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Everything posted by Kthx

  1. If you need a list all their current existing/being worked on products: -Runescape (rly?) -Funorb/"Jagex Games Lab". This includes all those iphone games. I also don't know if this should really count as being worked on, since it's practically dead... -Stellar Dawn -War of Legends -8 Realms -Planetarion -Galaxytarion... -This And then some extra stuff I don't count as games but are still sort of important: -An Ortho mode of Runescape. Basically this means the camera angle is preselected so it takes lower specs because it has to render less stuff. And then they'll release it on the iPad plus other products -Kickabout on Facebook (lolfail) -Project Ignite. Basically a way for publishers to get help to publish a game where TIGA to does all of the work and then they pass it on to Jagex, where they publish it and take part of the profit. Also noteworthy, until recently they were working with Parasonic to put RS and stellar dawn into "The Jungle". But parasonic cancelled the product. And if anybody cared to take count, only Runescape is making a profit out of all of these.
  2. Wait, did Woox just say he's 14 (or 15)? Holy crap. Also, for some reason, when I tried to watch it on youtube it wouldn't work, but it works just fine when embedded here.
  3. Dat 98 agility. Inb4somebodyfiguresoutwhoIamthroughmystats.
  4. You guys are over complicating it. I beat him with lower stats than you on my second try. I ranged besides the pillar, but I still ate while I tanked his attacks. I used sap curses, deflect melee on his berserker stage, and a 3:1 brew ration. My armor was basic. Neitiznot helm, Black d'hide top and bottom, amulet of ranging, archer's ring, ava's accumilator, snakeskin boots, obsidian shield, rune c'bow, and ruby bolts throughout the whole fight. I summoned a kyatt after my tortoise was over, but I still forgot to spam click his spec half of the time. And I messed up my brew ration. Simplistic strategy, horrible armor, worse stats, and horrible implementation. I still had 9 brews left at the end of the fight.
  5. Thanks for the info. I have some charms so I might throw some money towards that. I really only keep the guthans for those random monsters that may need it or for dag kings, plus its not worth a whole now Don't worry. EE, prayer, and bunyip cover all your healing needs. Oh, and I forgot about the saradomin sword. Obviously it's only useful at waterfiends (and even then the cmaul is better, though I realized you don't like dg), but it's super cheap so I figured why not.
  6. -Range apart from titan and cannon is useless in slayer. -Bandos doesn't hurt, though obviously the full set costs more than 20m. You should sell all of your barrows sets but karils for the occasional waterfiend task. -And does rapier count as not wasintg over 20m? That's pretty much it.
  7. If you need any greater example of the problems with Jagex, go to funorb. The site hasn't had an update for almost 6 months. Edit: Reading through the forums will give you even greater insight. Jagex isn't releasing any information about what they're doing, and the only mod left there (mod craddock) seems to be loosing his mind. Ie: (hid this comment, but never hid the post that mentions the fact that he did): "There's nothing in the cards, so you might as well leave now"
  8. Can't wait for my new armour equivalent to sacred clay, zamorak, guthix, saradomin, arma, bandos, ancient, gilded, gold trimmed, trimmed, 1 heralded, 2 heralded, 3 heralded, 4 heralded, 5 heralded, rockshell, proufound. It is clear to me that you are just trolling. Did the oh wait and googly eyes not give it away that he was being sarcastic?
  9. Well, the only advantage of training certain skills in bxp over others is the money you save. Otherwise, you wouldl be saving the same amount of hours no matter what skill you choose. So I'd just wait for bxpw
  10. Kthx

    Night Spiders

    Riveting tale old chap. I have 90 dg without a hood.
  11. They were horrible money to begin with. And now botters have driven the price down even lower. Don't bother.
  12. From what I've heard, the Gower's 4th brother named Shanaynay got jealous over their popularity and developed a money doubling machine to ruin the game economy. 100% legit. And it had to do on a small part for being a boy named Shanaynay
  13. Yeah.. "Selling ranarr(unf) 40k ea" It's really funny to watch people panicking and selling all their items and desperately trying to get even some supplies and yet there is still few weeks until the weekend. :rolleyes: Yeah, lol. What it'll probably do is merch until there is 1 week left since I'm quite poor right now, then spend my money on herb.
  14. Look at it from the bright side. At least there's no trade limits anymore to prevent stuff from being totally unbuyable :mellow: Who am I kidding. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
  15. All true efficiency pros ignore all whip drops.
  16. It's no secret that superantifires are horrible xp. You'll only need about 500 in your whole lifetime though, and the shield slot saves more than an hour I guess.
  17. I own 2 cannons. It won't even let you setup the second cannon unless you get the cannon you lost replaced. Edit: Oops it's been answered.
  18. Yeah. I've never gotten 6h autologged either. Even though I've still played excessively, I always managed to find a way to get bored enough to log out before I hit 6 consecutive hours, then come back 30mins later.
  19. And to make it even better, I just had my first dream about rs ever yesterday and it had to do with there being a super secret update :thumbsup:.
  20. And the mods haven't even locked this yet. QFC: 41-42-721-62382326 --- Trololol. It finally got hidden. I made the thread btw. Somebody pmed me and told me that it had made to the "rs websites"
  21. It's 2m per 10 hours. And that's 10 hours of combat. So technically it lasts even longer.
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