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Everything posted by Robert_R

  1. I voted for #4 but #6 is pretty nice also.
  2. But the thing is nobody going to the chaos tunnels is going there to fight other players so this code of honor nonsense doesn't really apply in this situation. It's just one guy, or group of people, being an annoying douche. If you want to pvp find someone else with the same intention otherwise this is just as bad as luring people into the wild...
  3. I didn't die, had a teleport tab luckily, I'm just slightly upset that people even do this. This is seriously a dick thing to do.
  4. Ok I understand the wilderness is supposed to be dangerous and I don't mind that but [bleep] these [wagon]. If you're gonna pk don't hide under a damn flag and wait for some unsuspecting person to go do a slayer task or whatever in the chaos tunnels. I mean damn. I have a few more words for them but I'm not here to get banned.
  5. Either most people don't realize we have a limited amount of money to spend on these things or they just don't care that we'll be broke before week 10. It's really looking like the last few weeks it'll just default to the free option.
  6. Try using the unofficial unix client. It seems to work much better than playing in a browser. Post in the official wiki: http://services.rune...28RSU_Client.29 Original forum post in the linux thread in the tech support section http://services.rune...985129,goto,323 I use it almost every day without issues. If you have any problems installing it you should probably post in the thread on runescape forums hikariknight checks it frequently :thumbup:
  7. I haven't checked this to be sure, but we can assign an inventory slot on the ability bar which should allow us to at least assign scrolls to a specific key. It's not the solution I think you want, but at least it's something ... That just drops the scroll. Just set the little familiar icon to a key and it lets you use the familiar ability. Or you know use the key bind for summoning and save the action bar slot I would do this if it wasn't broken.
  8. I haven't checked this to be sure, but we can assign an inventory slot on the ability bar which should allow us to at least assign scrolls to a specific key. It's not the solution I think you want, but at least it's something ... :unsure: That just drops the scroll. Just set the little familiar icon to a key and it lets you use the familiar ability.
  9. I think one possible option is this: during the first wave of maxed player bans - which were legitimate bans- those players didn't bot 24/7, but actually trained their accounts part of the time and botted part of the time. One possibility is that botwatch then added the legitimate player profiles to it's 'bot' list as well as when they were actually botting. This would be high level content such as summoning using the Taverly obelisk with mousekeys or fletching broad arrows whilst thieving from dwarf traders, so this behaviour would not occur too regularly. If they only recently activated those first maxed botters profiles in botwatch, that could explain the bans. Hi! I just wanna make sure I understand what you are saying. Botwatch added all the activities of players from the first ban to its "bot" list, which includes actual botting and legitimate means of playing, due to the first banned high level players doing a mix of both. So this time around, despite no one actually botting, Botwatch recognizes these players as botting because what they were doing was on a "bot" list. Is that correct? Sounds like something jagex would make.
  10. I've gotten like 12k tears so far without one title. I hate you.
  11. Why did they even bother adding the divine tears as a drop for monsters. I got a divine tear drop from the corp earlier today and kind of just laughed to myself when I saw it was only 5. I understand you're supposed to be collecting these on the battlefield but damn they could at least make it 50 or something for bosses.
  12. So the three titles you can get on the battlefield, do you just get them completely randomly while killing minions/collecting tears on the battlefield or do you get them after you do something specific?
  13. Why are the saradomin scores so much lower than the zamorak scores?
  14. Do you lose your contribution if you change sides or just renown? I kind of want the armor for each side.
  15. Didn't they say they increased the spawn rates of the minions? Last night I could hardly kill them fast enough but now I have so much down time between kills my adrenaline bar drains completely. It seems so much slower right now.
  16. Why am I not allowed to side with brassica prime this is a disappointment.
  17. Sooooooooooo does anyone know what to do with sacred metal fragments? I can't deposit them in the same thing the tears go in.
  18. What do we do with sacred metal fragments? The things in the camp only accept tears. I didn't see anything about it on the wiki.
  19. What am I supposed to do about this.
  20. Honestly I just used an enhanced excaliber and rapier and wore nothing but a spotted cape. I tried the whole range thing and died 4 times before I switched to melee. Probably only maintained an average of 5-6 fires lit the whole time and it was still significantly easier to just melee her.
  21. Sliske Major spoiler of The World Wakes:
  22. The minimum required java is 6 update 10. Windows 98 isn't supported anymore, according to this update from last year. http://services.runescape.com/m=news/change-to-required-java-version
  23. Pretty sure pur was the first to 1000.
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