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Everything posted by Nexaduro

  1. Dream Creature is 3rd party, and thus irrevocably prohibited. Why can't anyone take Half-Celestial? Third party is allowed on a case-by-case basis. This template is both weaker and better fitting to the campaign than the ghost. People can take half-celestial, however at level 11 the template will change to +3 which opens the question of whether people should sacrifice a level for the template or everybody else gain another free template. I prefer the first option, adding more templates might make the campaign a little bit too high-powered, although it is fairly high-powered already. Edit: I would go Lycanthorpe but the -2 CHA is a total killer, any chance of switching that with INT? It would still be weaker than the ghost. 3rd party isn't allowed, has never been allowed, and will never be allowed. Exception being Psionics in one of Retech's campaigns, but no one used that because 3rd party is a bad idea. Give a munchkin an inch and they'll take an ell, as they say. I do think this campaign is a bit high-power. Templates aren't made to mesh with player characters, and they sorta don't.
  2. Dream Creature is 3rd party, and thus irrevocably prohibited. Why can't anyone take Half-Celestial?
  3. I propose we call a vote... Everyone was against it when it was brought up, and then it wasn't brought up any more because we thought no one would do it... Spellcasters, of course, are squishy [bleep]es who don't play fair. They're entitled to that by the unwise tendencies of 3.5 and Pathfinder's creators. If you are deprived of one ghost ability, Resistance, you will be free to choose another from the standard Special Attacks list provided by the Ghost template.
  4. Doesn't work that way Get Boots of Striding and Springing or whatever they are.
  5. I seem to recall Earth getting the wine. And don't you think that's a bit much to be carrying around? Ah, that aside, what about the bust I pried from the wall, Neferast?
  6. So when is Cow going to give me that moolah See what I did there
  7. See, you've spoiled it by assuming Pathfinder allows for the construction of a functioning economy. Also playing a Goblin Barbarian now.
  8. Average Damage of a Weapon if r is > or = t Lexicon: a = primary damage (multiplied by critical) b = bonus damage (not multiplied by critical) c = critical range (1, 2, 3, 4, or 6) h = hits (21 - r) m = multiplier (remove from equation if none present- NOT BY SUBSTITUTING ONE OR ZERO) r = roll to hit target s = roll to confirm critical (r + confirmation modifiers) t = roll to achieve critical x = critical multiplier ( b*h + a*m*h + ((a*(x+m-1)*(c-(r-t)))*((21-s)/20)) )/20 The other one should be simpler, but it's really easy to make small mistakes. I wish I could resolve the issue of needing different equations for hits above and below critical threshold, but I'm not that clever. EDIT: I realize this is largely unnecessary and redundant, but I saw some really good average damage calculations a while back and couldn't help myself. It also let me surprise Retech. With the practicality of d6s
  9. Give me a sec to put together the equations and post them There are actually two separate ones
  10. So I've done something heinous and terrible, that will forever condemn me in the eyes of GMs I've made a damage calculator
  11. Lol I was bouncing back and forth between characters, then rolled for Alternate Tiefling traits and got 16, 43, 27 (with that Bastard feat at level one that lets you roll thrice on that thingy) which means I can choose to wield Large weapons. Tiefling Barbarian gogogo. I'm going with a stereotypical repentant Chaotic Good this time. Easy. Should have the character sheet soon enough.
  12. I wish I wasn't prejudiced against the staff, most of them are pretty cool a lot of the time. I try not to be. Randox being Randox last time the Tavern had troubles helped with that. Randox is pretty cool.
  13. I think the cloak of flying turns into bat wings I'm currently debating between Fistbeard (Witch/Barbarian), MegaSAD (Kensai/etc), Immortalon (Synthesist), and the Defenestrationist (Aasimar Cleric) for my character.
  14. Probably doesn't help that they posted sand dunes whenever Tripsis was viewing the thread and scantily clad women when she wasn't. Not to mention the manga edits, occasional inappropriate linkage, and spam probably exacerbated things.
  15. Stop trying to be a cat If I were a GM, I'd allow you an alternate Kitsune (a Catsune, if you will) just to get you off of that absurd tangent. If I play this I might go for a Wizardy type.
  16. Probably Morally speaking, though, that isn't a good thing
  17. It's kind of absurd, really. I'm sure you only get away with it because you're much less belligerent than LOTPW was.
  18. Why do I not have those I want those
  19. >Want to watch anime >Lost only headphones >Posting with these sideways carrot things Animo plenus frustratio est
  20. First post in this thread made by a respectable individual in 2013!
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