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Clan Official
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Everything posted by Ralph

  1. It's an honour based system. Just make a topic in CD with discussion value and that's a point right there. Don't just post the same things on every Aftermath topic either :p

  2. Haven't seen much from you lately, glad that's changing though :) Nice pull, and congrats on the win, looked like a fun fight!
  3. Good stuff, nice to see you recovering :thumbup: :thumbup:
  4. congrats ph, solid win :shades:
  5. this one opinion led to this: To be fair he's more of the kinda poster that focuses on his clans topics or topics concerning his clan, so naturally he won't like trolls. How is saying someone focuses on his own clan on forums and probably won't like trolls considered trolling him? There is nothing wrong with sticking to your own topics and it's a pretty true statement about him. You are really hard to please so I'll expect some kind of weird response about how this is a troll too... I fail to see how the other part where I called him out calling people 8 yr olds is a troll. Control your member if you are really that upset that he caused problems. [/hide] I was focusing more on how that post was a stepping stone, rather than itself beign a troll, and semi-contextulised the rest of the 'conversation'. It's not upet me at all, but I thought this topic was about 2 things: getting people to post in a more original manner and discussing the problems of trolling. As I said in my post if you just ignore these things it helps, if it's annoying you THAT much report it. Really there's no need to 'call him out', because that's ultimately just going to lead to MORE trolling and nothing constructive... Yes, there is a need to call him out if he is being a hypocrite about trolling. What your saying is that his trolls are acceptable and don't need to be called out, however you feel the need, on every topic to call out other people's. Control him if you don't want him to be made to look like an idiot, because his posts reflect back on your clan, and currently the image isn't looking too great.
  6. It's not a 3PP. Not sure why people are saying it is.
  7. A clan doesn't have to do PvP fights. They never have, peer pressure from the clan world shouldn't change your outlook. I love PvP fights and fighting in CWA is just plain boring to me, but that's just my opinion, it shouldn't be yours. The only thing I regret is that to even be considered a top 15-20 clan, you have to PvP. It's just the way the world works. Another thing that really pisses me off is the fact that Top 15 clans are always saying, you should be PvPing oh my god more clans need to PvP yet when clans like Downfall (who started PvPing about half a year or so ago I believe) they try to hinder them and impair them and say stick to CWA. That's something I really don't understand. But hey, in the end it's whatever floats your boat. Do what you and your clan love, and whatever other people think don't bother with them.
  8. We'll fight you one way or another. :) Are you implying you will crash us? I look forward to the day!
  9. I have all 3 voice programs + a few others unlisted (that are unpractical.) TS3 is far superior to any voice program, especially for warring clans where clarity is essential.
  10. Only if it's as legendary as True 0wnage <3:
  11. Clan Name: Illusion Slogan: Thunderstruck, Feeling Ill? Preffered: Love both of the ones we already had.
  12. Yeah, it was really intense :ohnoes:
  13. Best Clan Names Reign of Terror Echo of Silence Damage Incorporated Future of Old Style Worst Clan Names Notorious True Ownage Anything with "RuneScape" Anything where a "z" replaces an "s" Funniest Clan Names Nigerian Banking Kollective The neggas clan Most Indimiating Clan Names Reign of Terror Violent Resolution Still unsure of how a clan name makes a clan intimidating, other than names like Flip flopz that you can't help but to laugh at (no troll intended.)
  14. Looks like nothing changed <3: ILY.
  15. Yeah, I did :ohnoes: But they all hate me sadfaise! And congrats on 1000 posts :thumbsup:
  16. Was a fun war. DC'd like 15 times, got piled 0 times, and lagged so hard I couldn't move for 5 minutes straight. Hopefully we can rematch sometime under better conditions for us both.
  17. Gladz, they are a very respectable non-flaming clan, just what I like to see in a clan these days. BlacKnights or Exodus
  18. Nice win BK, although like people have said before not muc they could have done with those numbers, lol :P Props for giving them the matched after :) I think Envy won. Not 100% sure though.
  19. Team Dan CD Thread #3? Saving CD since 2k10! Ok well everyone knows (or should know) that the clan world isn't what it once was. I'll try to keep this as far away from the average LOL CLAN WORLD DYING QUIT RS NOW thread that pops up every once in awhile. We all know things aren't going well, what I want you to answer, is why. Ddosing, hacking, rl flames, these things didn't used to exist. Actually, better to say that they were FAR less common, since it did pop up occasionally. What changes happened to the clan world that created this situation? Why has it become common practice? Feel free to answer these questions or create your own, I'm not asking for a format I'm just trying to generate discussion on probably one of the most diverse and controversial aspects in the game.
  20. I'll just do influential people since I don't really have any events that happened. Nice thread though ;) Downfall- The most influential change is Amateurnoob himself. He's a great guy and regardless of if his clan is slumping or doing great he always pushes people and makes them smile, keeping spirits up. Nothing really to say other than him. Illusion- GreatJackal. He was great in Illusion and was really the speechgiver, really looked up to him. Legacy- Unfortunately no one/nothing stood out. Our matched opts war vs T0 was memorable and influential to the clan, as it closed us! Resilience- Dandaman shone. Downfall x2 (since I've rejoined)- Awaiting someone other than Amateurnoob. He's a bigger rager than I remember.
  21. I dont think people would talk about much more on them even if anything was "allowed" on them. Didn't mean it in the context to change that. :razz: Most people are lazy and only post grats. Tell me how it is different on RSC or any other clan discussion forum. It's really the same: most people post grats insertclanhere with the odd person posting something more creative. And from personal experience, sometimes when a clan wants to avoid problems they instruct their members to just post good fight rather than a more creative response. Wait, why do we have to be the exact same as every other clan board again? As to the part of clan officials telling their members not to post stupid stuff, it's just that- stupid stuff. Dandaman619 isn't telling people to go post [cabbage] on everyone's topics, he's asking for more creative responses. That doesn't mean trolling, therefore clan leaders shouldn't care.
  22. Team Dan claims #1 picture cropping from Legendz. I did not appreciate AFK Rambo's flames towards us, calling us dead and mega nerds.
  23. Lets look at the facts. DK open and close like an automatic door in a supermarket. Tukuruk's clans last less time than my yearly holiday. I don't think they're going to do too well. Your wrong then sir, they pulled around 200 opts yesterday. Actually tukuruk clans are better than yours, coz they at least pvp and pull more than 20 ppl :rolleyes: Actually mate, you're wrong. True Ownage hits their 1 year anniversary here: http://forum.tip.it/topic/273988-true-0wnage-hits-1-year/ Needless to say this is more than DK could say they accomplished without closing.
  24. It was wilderness for old school <3
  25. Nice run on sentence mate. OT: Grats to Downfall, you smashed them I was there watching.
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