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Everything posted by Night_Flame

  1. Hah, I've got a good one. This would have to be late 2001. I'm the dude in mithril, the guy above me is a good friend, and the guy outside is Paq, awesome guy, player moderator, and the founder of Clan Jaguar. A second one, faked image of shark: And one more. lol at "carpentry"
  2. Aha, that's where you're wrong, there's a few barrels with taps on them where you can fill beer glasses. Look around, there's usually some around pubs.
  3. I sold a party hat to rimmington general store in rs classic, for like 30 seconds before buying it back. Careless back then.
  4. DI - Respect their power, (especially axe hut claiming and such) RSD - Much the same, I fear the name in the wildy THE - Old clan, great allies, never understood their name BK - Long before they left the alliance I sensed some mistrust. JAGZ - My clan, which I've been in from the beginning :D TDL - Reminds me of a certain alcoholic beverage... THOR - Someone on these boards that I didn't like much was a leader of thor GLADZ - old clan, remember looking up to them in awe, in light of the first few true clan wars pre-wilderness BD - Enemies, don't know much else TRWF - Still I confuse sometimes with allies TMRD, but these guys aren't as friendly :P CORR - old enemies, worthy enemies :P EXCER - enemies, nothing more ANARCHY - enemies, nothing more *Deleted the many that I know not of.
  5. You spelt "you're" wrong. (And "next" as well, but I'm sure you're aware of that one :P) It's ah, umm... Not too bad? Too large to be a sig though :?.
  6. Heh. When I learnt about 2 point perspective drawing in school last year, I decided (for some reason) that I would do one in paint. Not that great as far as 3D drawings go, but it's done 100% in MS PAINT! (btw, Dene is my name)
  7. Hmm... I didn't trace it at all, but I know what you mean.
  8. You like? | \./ Edit: I'd used one like this (with different weapons) a while ago. If you've seen it around before, don't think I've ripped it or anything.
  9. And he kicked the imperium's [wagon] in the last campaign. Both awesome drawings anyway.
  10. This isn't really new, but I'd like some opinions on it anyway:
  11. I'm not sure if I actually plan to use this, but I was bored and made this while watching TV, using MS paint. It's kinda work in progress, and alot can still be changed but what do you think?
  12. Nice! I like the second one, it's always good to have someone looking at the moon over a simple landscape ? \/\/ :D
  13. Excellent example of a poor example to prove your point. I made my sig in paint :shock:
  14. Niice. I thought the sword was some kind of battleaxe, before I noticed the handle. Even so, it looks nearly as cool as a battleaxe as it does as a sword :).
  15. Ooh, and sancho, I've noticed that you like to make people's capes fly sideways in your sigs, but could mine just point down, or mabye to the side a little bit. I don't really care about it too much, but I don't want it to look like I'm standing in a tornado :wink:
  16. 8) I think that sig was successful at capturing my attention :D
  17. Erm... Hold back on the colour of the cape, those who wore yellow have disbanded now :?. Put red mabye.
  18. In addition to the one above, it looks like the freaky Horse/Ghost man has a dog/wolf/bear This picture doesn't show it too well, but it shows on the original.
  19. Cool! It would be nice if it was like gta, where days go for 30 (?) minutes.
  20. Could you make me a sig Sancho? I won't be too original, show me smashing the helmet of a yellow caper 8). I need to be weilding a mace and holy symbol in rune armour and purple cape.
  21. I keep running into a guy called "Kenshin", without any numbers, "X"'s, just "Kenshin". I've praised his name every time I've seen him, at first he was like "Hehe, thanks, have some free mith", now it's something like "You again!" :). Accidental stalker 8).
  22. Yeah, it kinda suxx. I made this on MS paint, and the only other program I can use to convert it is Microsoft Photo Editor, which even on the highest detail level, still screws up the image slightly. Gif images screw up even more, and my host can't take anything but gifs or jpegs.
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