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Everything posted by Nexaduro

  1. At the same time, that's a pretty terrible looking penis. I've seen worse Is what I'd like to say, but I can't quite make it work. I guess I'll have to settle for the lesser of two innuendo. Innuendos? Innuendi?
  2. I A) am a teenage male and B) haven't played Runescape for years Antidragon Shield is never the first thing that comes to mind.
  3. I'm normally a fan of weird shit, but that was incredibly creepy. Stalking! :3 It's the primary dietary item among the facebook/runescape crossover demographic!
  4. It may well have worked! Thanks, Daigon.
  5. This, please stop this ad. SOOOOOOOO FRUSTRATING!!!!!!! Sometimes it gives option to skip but 80% of the time it doesn't. The frequency in which I experience this ad also seems to have increased a lot. It's almost every other time I click a forum post I have to wait for the damn ad to redirect me. If you're still experiencing this ad, you need to please provide us with a landing URL. We can't find and block the advert without that bit of information. :/ There is no landing URL, it's superimposed over the regular page... Unless you mean what it links to. Strangely enough, I suddenly can't seem to get it to pop up...
  6. Damn you D.V. Devnull, I was going to reply to Alg. ~N. E. "YOU'RE BAAAANNED" X
  7. Banned because I was going to ban you for being Blaze, but then I realized Chenw had just done so.
  8. I read Maximum Ride. The first three books were great, then it turned into Captain Planet.
  9. Banned because Sword Art Online was both fantastic, and thoroughly unsatisfying.
  10. I liked the dark tone as much as the cast and story. I just wasn't ready for the tragedy aspect, and by extension, the fate of at least one sad lesbian that I became quite invested in. :cry: Which sad lesbian? It's like saying 'that guy with the black hair' in Japan.
  11. Banned for wasting time on Runescape when you could be wasting time on MTG.
  12. Banned for not recognizing Anthony, the Witch Gertrud's minion, landscaper extraordinaire with a handmade mustache.
  14. I was going to have a play by post game here, but Archi discouraged me because we're the most godawful group in the universe when it comes to roleplaying. Also he convinced me that my setting idea was terrible.
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