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Everything posted by VonMedo

  1. thats for sure,he will wait for best method to be found and then do it w/o wasting ticks =) suomi ftw
  2. He's making mahogany tables,right?
  3. They need to make something so that ordinary players can remove obvious bots from game,I really like this idea,I'm sure jagex knows how bots work and can change questions to that,but we need update like this! Down with the bots
  4. your late,fming in your house is the new hit :thumbsup:
  5. If that's for 99 then I should need only half for 92,that's not a bad number,I was hoping around 50k-75k
  6. I don't want to buy all at once,just wanted to know estimate or if someone has done it,they could tell me how much they spent
  7. Can someone give me an estimate how many cannonballs will I spend going 80-93 slayer,100k? 50k? 200k? I use extremes every task,probably will use turmoil too
  8. nothing you get at citadel you wont be able to take out of it,so dont get hyped
  9. And what world would that be..? It was the most quiet world,but so many ppl here now...
  10. 398573520683,Simon,Host Bart they are at same world every day,come and visit :P I see Bart there 90% of the time,he is hitting herblore hard
  11. username is D Medo and I want PvM clan,don't want to pk anytime =) will be getting 95 pray in a week or so...
  12. Not even close :P Prob that town with vampires
  13. Why? Isn't it's attack power based on attack bonus of your weapon?
  14. How's the poison for new whip? P.S. new whip is [cabbage],have 200k tokens but was hoping it would be much better and could supstitute rapier so I could get maul,but I guess I'll get rapier <_<
  15. now that we now upgraded whuo is coming,it could be better than rapier,so cls could be better option,good thing I didnt get any yet,will wait for that update before getting any chaotic
  16. Use it for piety only? (Im 83 pray) or protective prayers?
  17. damn,so much discussion lol I use extremes but no pray,I'm considering using cannon,but I'm not sure,have like 5M (been hacked)
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