life is on the line?) and silence flooded the auditorium. He began to speak, in a rather unremarkable tenor "Friends, citizens, country men, it is good to see you on this fine day. I come flush with not just victory, but ideas; new and spreading through my head like so many shooting stars. My friends, I am afraid; not for myself of course, but for Italy, for (dramatic pause) Rome and for Europe as a whole. For too long have we languished fat on the work of our fathers when the Saracens and orientals built up power over our heads. For too long have we let our empathy and compassion cloud our judgment. For too long have we let scum come into our homes, and take our work from under our children's feet only to breed like rabbits with a hormone imbalance. I say no, this should not and shall not stand, I call to the french, the Germans, The Spanish, the dutch and all others who have claim to Europe. Italy shall be for the Italians, let Europe be for the Europeans. To further these aims, I am extending an offer of defensive alliance to all countries in Europe, so that we may stand tall, and stand together. I'll edit in the stats later. (Not too shabby for a facist dictator's speech if I don't say so myself).
  18. I just bought Vicky II on steam, I'll check it out and hopefully be able to pick it up around as quickly as I am EUIII.
  19. I'd be up for it sooner or later if anyone else is. I've been getting back into the groove of things as milan, and then I find out exactly how [bleep]ing irritating austria can be. They get a new leader, cancel our alliance and then invade with backup from poland and bohemia. Surprisingly I was able to get a white peace with aid from venice, croatia and a [cabbage] tonne of mercs (level 6 colonel don't fail me now) as well as a surprisingly high military tradition from conquering most of Italy. EDIT: [cabbage], confused the dates. disregard this post.
  20. Does anyone know if anyone has actually finished the Jihad challenge in EUIII? EDIT: To clarify the Jihad achievement in EUIII Divine Wind is to conquer all of Europe, Asia and Africa and convert them to the Sunni faith. All. As. Najid.
  21. I've acquired it and am waiting for it to go on sale before purchasing it on steam (and spending a bit of time getting used to EU3 again).
  22. Hehehe, just started playing EUIII again, and I forgot exactly how much fun [bleep]ing around while waiting for your colonial ventures to come in is. Especially when playing as portugal allied with castille. It gets even more fun when you have the pope under your command; I started randomly excommunicating the tiny one province nations in germany.
  23. Ye olde medieval fantasy LARP. They also, strangely enough, did humans vs zombies as well. It was all pretty damned fun, the really relaxed rules made it much more so (as long as you don't draw blood you're fine). EDIT: I'm too cheap to go to a brothel.
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