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Pie Naple

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Everything posted by Pie Naple

  1. There you go, this is a re-post from my other thread i've made, dunno if anyone submitted these updated pics: Here's the Castle Puzzle :)
  2. PS, I know it looks broken, but blame Jagex for that :P
  3. There ya go :) EDIT: Here's the Castle Puzzle :)
  4. I got 99 attack yesterday, no party not nothing. Just shrugged it off and went on training Strength. And i only got one gratz for it in a pretty busy clan chat. Achievements in Runescape are not what they used to be. Now if you get a corp drop, I'd say that's still pretty dam impressive and worth spamming a clan chat with.
  5. I've been paying for my own membership on the current account for about 2 and 1/2 years. I've never canceled it. Even recently after not playing Runescape for 164 days, I was still paying for the membership automatically with my card, knowing that I would still at least be supporting the game. And yeah, I only pay like £3/month for it because of that. And really, it's not that much to keep the developers supported.
  6. I could have gone...but my 18th birthday is 6 days after the event..fml
  7. Haha, and it's actually something that may work: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/7882505/Armour-made-from-bullet-proof-custard.html n_n
  8. Well, I'll just let you read the article... http://www.newsweek.com/2010/02/18/history-in-the-remaking.html What do you think? Could this mean that we were wrong about so many things?
  9. It's better "Than" not "Then" :) Nice guide, I'm going to go and check them out for you sometime and then post back with ideas. My current plan is trying void with bunyip and see how that turns out.
  10. Mhm, nice :D Wonder what the rest look like o_o
  11. Hey tif, I recently got really into D&B and would like some suggestions on good and popular songs to download. Links to youtube etc would also be very helpful. I'm currently listening to Netsky, Breakage, Disrupted Minds and Pendulum. Oh and I'd prefer either songs with heavy drumming, singing or both :) P.S - Turn this into a D&B discussion thread as well if you wish, if there isn't one already. Thankies ;)
  12. WTF! That's just as bloody weird! How do people get away with this :/
  13. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1498870/ Been rated REALLY badly, but I just want to see it for the kicks. Anyone else watched it/what's your view on it?
  14. http://www.escapemotions.com/experiments/flame/#top If you look at the galeries, people have made so cool stuffs. See what you can make!
  15. Pie Naple

    iPhone 4

    I've been texting in both English and Russian on my iPhone 3G for god knows how long. I see almost no difference in difficulty tbh :/ He probably means that texting is hell when you don't have T9 :rolleyes: . That alone is reason enough not to buy it, I have big fingers. Yes but depending on how you tap on the screen will depend on whether you can type. I mean, you don't have to press with your whole finger, just the very bumpy end on the fingerprint area is enough.
  16. Can you see it now? Uploaded with imageshack this time. And I'm just saying, age can be quite a difference when it comes to art :) It's the difference between how I've improved over the years when it came to art :)
  17. Pie Naple

    iPhone 4

    I've been texting in both English and Russian on my iPhone 3G for god knows how long. I see almost no difference in difficulty tbh :/
  18. Pie Naple

    iPhone 4

    Sure, but it's still my £300 iPod touch down the drain. I bought my iPod touch 2g for £215 just as it was released. Like half a year later I got my iPhone 3g because I needed a phone anyway :P Now my mum's hogged the touch and won't let me sell, so my money DID go down the drain :P
  19. Pie Naple

    iPhone 4

    [hide=Quote train] Aha what ? At least the Blackberry has ... I'll quote Maddox on this, as he puts it better than I can. In addition to the fact that the Iphone "keyboard" is smaller than the Blackberry "keyboard" and touchscreen always mistakes q for wertyuiop but not limited to asdfghjklzxcvbnm. EDIT: More of Apple [cabbage]. Listen closely, I acutally laughed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHngLJ0RlNg Have you ever typed on an ipod touch/iphone? it's amazingly intuitive. I had to take bible notes during Church once, I was writing the [cabbage] down so fast on my itouch. Like seriously it just works, once you get in the rhythm with it completing your words I was typing them as fast as he was saying them. (And he wasn't some old ass preacher) [/hide] Tbh I think people need to use an iPhone keyboard for a week or two then try bashing it's difficulty of use. I use the notes app for absolutely everything, there are times where in lessons I would use my phone instead of my laptop because it's faster to set up and I type just as fast on it. Oh and it takes 3 taps to insert an ellipses, 2 if you want to use other symbols while in the menu. Not 9.
  20. Pie Naple

    iPhone 4

    Tbh I would prefer an iPhone over any other phone any day just because of the ease of use and how slick it looks. When i got my 3g like just over a year ago, people would always be an awe. now I want the 4g version, then they will just fall unconsious at the sight :P And I don't get people's problem with iTunes. I personally hate every product of apple bar the iPhone, Safari and iTunes. I don't see why it would slow people's comps down, maybe you should just upgrade a bit? :P
  21. Pie Naple

    iPhone 4

    Tbh, it will get much more attention here I'm sure. It is big news after all. And, im not saying I'm buying one till I know how much it will cost here, in the UK. Plus when the jailbreak is out. xD
  22. Pie Naple

    iPhone 4

    Yes, after all these rumours and "misplaced" prototypes, the iPhone 4 was shown to us and will be ready for pre-order on the 21st of June :) http://www.apple.com/iphone/ And feature video: http://www.apple.com/uk/iphone/features.html#design-video I'm most excited about mutli-tasking, HD Video (720p) and the 5mp camera. What do you think? Will you be getting one?
  23. Panoramas (L) I really love the 2nd one from the bottom! Bet you had a great time there :P
  24. Hey, sorry I've not been posting here in the gallery lately, had waay too much stuff going on :/ Anyway, been looking through some old content and found a picture I drew with gimp like 5 years ago. (That puts me at age 12) Just have a look at it and see what you can make of it, I did it purely spontaneously and did not intend any meaning or creepiness: When saying anything about this, remember it is work of a 12 year old yeah? :P EDIT: Sorry, re-uploaded on a new host this time. Thanks :P
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