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Everything posted by Rjk

  1. 99 #5 Farming. Been Runecrafting a little. Making a little bit of gp. Just buying more Torstol seeds with profits to make more gp. Yay funscape.
  2. Maybe. Although I'd much prefer maxed stats before bossing. Actually gained a level today. Got 88 Mining. The extension of the Motherlode Mine is very nice. Xp rate is now at 40-45k depending on my attention rather than 40k max at any given time. May do some more Runecrafting. Astrals are like 120 each so that's quite nice profit. 99 Farming in 4 days.
  3. Congrats :> Will be nice for collecting Ecto with reward to charge bonecrusher for 99 Slayer!
  4. Trying to get out of burnout mode, but it's proving harder than I thought! Currently logging in for farm runs and that's it really. Chilling at Motherlode Mine whilst playing poker at the moment.
  5. Ayyy Mish you were right. It wasn't even that long. Just burned out in general from scape at the moment. Riperino.
  6. So I've decided to play Ironman mode. Inspired by Jamesybae. Although I'll be playing on Old School rather than RS3. The plan is.. 99 Hunter - 80 via Red sallys then 99 with Black chins Quest a little to get a half decent base and some Hitpoints. 99 Thieving - Blackjacking.. RIP wrist. 99 Fishing - Barb Fishing.. Gets nice Strength and Agility yay. More quests... 99 Ranged with the chins I caught.. Then who knows.. Here's 55 Hunter.
  7. $1.10 buy in and I got $203 for winning. Happy days. Playing in the Micro Millions now.
  8. Ayyyy so I'm playing an Old School Ironman now with the amazing name of Liek. Played a Poker torny tonight that last around 8 hours. Managed to win it. Happy days.
  9. Very sick. Probably going to knock Herblore out first. Can't be bothered with Prayer. Too much effort!
  10. You stayed awake for 30 hours to get 8 Mining? Oh Draggle.. :wub:
  11. Thanks bbe. We Mish you. Decided to bank 99 Prayer and Herblore. Already got Farming banked. Prayer and Herblore should come in the next week with Farming probably 15 days or so away.
  12. Ayyy got all stats 80+. Also got 96 Farming. 99 Farming in around 18 days I'd imagine. Depends how many Magics die. Got 87 Smithing to finish off then I'll probably do the quests for 153 Kudos to do the Varrock diaries. Currently at 195 Quest points so Quest cape isn't that far away. Banked 90 Prayer and 85 Construction too. Making some very nice profits from flipping and Torstol herb runs.
  13. Was planning on getting 99 Herblore and had started to bank it. Unfs raised and range pots dropped so I made 4.5k pots instead and sold them. Still profited 10m from the unfs :> Got 87 Smithing banked. Will be doing Mithril platebodies. Should get 99 Farming in around 20 days. Currently working on a few quests and doing Varrock Elite diary. Then I'll make a move onto Mining for a while.
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