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Monster Hunting Team
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Everything posted by Ambler

  1. Feedback/Changes from Osbourne on the latest document: http://[Use Quick Find Code]/[Please Use QuickFind Code]?16,17,241,65382312
  2. This could be relevant, from Reddit... Hmm...
  3. The Virtus Book returns... This time when I duo, of course. edit, saw this on reddit: Dwaynee... ;)
  4. Someone in my team was recording the kill where I got a summoning stone... Ignore the random discussion at the start. :lol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cx3ldFWoNi4
  5. Dual Seismics/Full Tectonic, Virtus Boots, Celestial Handwraps, Master Runic, Ardy Coak 4
  7. HOLY [bleep]... And the reactions I got... [hide=Profanity and rage located within] [/hide] It's so cute <3: <3:
  8. Damage is capped at 10k for non-crits, and 12k for Crits. ;) E: Not a VBook :(
  9. Not exactly an ingame screenshot, scape related though so meh. Runescape had a stand at the MCM Expo in London today, along with the Godswords that were present at RuneFest. This was the result: Chewbacca. With a Godsword. (Just to clarify, that's Mod Slayer. Not me.)
  10. Well my name is Matt, so yay? I'll hope and pray that the almighty Zaaps makes an appearance.
  11. Wait what. I'd been Voragoing with him all day... What time did he get that? :blink:
  12. Correct. I don't really like teaming Nex currently, can get consistent 5-8 min solos with 1-3 kills/trip. That and finding someone to tank for me is a pain. :lol:
  13. Sadly not a 4th VBook... Not that I'm complaining much.
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