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Everything posted by Jolletzu

  1. Speaking to jex is teaser for new quest, pretty interesting tbh.
  2. I just bind spear when i get it, i don't even use berserker because i have hex, i just switch between desperado and gatherer.
  3. 40,873.728627 I'm clanner and it takes ~5hours/week or more of my play time.
  4. Thank god it's not today, i don't have much time today, when tomorrow i have lot more.
  5. errrrrrrr, just gtfo new[bleep] obviously, suomi still makes money through skills and through a donating system so he will get the money eventually. although zarfot said, he never really considered to get 200m slayer or maxing out anyway, he gains quickly these days, so i see him being first to 3bil suomi begs money from his donators.
  6. Jolletzu


    My 6 years old cat died, idk to what, but he had kidney stones and he didn't eat for like 4 days :/
  7. Ye i know, just to show how fast it is lol.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHCdoMbBKVU Dat warped gulega
  9. Stealing from Lucien would mean you'd have to be VERY powerful. I can't take six tormented demons (you need at least divine for that) but Lucien summoned them in a few seconds, no prob. Similarly, all slayer masters together (+ assorted heroes) get beat up by Lucien's zombie summons. So I guess the only way would be to catch him off-guard, maybe Sliske could take him on, but fooling a Mahjarrat like Lucien would be very difficult. (all this considering that a high-levelled player is stronger than a God Wars general) Azzanadra is only one who is powerfull enough, well, Sliske might be, but Azzanadra was general of Zaros afterall
  10. Talking to Thok when you find all of his 10 letters goes something like this: 01:08:52) (+Jolletzu) he says that he might know the white beared guy at bottom of daemonheim (01:08:55) (+Jolletzu) but doesn't say who (01:09:03) (+Jolletzu) aka finale is yet to come Might try to ask friend to get up full dialog
  11. In behemot just hide behind one pillar for 5 secs to switch.
  12. Runebound behemot it glitched right now, you can hit him even when he has melee prayer on.
  13. Had lvl 9 mercenary leader, spawned warriors in novite lol, was after mono.
  14. If you relog you probably have them again. Else, pm me what you did. Don't have them, and theres nothing to pm, I walked across a room and they dissapeared. Friend made me 2h and plate im camping solo abandoned for hood now... a few clan members lost hexhunter doing this Ouch. You kept yours? I lost hood + baxe, now i have primal plate and prom 2h, still need hood back tho. i dont play updates the first day, so yes i kept my hexhunter bow once stuffs fully fixed and peoplea re done farming primal ill dung tomorrow Ye it's hard to get teams now, should be better tomorrow.
  15. If you relog you probably have them again. Else, pm me what you did. Don't have them, and theres nothing to pm, I walked across a room and they dissapeared. Friend made me 2h and plate im camping solo abandoned for hood now... a few clan members lost hexhunter doing this Ouch. You kept yours? I lost hood + baxe, now i have primal plate and prom 2h, still need hood back tho.
  16. Ye lost hood + primal baxe, kinda sucks to get another 8m xp for hood.
  17. http://www.facebook.com/notes/runescape-espanol/proximamente-en-wwwrunescapecom-mmorpg/486903655165 that link explains, welcome warped floors next week!
  18. I have always liked these type of updates, they are fun, we don't need to get skill or quest content every week, 3 years ago no one had anything bad to say about these update but now days :mellow:
  19. This was my method too. Hang back, let them come to you. Since you counterattack if not killed, it's crazy to attack anything you won't kill with your first shot. The Champion is an unbalanced, dominant piece that can kill just about everything with ease. Be sure to use regenerate and it's a walk in the park. My champion was my first thing to die, 2 ravagers came in row both did 300 damage so couldn't prevent it :P still won tho.
  20. Sevga put it to your notes in runescape to get: "Marmaros had a close encounter with a prayer-eating behemoth"
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