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Everything posted by Youmu

  1. Have you seen this lolol, Pash made it a while ago http://puu.sh/jJJzx.mp4
  2. Kay, going for Master Quest Point Cape and I keep encountering useless junk.
  3. No Jagex, I want my [bleep]ing journals not this thing. Only need these and KBD lastriders... -_-
  4. 50m lolinsanefinalboss jk not even required
  5. Good thing I've already finished just about every single thing on this list. :3
  6. Hmm, since these guys are 3 rolls at a drop, would make champ scroll hunting slightly easier. The slayer xp seems rather tasty, too.
  7. Why are you so damn lucky with ability splits. In the 10-15ish kills I've done, the teams I've been on only got 1 total. It was a 10.9m split at the time, but still...
  8. I am pretty sure Yakamaru only skips phases if you deal reflect damage past the hp threshold.
  9. 10.8k actually. And they still don't even sell for that. New onyx bolt (e) incoming.
  10. The new loot isn't really much better. Ascendri bolts are useless, and they don't even sell LOL. The other common drops are decent though.
  11. My personal setup is: Sagi shortbow, celestial staff, blood neck, shadow hood, hexhunter bow for bindsT10 sniper ring, T10 desperado as secondary, T10 blitzer as quick-switchAny strong potion; I personally use naturalist'sSagi bow for primary damage. Celestial staff as a back-up style. Blood neck for heals and damage boost. Shadow hood for invisibility/defense. Hexhunter for shield abilities, which come in handy sometimes. About the feathers, antipoison and essence, talk to the smuggler. He gives you an option to not start with coins, but with the aforementioned items instead.
  12. Youmu


    At 89 mining you should go mine Seren stones (provided you have Elf City unlocked). Nothing beats these in terms of xp/h.
  13. Nyahahahaha Also got an ability codex split, not bad (forgot to screen)
  14. Sand run away glitch has been patched. You can't do that anymore. Also got my first Yakamaru kill~ working on feats for both bosses now.
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