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Everything posted by FirenLazah

  1. If they did a trailer of the actual grinding this game has, it'd be pretty boring. 3 minutes of some guy chopping a tree.
  2. I hope its something like that as well.
  3. Made in the game engine..wow. Lol at people thinking the graphics still look bad. Have you forgotten this is a browser based java written game?
  4. Am I supposed to be clicking "plant!" to start it? Because that seems to do nothing Wow. Im so blind. Nevermind
  5. I could care less. I don't pk, and Im fine with the grand exchange.
  6. I like the sound of "Torva" tbh. Not sure we need another set of hp increasing armour, guthans is fine.
  7. Umad? Posts like these make me facedesk. Honestly... Actually I laughed :P
  8. Seemed like this took ages soloing 70% of the time..
  9. I'll get back to the woodcutting mojo after I finish some other goals :D grats
  10. Well I never really do hardcore combat and boss monsters, so this is pretty nice.
  11. Why the hell was this 5 year thread bumped?
  12. Jagex needs to stop ruining skills like they did to woodcutting and runecrafting. oh and mining. Well not "ruin" the skills, but ruin it for the people who leveled them the hard way...
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