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Everything posted by GottaGetDownOnfriday

  1. I am no longer employed with McDonalds. I quit today. I got tired with how the store was being ran by the other managers and I got tired of the higher up people being total douche-bags. Ok, the crew are supposed to put time stickers on all of the condiments we use for assembling food. I am the only manager who enforces that procedure. I came in today at 8pm and the time stickers on there expired at 1:30. So I wrote up the crew and the manager on line for not keeping track of the time stickers and using expired condiments. The tomatoes smelt like ass, the pickles were leathery. I get a call 5 hours into my shift from the franchise supervisor saying I need to be less harsh on the employees. When you have customers calling in complaining about crappy tasting food, something has to be done. There was a crew trainer and a manager on line, which means there should be no excuse for the condiments being out of time. Also, the crew running line ended up wasting 44 nuggets, 18 pieces of regular meat, and other products, equaling around 28 dollars in waste. My ass is going to get chewed for that. I get paid 75 cents more than crew now with no raise chance. I will be working at a datacenter managing servers making 1.6 times what I made at McDonald's with quarterly raises and performance bonuses.
  2. Does anyone know the xml url to the friends info? Can you say tray icon friend notifier?
  3. When Cataclysm comes out. I am doing a faction change from a tauren shammy to a worgen. I am also using RAC to boost/dual box two accounts to 60. I am going to boost my 44 shammy as well as probably a druid or mage.
  4. What if you had a banana? Or a bandana? You're a banana. Thank you. Today I got food poisoning from work.
  5. Funny thought, but if it was it would go extinct anyway because Homosexuals have no children to pass their genes on to. Sperm banks and surrogate motherhood.
  6. Based on your states laws, on your 7th day of working in a row, you may get overtime compensation. In Kentucky, that is how it is. It is great when you get those 9 hour days on your 7th.
  7. Holy [cabbage] I am eating Nutella toast and drinking mountain dew Shiny. Congrats bows! Actions like that will look good to future employers. Time to pull an all-nighter and work on my game engine.
  8. Some people just don't discover their true sexuality until they are older. I am 19 and I am still not sure of my own. My uncle who is gay said he discovered his true sexuality at age 28. I have had girl friends and most of my best friends are female, but I don't feel *attracted* to them. I don't necessarily feel attracted to males either. I don't ever see myself getting married at all to be honest. I do not think homosexuality i wrong. I *was* a Christian and still don't believe the bible is against it. If we all were to follow the bibles laws, there would be no violence or crime or anything. We would all love each other.
  9. Doubt the human race would survive if men and women weren't attracted to each other :rolleyes: Sperm banks, cloning, and other means would still work.
  10. I want to be the very best like no one ever was To catch them is my real test to train them is my cause My dad was a total douche to me my whole life so to be a better person and be more successful than him is my main motivation.
  11. Just scheduled me to close the night of cataclysm release and off the next three days :).
  12. inb4 Shiny I think sexuality is like personality, some people like you for it, but it is who you are. Telling someone you are gay is like saying you have blue eyes. I will respect anyone for who they are regardless of what others may think about them.
  13. Command prompt > ping world#.runescape.com > look at average time in ms.
  14. The bible also says we can't cut our hair or get tattoos, but I don't see anyone following those. The Old Testament mainly held laws of man which were later disregarded. Also, might want to capitalize "God" because "god" is blasphemous. I am like bonkers. I feel odd around heterosexuals. Just today some kids were talking about getting drunk and getting [kitty]. It annoys me when they flaunt their sexuality more so then when homosexuals do. I am not gay ( I think) , but I have more gay friends then straight.
  15. It is so funny when people forgot they have certain people on facebook/any social networking site. One of the crew called out today but forgot I was one of his facebook friends. On his facebook, he wrote "Played hookey at work today LOL". I commented "You better be here in 15 minutes or you have no job LOL - your manager". 10 minutes later he showed up. Still wrote the kid up. Got an interview lined up with a factory and a data-center tomorrow and the day after.
  16. Nope, they are just as important. If you fail those, you lose the game. :P they are just for practice.
  17. Today I learned mcneilp likes HP. I also learned that an interstate traffic accident will make me 25 minutes late to work.
  18. Got on youtube and saw this: Time to chill for 5 minutes before I go to work.
  19. After taxes I make like 8-9 dollars an hour. I tend to work 5-15 overtime hours a week as well. I would rather work 40 hours a week and make way more than 50+ hours a week.
  20. Started development on a developers console for my game engine to help with debugging and performance checks. I applied for a job as system administrator assistant for a datacenter which runs part of the xbox live back end. I start off making 14 an hour, I get a 50 cent raise after 30 days, then a 25 cent raise every 3 months. Ive worked at McDonald's for 7 months without a bonus or a raise.
  21. If you think homosexuality is about anal intercourse, you need to grow up kid.
  22. You can get a laptop for the price of the Jungle and you can do more than game.
  23. Doesn't it say in the same area of the bible that tattoos and cutting hair is a sin?
  24. Took a quick video of my puppies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyFHIVAkwDg They love laser pointers. It is now time to go to work :( Store owner is coming during my shift so I have to make sure every surface is clean.
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