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Monster Hunting Team
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Everything posted by Ambler

  1. Runespan giving usable runes would be silly- From 90-99 you'd gather a huge number of soul runes... All of the rune gathering would have to be rebalanced to go with that. Being able to trade 'span runes created for elementals, while buffing XP rates for deaths/bloods outside of span? There's so many possible solutions, but balancing is a major issue.
  2. The current issue is noone making runes, specifically bloods/deaths/fires- But millions are leaving the game every day thanks to Abyss/Dagannoth barragers, so they're now going up... Pure essence is being given out in huge numbers from challenges, decreasing the price and bringing even more into the game... It's basically stuck in a loop. I can't access GE graphs currently, but it's all there.
  3. Glacors should be interesting... Also have people thought about summoning?
  4. Skilling boss should be interesting, I think Mod Deg's working on whatever wins, he did well with the Giant Mole, so I have high hopes for what he could do with a skilling boss... Whatever you do, don't vote for making runes more valuable. We're already getting to the point where demand > supply for almost every type of rune, so making them more valuable would just ruin the price of them even more.
  5. I hate spiders, not killing this boss omg! :lol: Should be interesting to see how this works, considering that the place to fight seems kind of confined. A more mobile QBD perhaps?
  6. So Chris L's working on the solo boss... http://twitter.com/JagexChrisL Various pictures to come as he makes it, though we get a concept when he hits 2.5k followers, and an actual screeny of it in action at 3k. Let's do this?
  7. I think the deadline for submitting the questions has already passed sadly :(
  8. Runefest logo on the sides, single zip along the top? Yup. Unspam because lol, I namechanged:
  9. Congratz on winning that stuff :lol: They told me they couldn't send me a replacement RuneFest bag because there was none left... :wall:
  10. Well apparently it's possible to get ~40k points/hour by claiming runes, leaving, enetering, repeating. Kind of funny how they missed that one, and I hope the people who abuse it get banned/rolled back. :lol:
  11. Highest I could get, not comped though so...
  12. Beta Servers will be updated in an hour or so, with a newspost etc too. Should be interesting to see what happens.
  13. Helped a few people get their Rise of the Six trim requirement yesterday, though all of them wanted to leech, bar one. Ended up making a decent bit of money from it. :> The one person who didn't really leech, Castle Wars/Omar/OmustardO... He decided to help out a bit. Successful kill, he looted the chest... "I got a Malevolent Kiteshield... Is that good?" "Uh... That's like 1/250 chance... Did you just get it first chest?" "Yup" There was no world message, but he had private off so that wouldn't happen anyway, but yay more profit. Gwyn, you need to come along some time. Pretty sure you did some practise on beta servers, so it shouldn't be too difficult to bring you along...
  14. Friend of mine was explaining Teamsplit to someone on their first Rago kill, and drew an amazingly helpful image:
  15. Just saw that, to quote my post on that thread... "Hoping this isn't a change for all brawlers combined with BXP. I admit it is overpowered, but very limited in use considering how rare brawlers are."
  16. No cost, you just need to survive :>
  17. From Twitter: "And thus, Nintendo brought forth a heavenly gift..."
  18. Assuming you all know what you're doing... Solo is 5-10 min kills Duo is 4-7 min kills Trio is 2-4 min kills More KPH = more chance of Nex item = More GP. And yeah, Kills per trip is kinda nice to take into account too. Can do 1-3 solo, 6-12 duo, and probably 12-18 trio if I felt like it, overloads being the limiting factor in the end.
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