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Monster Hunting Team
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Everything posted by Ambler

  1. You should watch Madoka.*adds to list*That's next up, after Guilty Crown. I think I've discovered how I'm going to max out in scape.
  2. College friend has got me into anime, watched Sword Art Online, Death Note, also No Game No Life, which has some of the best intro music ever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slDv5KEbqDg I kind of want to learn Japanese, but difficulty ;_;
  3. Summoning AI changes incoming? Chris L's done some stuff, and Krista's taking suggestions. We're also going to see one of the T90 2H weapons when it's finished being modelled.
  4. Oops wrong thread. <Insert generic comment about Document 3 hype here>
  5. What even. Now that I'm done with SAO, moving onto Attack on Titan.
  6. I really can't be bothered to post pictures from 87-91 cons I got with the aura active... So have a picture of the level timestamps instead, it's stupidly OP.
  7. Vitalis just casually chilling in my portable well... Nothing strange here.
  8. Conc blast is going to be nerfed to hell with the combat updates coming soon, with Sonic Wave being better on anything where you have a chance of missing, for slayer I think Seismics might still be okay, but pretty much every basic ability is crap, so I can see lazy-mode slayers (read: Revolution users) having a huge drop in XP rates. I'll make a video of the easiest way to kill Kalgerion Demons with mage, it does require seismics, but you get really really fast kills, and can live off soul split if you know what you're doing, so I can imagine the slayer rate being way higher with Slayer Helm's accuracy boost.
  9. Brother convinced me to watch Sword Art Online, I am not regretting this.
  10. I'm really not liking the look of this.
  11. What if Yelps replaces Bandos as a god?
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