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Everything posted by Jolletzu

  1. Nice snipe, man! Grats They are crashing from what i know lol
  2. Melee staking well be over, you have to have claws + chaotic. Mage stakining without any worn items and boxing will probably be only ways to stake.
  3. Try iceberg, friend got his there.
  4. Didn't had in either of those spots, looking for more possible places, so far nothing :P
  5. FAKE, check upper right corner, not logged in, you can't see pmod forums if you are not logged in lol
  6. Dragonkin came first into my mind, would make most sense probably.
  7. I got 417 xp, 676 xp from floor 0 from prestige because i had my c1's done, just helped friend to test how much xp he would get so l.
  8. Friends picture, i had c1's done already so i didn't got xp, just helped to check that, took like 20mins to key, astea frostweb boss, took like 30 secs to kill ll.
  9. Who do you DG with? I've never seen you Mainly clan friends, i usually have 1-2 friends to dg with, sometimes whole team, when we can't have "clan team" i just get randoms from w53 Hex keying sucks tbh if you don't get armour.
  10. 109 EP? :blink: P2P ep counts for more then F2P ep, so when you have a somewhat high amount of P2P ep, and switch to a F2P world, your ep might go over 100. Highest is 400 I believe (100 P2P ep). 700+
  11. Binding primal plate/legs/kite/baxe is pretty good combination for keying tbh
  12. Don't understand what you're trying to say. Clarify plox? Duh, you probably find out when it comes out anyway, thats pretty much all i know.
  13. All rewards, now tier 10 berserker, gatherer and desperado.
  14. Combines m'speak amulet and ghostspeak amulet, and you can add camulet to it too and ofc then load it with camel dung. And the catspeak amulet too. Oh ye gonna do that
  15. Combines m'speak amulet and ghostspeak amulet, and you can add camulet to it too and ofc then load it with camel dung.
  16. I have primal baxe, ssh, and hhb binded, and I can say that i get destroyed most of the dungeon, as i key, it's really bad to key without any piece of armor, but hhb is so rare so i just binded it because that. Saw someone keying with primal plate, legs, kite and baxe, and he was good.
  17. I'm pretty sure that we only need 1 greegree, they might have just chosen 1 greegree for picture and that happened to be blue skull one.
  18. Just remembered that i need my m'speak amulet lol
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