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Everything posted by yuyu13

  1. Nice barely used any brews :thumbup: Nah, I take 11 brews per trip. I take far too much damage. -.-
  2. That's how I train dungeoneering. The xp rates aren't as good as doing 5:5 larges, but they're much more enjoyable. Last time I trained dungeoneering (about three weeks ago) I got ~11k xp per floor for my c6 mediums, which took me around 20-25 mins max to do, to give you an idea of how much time this will take you.
  3. In the time spent getting the bonecrusher, you could easily get an amount of money greater than the amount of money you would have saved by using the bonecrusher. It's not worth getting.
  4. So I decided to take a break from smithing for a bit... [hide=Large pics] [/hide] I agree with you about the crash. 26.5m for claws and a slice =/ Edit: Thanks Quagsire.
  5. Yeah, I've done a bit of TDing with a unicorn, but not in a while.
  6. What would be the best set up considering: I have 85 prayer. I have no chaotics. I have all three void sets but no deflector. I have 10-15m to spend on supplies/gear. Thanks. ~yuusuke-u
  7. This is really annoying me -.- Edit: Read through the rest of the thread, glad to hear that they are fixing with the next update. Can't wait for it.
  8. I'm just looking at it as a spec weapon. So far it sounds like use over claws for metals, but claws for everything else.
  9. How does the Korasi's Sword perform for slayer? On monsters with high defence and low defence? How does it compare to Dragon Claws (I expect claws to be better, but by how much?) and the DDS? All advice is appreciated. Thanks. ~yuusuke-u
  10. You're half right. IIRC let's imagine that your workers mine 50.5 coal a day. If you check after 1 day, This will be rounded down to 50 coal, however if you check after 2, it'll be 101 coal. That's exactly how it works. All numbers are truncated when collected, so longer time periods allow those decimals that would normally be ignored to become a resource you would receive. There is a difference, but it is slight.
  11. yuyu13


    Using a yak would mean that you can bank all of the bones, hides, etc. I would most certainly take it over a unicorn.
  12. Most slayer tasks will get you somewhere between 15k and 20k experience. The time depends greatly on what tasks you get and how you do said tasks, so hourly rates are hard to provide.
  13. I don't like the boots, but the rest of it looks quite nice.
  14. I haven't been to DKS in about a month and a half, but over the summer I managed around 1.5-2m average hourly profit soloing Rex.
  15. Still working on my Prayer fund, so piety will have to do. Thanks.
  16. Thanks for the help, guys. Any advice on Dark Beasts? Am I right in thinking I should just protect melee and piety them?
  17. Would that be cannoning them in the Wilderness portion of the Edgeville Dungeon?
  18. I don't particularly need to do Waterfiends, seeing as I'm already 99 Summoning. Same deal for Black Demons; the only positive note I've heard about them is they have a decent crimson drop rate. I'm leaning towards keeping Skeletal Wyverns or Fire Giants unblocked and blocking the others at the moment.
  19. Right, which of the following would be the best to block and why, considering I have 99 Summoning, maxed melees, 92 Herblore, 85 Prayer, and am currently working on getting a chaotic rapier? Black Demons Fire Giants Kalphites Living Rock Creatures Skeletal Wyverns Waterfiends Also, what is a good setup for Dark Beasts. I'll be getting 90 Slayer in the near future and would like to know the best way to tackle these. Finally, is there any good place to cannon Hell Hounds (resource dungeon?) and if so how does the xp rate compare to killing in Kuradal's cavern. Thanks, ~yuusuke
  20. Hatchets have really come down a lot. O_o I miss the 2m hatchets and the 6m zerkers. Unspam: The pic's old but hey. I like my summoning.
  21. I've been ftp for the last three weeks or so, and probably will be for another few weeks. Because of this, I haven't really been playing because I'm really not sure what to do. The only ftp skills I'm interested in leveling at the moment are prayer, ranging, and dungeoneering. I've done a bit of dungeoneering, but I find that it's quite annoying seeing as I can't use my bound items (as they're member items) and am getting rather sub-par xp. I'd like to keep playing, but I just can't think of anything to do. If anyone could suggest some fun ftp activities or something to do, I would much appreciate it. Just don't suggest pking, I find ftp pking rather bland and I doubt there will be many people around my combat level anyways.
  22. shields degrade faster than weapons. but weapons only degrade by about 60k gp/hour in single way combat. 120k if being attacked by 2 enemies, 180k by 3, 240k by 4, etc. it's not often that you'll be in a situation where your weapons/shields will actually degrade at 200k per hour. the knowledge base entry about 200k/hour is wrong. Good to know. Still working slowly on my rapier so all I have to base it on is the KB and hearsay. 60k per hour is really cheap.
  23. Well, over 200k an hour then. Another reason to get the arcane instead. Do you know roughly how much faster?
  24. Sorry to steal the thread, but could anyone provide a good inventory for the void+rapier+turm+olv method? I want to try it out after I get my rapier and turmoil (and I get my mems back >.>).
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