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Everything posted by K4ylan

  1. The point of the mini-game is to beat your opponent to use that unfair advantage (in our case spawn-camping). In other words, spawn-camp them, before they spawn-camp you.
  2. It shouldn't have a special set effect or be better than DFS. Look at previous drag items. There have always been better, cheaper alternatives, but Dragon is more expensive because it gives a sense of class and wealth. And, of course, what is more fashionable nowadays? The D Kite is going to be like the PlateBody. A costume.
  3. Yes, i think these "Merchanting Clans" are teaching people some bad moral values. I don't know what the exact term is, but this method of money-making is actually illegal. Now of course murder(PKing) is illegal, but that is more obvious than this.
  4. Smithing makes armour to fight with and crafting makes the jewelery you wear. Firemaking was meant to be a gold sink. Once you burn the log, there's no way to profit or get it back. This way is stabilizes the economy. It's not a gold sink; it's log sink. The gold doesn't leave the system. It only changes hands. Unless you buy your logs in a store, I suppose, but that's kind of silly. Oh yea, I didn't realize that
  5. If firemaking never existed, then it wouldn't matter. The demand wouldn't change. what you said above would only happen if the actually REMOVED Firemaking. And I do not think they will ever do this.
  6. Smithing makes armour to fight with and crafting makes the jewelery you wear. Firemaking was meant to be a gold sink. Once you burn the log, there's no way to profit or get it back. This way is stabilizes the economy.
  7. Everything in Runescape was changed when the GE came around, most of which was for the better. The only things I think it ruined was crafting and herblore. You used to make money buying herbs and making pots, now you can't. You used to take your diamonds, rubies, etc and make amulets then enchant them for lots of money. Now, diamonds are 16K? Amulets of Power barely sell for 2K? I suppose that does stop people from power-leveling crafting for profit though.
  8. I'd have to go with Cooking being the least admirable. Although I don't have the cape yet(I'm still working on it) it is too easy now with the cook all option. And it is just as easy to level it in nonmembers than it is in members. Although Strength is the most common, it still takes insane dedication and time. Do you see 100 people with 200M exp in Strength? As for the most admirable, that would have to be between Runecrafting and Farming. Both take time, patience, and until a high level, lots of money to level up. Even people with 70+ stats all around may have 40-50 farming or runecrafting. I'd be proud to wear those capes.
  9. Way to conradict yourself... all fights are 99% luck right? The you say that it is the 1% that determines the outcome? You make no sense at all. If it's 99% luck, then the lvl 3 vs lvl 100 fight you propose would end up being 49.5% won by the lvl 3 and 50.5% won by the lvl 100. All fights are luck-based, but the only way to improve your luck is to maximize your lvls and attack - str bonus from equipment. Let's say you have 80 attack and a total equipment bonus of 135 slash. Getting 90 attack will only provide a 4.7% increase in hitting rate. This is not a huge difference between 2 players. The point he was trying to make is that there is always a possibility that a lvl 3 can beat a 138. If that lvl 3 hits constant 1's and the 138 hits constant 0's. Of course this is unlikely, but completely possible. This was the way defense was intended to be.
  10. I knew there was a problem in the community when I got a pretty little message saying 'Your ignore list is full" I decided to delete a few people; and some guy I don't remember at all Pm'ed me saying I'm a noob who should fall off the Earth and die...it's even worse that he doesn't know about gravity.
  11. Generally Pkers wouldn't bother people on Treasure Trail hunts, because they would have nothing to gain. They also wouldn't kill near the Abyss tele guy. Revs attack anywhere, anytime, for no reason at all. Oh yea and they drop NOTHING AT ALL!
  12. I saw a guy having a drop party and noticed he was leading towards wildy. I thought I'd be smart and just go with 3 items and PJ him. I forgot to bank my 2k yew longs, nats, and about 450K cash. Guess who got Ice Barraged?
  13. I've had the exact opposite experience with Bans/Mutes. I used to be stupid and break rules, which eventually got me to 11 blackmarks. I DID break the rules, but my lame excuse for an appeal actually worked and I got unmuted. After coming that close, I never broke any rules again. But then I get hacked, got all my items stolen, and they got me permanently muted. But once again, Jagex just believed my super butt-kissing appeals(Although I was on a last chance). It just seems unfair when I hear all these stories of unfair bannings/mutes when I could get away with it so easily(and with 44 blackmarks no less). I feel very sorry for those who were punished unjustly.
  14. Well, waterfiends and dust Devils are the best charm droppers, so I would just stick with them. You could try Cockroach Soldiers and Shadow Warriors, but I'm afraid those are much too low-leveled to get any good range experience off of.
  15. Well of course you can't have something thats nonmembers only. My main problems with F2P are Smithing and Prayer. These take a ridiculous amount of money(which isn't that easy to make) to level these up. Oh, and killing Moss Giants for Prayer exp? Well it takes an average lvl 100 player 10 seconds to kill a Moss Giant. Not factoring respawn times, other players training, or other distractions, that's a measly 5.4K/hour. Smithing bars is profitable, but honestly, 10K/hour is pretty nasty exp.
  16. I HATE people who try to ask you for help politely, but when you try to answer them, they either don't believe you, or think they know better. For example: I was in a F2P world(I'm a former member) when a player who was around level 70ish comes by asking where the Green Dragons were. I politely answered that they are members only and carried on with my business. He then proceeds to ask, "Where are they for nonmembers". Thinking he just misunderstood me, I told him that there are no Green Dragons available to nonmembers. He then continues to follow me, ranting about how he fought a green dragon(I assume Elvarg) and he has an anti-dragon shield, so their MUST be green dragons. After much flaming and name-calling(him, not me), he eventually left to say that he'll find other high-level players to help him. It took him a full 25 minutes or so to leave...I admire his willpower, though
  17. I remember a topic like this being on the Runescape Forums. It drew the attention of many a Jagex Mod, who, interestingly enough, had split decisions about the topic. Some Mods said they were planning on releasing better armor and the wave spells in the near future(it's been 2 years now...). Others said they would have no plans to change the F2P combat triangle. One Jagex Mod had the nerve to say that with the right amount of skill and training, that F2P Magic can be *almost* as effective as melee. Melee on the other hand requiring minimal effort(click opponent, eat, repeat), is still better even to the most skilled of mages according to him. To be almost as good is not enough. I'd have to agree with the F2P triangle becoming/always has been a line.
  18. I disagree with the "showing off" argument. Don't P2Pers always log on to F2p worlds to show off? I think on F2P worlds, 1000 Total is great, as it is mostly high-leveled F2P and former members training in a noob-free(generally) area. As for 2000+ worlds, I COMPLETELY DISAGREE! 2000+ worlds would be insanely empty all the time, giving these few people lots of free space to claim popular training areas all to themselves. If anything, we could have 500- worlds, where people with a Total Level lower than 500 can train without higher-levels pushing them out.
  19. If you haven't completed Swan Song, you could try lobsters. The speed of catching lobster generally makes more money/hour than sharks do.
  20. Also the Quest Cape does not trim at all. Congrats on your capes though.
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