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Everything posted by Bubs

  1. The fact that you're all still going at it after him basically saying "this is all a poorly executed troll" is kinda' funny
  2. 2/10 try harder :thumbdown:
  3. Faux. you just went from showing you know very little to showing you know nothing. Not sure why you're still grasping at straws, nothing you've said (from the start, mind you) has made any sense or had any credibility, just stop lol.
  4. Hello Squab Every "reason" has been posted directly at moron#88458573 (OP) in the last 63? threads he's used the same moronic argument which has been shot down, at last count, 63 times. I have a spare moment here so 1. Consoles are overpriced, inferior technology, next gen will be even more overpriced, just as inferior technology. 2. PCs play games better, goes with technology. 3. It's easier to get a massive collection of PC games cheaper than it would be on console, this is without factoring in pirating. There was a few other things OP mentioned that was just mindless rambling that don't even deserve a response.
  5. Huehuehuehue i get it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: (its funny because PC gaming is better :grin: ) P.S nice games, ps3
  6. Xbox games cost money. Said it nicely.
  7. My entire PC and game library was far less than a 360 with a decent collection of games, as you selectively read due to being a moron, I'm sure you missed it, but here it is again. Also OP get a PC it's better.
  8. I agree, this is a 360 vs ps3 thread, seeing as PC is so superior, it doesn't belong here. :thumbup: Xbox all the way, ps3 is only good for netflix and blurays
  9. Keyword: experience. Experience is inherently subjective. You can not claim that a subjective experience interpreted in one way is in any way factual or representative of the whole. QED, you are wrong. 99 So now that we agree on PC being better, what now?
  10. Even though my post wasn't directed at you, the point still stands and everything I said was valid. Won't read your post because I cba and PC will still be superior if I waste the 30 seconds or not.
  11. Maybe if you could read. :thumbsup: Nobody is debating it's a different experience, we're just stating that the PC gaming experience is far superior. (fact) Again, you will spend far more on consoles than I will ever being on the PC, go on though.
  12. So, because PC is better in nearly every possible way when it comes to gaming, people hate the gamers who point it out? Ha, please just stop.
  13. Spend a little extra (keyword here being little) and get a completely 110% superior gaming experience, yeah doesn't sound worth it. Also, my PC+game collection is half of the cost of a 360/ps3 with the same game library would be, just sayin'. Edit: PC is far superior
  14. Also, for people using epicbot or products from garyshood, both of these products are infected with RATs :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. I've never played without this happening even with a good connection.
  16. I've owned nearly every console since Atari 2600, and if you want advice that isn't get a PC (which you should), get yourself a N64, by far the best console to date. :thumbup: Edit: If you were wondering, you can slap together a gaming rig that can play anything out there for under $500 easily, so don't let price be a problem.
  17. No, they cannot be compared because of how superior PC is. :thumbup: Anyway, yes it's a console thread go at it.
  18. Haha good one. :grin: Wait, are you serious?
  19. As seen on the front page of 9gag I'm sure. :thumbup:
  20. >People using setups that can deal 990 damage nearly instantly with ease >must be horrible at pking >le le le le le green text so cool so hip so funny P.S Le
  21. Seems to me that you can't PK and you're butthurt somebody killed you and you couldn't escape without paying. Yeah that must be it, because that's a completely reasonable conclusion to draw from what he said. :rolleyes: @Hex Hopefully you didn't expect a decent update related to PKing these days, hasn't been one in so many years, why now?
  22. He already has a 360. No way?
  23. 360 if you, like, want to have games.
  24. Bubs

    Diablo III

    It's the only part of the game that isn't a steamroll, why nerf something because it's challenging
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