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Everything posted by Mio

  1. I have a few, Most of them are fighting (Suspension) and Abotu 2 days ago, Went for a cigarette, teacher came so we all ran out through the bush through a hole in the fence into a farmers field, Sprinted as far as i could all the way to the other side of the Field (The other side of the bushes) and teh bell went. I though' Damn! Went out the bush and walked down to school, the teacher knew everything what we did and Now i have 2 Break detentions, 2 Lunch detentions and a after school for going out of school.
  2. Made him a Cup of tea and gave my mum the money to buy him 24 beers. ;)
  3. i went to go buy some Skittles about a month ago and the vending machine swolled my money... So i decided to punch the vending machine, Cracked the glass D: But I win! I got My skittles!!
  4. I don't do weighlifting, But i do do chin ups :P I weigh 9 stone ish and I can do around 50 Chin Ups in one go, Have a 5 min break do another 50 etc, Until i get to the 500 mark and thats me done. :D
  5. I would never get into Rap, i don't like the beat to it and all it is about now is Guns, Cars and girls..
  6. :D Good job for the first day!! My mate did something simular' But he quit.. Good luck!
  7. I Used my name (Miokie) With every game i play/played since using it around 7 years ago, So this will be no different. ;)
  8. About 4 of my friends know I play runescape, and they do too' and we're around the 15 year old age :P But i don't tell anybody else i play it. If somebody asks me i'd say yeah i used to play it when i was abit younger and see where it goes from there..
  9. Wow... :o What are you planning on spendign them all on? Or just for collection purposes? :P
  10. A packet of cheese and onion crisps that has been in my draw for around a year now... My mate gave them to me and made me promise never to throw them away... >.
  11. Well I already know HTML, Pawn and a bit of C++ so ill give it ago of learning Java... Thanks guys.
  12. Does anybody know what Programs jagex used for runescape? I'm intrested in learning in them... Thanks, Miokie. p.s I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this...
  13. He would be the skin color of where his area where he lived and His Mum and Dads Skin color... So i think Arab, Dark Skinned.
  14. Mio

    Emo kids.

    Emo - A person that dresses dark, Doesn't Like there life/things to do with there life. Self-Harmer - Totally different to Emo, Somebody thats gone to the extent of hating there life or something thats happened, so they Harm there self. One of my dads mates when he was younger formed Schizophrenia and cut his wrists, Does that make him an Emo when he was to me a happy person? There is a destinct difference between Emo and Self Harming. Edit: Skin fit Jeans - They are not Emo at all, they we're introduced By Punks in the 1970/80's.
  15. Mio

    Quitting Smoking.

    Nicotine is in tobacco, A Tobacco plant is basically a nicotine plant... I like the suggestions guys I've not had a cigerette for a good 13 hours now. But I have real bad cravinsg at the moment so im trying my hardest to keep a cigerette away from my mouth. I don't like going cold turkey its hurting my stomach...
  16. Mio


    I smoke it quite abit actually... Personally I think if alcohol is leagle the use of cannabis is, With alcohol you get drunk and it can effect alot of things for example you become more 'mouthy' when you drink alcohol and the 'mouthyness' can cause fights, but with cannabis you smoke it, it gets you chilled out and sometimes abit giggely and mongy (Mongy is a term for when you smoke weed you feel like you cba to do anything). So yeah Leaglizing cannabis would make the U.K a whole lot nicer place IMO. :]
  17. Mio

    Quitting Smoking.

    Im quitting smoking with my mum whos been smoking for around 15-20 years... and to the 'play more runescape' thing, I have noticed that when ever im doing something on runescape like a quest or doing something this isn't repetative it usually keeps my mind off smoking. Thanks guys for all the advice and comments...
  18. 1. My Name is Jack. 2. I'm a very paranoid person. 3. I'm from England. 4. I'm a skateboarder. 5. I have anger issues.
  19. Mio

    Quitting Smoking.

    Thanks guys, I tried quitting smoking a year ago and it felt like i was getting punched in the stomach every craving... But i like the idea of getting slapped in the face, Might have to try that... :]
  20. Chavs, In my opinion, Are people that can't fight alone they have to have their 'Crew' to 'back them up'. They act 'Cool' by carrying knifes and in some occasions guns. They bully people that aren't the same as them usually goths, emos, skaters, punks etc... The english 'Naughtys' (2000 - 2010) is basically the decade of chavs just like other decades where there was a trend. Chavs usually wear Burberry and tracksuits (They look like they are wearing night wear to me) also wearing alot of jewlerry. Imo, I HATE them with a passion.
  21. Well, I'm quitting smoking tommorow after smoking for 2 years, anybody quit smoking before and have some advice? (Non of that chewing-gum/patchs stuff becuase they don't work for me) Thanks!
  22. Tbh.. If theres going to be a third video, I can't wait to see it. Best Hyrbid PvP Vid ive ever seen... keep up the owning.
  23. Thanks i'll keep them in mind when i get a couple more mil.. ;D Any idea what i can do with 1m atm thou?
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