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Everything posted by Ellac

  1. Based on that News Post, Jagex is already developing this and it will be released in the coming months, if not weeks.
  2. Did you have a protect prayer on at the time? Because that was what seemed to happen when I did the quest and prayed melee.
  3. Removing SK links is never really necessary, especially on blogs since you make your own rules*, I was just wondering if you had forgotten so I could send you the PM again. *To an extent!
  4. Dude, Ambler, we just posted at like.. almost the same time. WE WERE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER
  5. I almost always end up doing abandoned 2 multiple times no prestige :mellow:
  6. I would probably take economics, agriculture, american history, chemistry and biology, etc. There are like 50+ courses offered for me to choose from, but only 10 slots to fit them in, with 5 of those slots being filled up with mandatory classes. :mellow:
  7. I like golden raisins just by themselves, and sadly, I haven't had a good oatmeal raisin cookie for a few years now. I'd like one of them now, actually.
  8. There was a bug a few days ago where a player could buy the cape provided they have 2475 total, even if they didn't have base 99s.
  9. This thread has very little discussion value, and so it has been locked.
  10. What precisely do you want to take? I want to take ALL the things
  11. I wish I could take all of the courses offered at my school before leaving :(
  12. I just tried this myself and got 59, 58, 58, 59, 58, 58, 58, 59, 58, 58, 59, etc.
  13. Big deal? Considering Rainy ruined it, yes. It is a big deal :cry: ohi new page
  14. Dude. I owned this thread for over 30 minutes.
  15. Slowly? I thought it was going like there was no tomorrow
  16. Don't forget about the Hunter boost from the Oo'Glog pool. :P
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