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Everything posted by SkillingWoo

  1. They believe that Jesus is going to return and then the rapture will occur, and the saved in Christ will go to Heaven.
  2. Since when does "in most situations" mean every situation? I completely agree with you -- it is ignorant to think that every teenage girl is pregnant because she was irresponsible. I'm pretty sure I've been saying, since I first posted on this thread, that I don't think abortion is completely wrong in a situation in which it isn't the woman's fault that she's pregnant. Do I think it's the best thing to do? Yes. Do I think there are alternatives? Yes. Would I think someone who was raped and had an abortion is an absolute evil person who's damned to hell? Of course not. I'm not sure why you said that in reply to me, but whatever.
  3. It's really an easy fiix with CSS. overflow: hidden; Add that to the .signature class (which already exists), and whatever content that is too wide for the page will be hidden. Yay.
  4. Actually, you can click yes or no or whatever you want. There'll be another pop-up asking you to download an executable ([Caution: Executable File]) file. Just be sure to click no to that. :-P.
  5. Ya rly, because stuck-up Christians are the only ones who are pro-life. Anyways, in most situations, the teenage girl [bleep]ed up her own life. Why take it out on the baby? I'd love to see some statistics on the "most situations" part. And why take it out no the baby? Because scientifically speaking, it's not a baby, nor is it a human, it cannot think, survive on its own, communicate or do anything remotely human. You don't think that most pregnant teenage girls are pregnant because they acted irresponsibly? It's impossible that the majority of those pregnancies were intended or a result of rape. It's not human? I'm not a scientist, but I do know that a human fetus has the same DNA that only Homo sapians have. A fetus is just the very first step in human growth. It doesn't think? Well, there are lots of studies that will argue with you on that. Here's one, for example. Anyways, so I'm guessing that those things that look like humans, from birth to three or four years old aren't actually human, right? Because they all can't survive on their own. I'm guessing mentally handicapped people aren't human either, right? Because they can't all survive on their own. It can't do anything remotely human? (Don't click show if you have a weak stomach!)
  6. http://www.google.com/search?q=firefox+doesnt+play+sound
  7. It isn't like Java is leaps and bounds easier than C++. Java was derived from C++, so in learning C++ you're already helping yourself for when you do learn Java (as it will happen, to some degree, eventually). I'm not saying that Java sucks -- quite the opposite. Java is a great language to know, but so is C++, and I think that when you get past the basics and into the language, they're of equal difficulty.
  8. I started to learn Ruby because the web development firm that I'm looking to intern next summer with develops their clients websites primarily with Ruby on Rails, so I want to learn the language the framework is based on. I'm very capable with Python and PHP, so I thought it'd be easy. The first program I decided to write was one that took a RuneScape username and output each skills XP, rank, and level. Something I could write in 5 minutes with PHP and Python. Guess how long that took me? 2 hours, and 3 questions on Stack Overflow. And when I stepped back and looked at it, all it was was taking the lite hiscores and sticking them in an array, and outputting that array. All that to say -- if I had that much trouble with creating an array with Ruby (which is similar, in some respects, to Python and PHP), does that mean I should give up and go learn some other language? Psh. No way. --- All THAT to say, C++ is a great language to learn. Even though many people say it's too big, or too complicated, or some other [cabbage], you're still better off learning it, especially if you want a career in software development. It'll get easier as you go along, just don't decide to give it up for a different language when it gets hard or you get puzzled (even though you don't seem to be now; which is a good sign.) Also, if you have questions, you should turn to Stack Overflow. People there will be able to answer any question you have. By the way, if I were you, I'd try to write the program that I mentioned above with C++. It'll teach how to get information from files, how to create and manipulate arrays from strings, and how to output them.
  9. 1: What do you think happens? I think there is an afterlife, I just don't really have any solid beliefs on what said afterlife is. I think there is a supernatural power "up there", be it a god or some magical force or a giant smiling, bouncing Kirby. Maybe we have a spirit and it becomes part of the universe, or our energy is transferred into the universe or something. Maybe we are reincarnated. Maybe there's a heaven and hell. I honestly don't know, and don't see how anybody can know. 2: If you could have anything happen, what would it be? I'd want to be reincarnated as a child further down in my family tree. Say I die, and then my grandchild gets married and has a child. I'd want to be reincarnated as that child, with all the knowledge I had gained in my previous life, but not know that my parents were my grandchildren. Hehe.
  10. What don't you agree with? I'd love to argue back and forth. :) Well, I don't necessarily agree with having an abortion to avoid going through pregnancy. If someone isn't responsible enough to take all the necessary precautions, shouldn't they have to deal with the consequences instead of taking the easiest (by no means is abortion easy, though) route? Of course, it'd be different if you did take all the necessary precautions and something didn't work quite right, or something worse happened to you (such as rape) and you couldn't have prevented becoming pregnant even if you wanted to. I said I was pro-life, but...I guess I'm pro-life + pro-choice. It depends on the situation, I guess. You did, however, raise a good point about how pregnancy can threaten the life of the mother and child. If someone is in that situation, I guess it makes sense to spare the mother and lose the child. So, to summarize: OK to have an abortion: -Rape victim -Took precautions, precautions failed -Serious threat to mother Not OK to have an abortion: -Acted irresponsibly, could have prevented it Of course, maybe everything is different from a woman's perspective, but seeing as I don't have one of those... Ya rly, because stuck-up Christians are the only ones who are pro-life. Anyways, in most situations, the teenage girl [bleep]ed up her own life. Why take it out on the baby? It's your [bleep]ing body, if you don't want another human growing inside you don't have sex. And no, it's not just their future they're affecting. What if your mom had an abortion? I doubt you'd be in the same place you are today. ;-) I'm in no way christian, and I don't agree with abortion... admittedly, for very different reasons. And a ban upon abortion would NOT be what ruins a teenage girl's life. It is her own decision to have sex, or the crime of another person. If you can't handle the possibility of having children, then don't have sex. The whole idea of creating a fetus for your own pleasure, then destroying it just seems absurd. But I suppose that's out of the question for today's average feeble-minded teenager who allows particular hormonal urges to govern their entire life. Having sex when you're not ready for children is a mistake, in my opinion, and such great mistakes should have great consequences. The problem with that is the consequence is a living breathing person that is going to feel just as much pain as the mother will. How is that fair? The child doesn't deserve to be brought up by someone that can't look after them. It's not it's fault that it's mother had sex like that, but it's going to feel the consequences. That's not an absolute.
  11. That's a depressing way to look at it. Don't you think that if your fetus had been aborted your mind would've just gone to another fetus or something like that not so depressing? My "mind" (first off, what's a mind? Where is it? :-P) is affected by how I was raised, what's going on in my life, and other things. I wouldn't be me if my "mind" was magically transferred to another baby in some other woman's womb. Anyways, that's kind of silly. If my mind can magically travel to another baby's, what happens to that baby's mind? Everyone is an individual, and your individuality starts at conception. Well, in my opinion. :rolleyes: I mean like, don't you think that somewhere "up there" There is some sort of mind (that is, personality, whatever) distribution? I don't understand your question. :( --- And while I don't exactly agree with everything bluehooloovo said, she just won this topic. <_<
  12. My opinion of her? She's just...weird. I mean, when I first heard her, it was alright. She sounded good, she's a great musician. But she's just....weird...
  13. That's a depressing way to look at it. Don't you think that if your fetus had been aborted your mind would've just gone to another fetus or something like that not so depressing? My "mind" (first off, what's a mind? Where is it? :-P) is affected by how I was raised, what's going on in my life, and other things. I wouldn't be me if my "mind" was magically transferred to another baby in some other woman's womb. Anyways, that's kind of silly. If my mind can magically travel to another baby's, what happens to that baby's mind? Everyone is an individual, and your individuality starts at conception. Well, in my opinion. :rolleyes:
  14. It's just a few lines in each skin's stylesheet. Actually, the code already exists, so it'd just have to be updated with what I included in my initial post.
  15. You couldn't have told us that in your other thread?
  16. I'm against it. I'm an adopted child. I have a mom and a dad who are well off financially, and actually care for me and about me, unlike the two people who acted irresponsibly and had to put me up for adoption. My adoptive parents told me that my birth mother was 17, and my birth father was 19, when they had me. I'm so [bleep]ing thankful that they didn't think they could take care of me -- because there's no way in hell they'd have been able to give as much love and care to me as my adoptive parents have. I'm also happy that my birth mother didn't choose the first of the three routes and abort me (the other two routes being giving me up for adoption and keeping me.) Anyways, that all goes to say that if you aren't responsible (or even if you are, and something doesn't work or you're a rape victim or something), abortion isn't the only option. There are always people who can't have children but are willing to adopt, and you can find them pretty easily, without taking away someone's chance at life.
  17. Your intentions are good, but honestly...I don't think that the effort to get 1k is really worth it. Why not take that 150k and have a Drop Party at wherever the Party Pete drop thing is now?
  18. Hey look, you don't know how the United States' political system works! Note that I don't like George Bush. It's just that it takes either a mentally handicapped person or someone who doesn't know what they're talking about to think that the President really has a lot of power. You see, there's this thing called "Check's and Balances". It means that no one branch of government (President, Senate, and House) can have too much power, because each branch checks the other. Which means, you guessed it - the only power the President holds is the power that the House and Senate let him hold. BY THE WAY, go Google the vote on invading Iraq. It was something like 452-1, in favor of it. (Or something like that. I forget the total number of members of Congress, but I do know only one person voted against it. I thinks. :-P) --- Avatar/Signature sizes don't have as much to do with trust as they do with making the site more accommodating to more people. This idea doesn't make much sense, to be honest. If the Admins and Moderators can take care of things, why give more people needless responsibilities?
  19. is burning maples. Lots and lots of maples.

  20. Current Spoiler: I think it should be styled to flow better with each skin, for example: div.bbc_spoiler_wrapper{padding: 0px; border: none;} input.bbc_spoiler_show{background:#253241;color:#FFFFFF;border:1px solid #334253;border-left: 4px solid #334253;width:65px;height:20px;margin:0px;padding:0px;font-size:1.1em;} div.bbc_spoiler_content{background:#253241;color:#FFFFFF;border:1px solid #334253;border-left: 4px solid #334253;margin-top:1px;padding:2px} (Those styles are in this stylesheet, about halfway down.) It'd look like:
  21. "I'm in a big clan and we're required to add everyone, and my friends list is full."
  22. Does it say JDK or JRE? The "JDK" is the Java Development Kit. which is a bundle of software that you can use to develop Java based software. The "JRE" is the Java Runtime Environment, which is an implementation of the Java Virtual Machine which actually executes Java programs. Typically, each JDK contains one (or more) JRE's along with the various development tools like the Java source compilers, bundling and deployment tools, debuggers, development libraries, etc). If it says JDK1.0.6_17 (or something along those lines), try installing the Java RunTime Environment, which is located at http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp. Find the one for your OS, download, and install. I doubt you actually even need JDK, unless you're need to compile something. ;)
  23. C++ is probably one your best bets for game development. Although, you can write games with C, Python, Java, and you'll need to know some Assembly language (for console games, especially.) Although, knowing the basics of programming isn't the same as knowing the basics of a language. You need to learn C++ before you start developing games. (Just like you need to know HTML before developing a website, or English before you write a book.)
  24. I think you could use KeyfinderThing* to find the XP serial number that should activate it. *http://download.cnet.com/Keyfinder-Thing/3000-2094_4-10491989.html
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