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Everything posted by hlpmee

  1. They cost too much for just a little advantage. don't buy them.
  2. Cooking swordfish till 90; monkfish till 94; sharks till 99. with current rate, it literally costs nothing!
  3. build up slayer, and use the charm to train summoning
  4. I have two skills left to max, one of them is hunter. I enjoy afk training, like cooking, fishing, lrc mining. I do not like click-heavy training, cause it hunts my finger. The question is is there a 'afk' way of training hunter? or what is the most afk like way?
  5. title says all. p.s. I have played more than 10 years. But I want to know the exact day when I started.
  6. I found myself cared less and less on this kind of updates. after the bxw, raf, mlp, rof, sgs, rof2, rof3...
  7. get a whip @ attack 70, you will love it.
  8. I have tried this game for several times, still not get it. first of all, my character seems not be controlled, the response is badly delayed. secondly, what's the goal of this game, catch the cheese? (seems impossible) avoid rocks & logs? (sometimes I just tripped on nothing) Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
  9. ahrim is fine for most mage slaying. although i might use gano for it's mage defence. e.g. slaying waterfiend in chaos tunnel.
  10. in my knowledge, runners are not suitable for ZMI rcing, because it's inventory-consuming. myself never saw any runners around ZMI.
  11. i have to say it's a nice try of promoting membership.
  12. the fight is easy using gano armors
  13. Informative! Will try it after get my dreadnip.
  14. Believe me, if I believed in SOPA I would have left that out and defended it to the death. I know it is an extremely controversial issue however, and people get extremely upset over it (I usually leave public chat on but its been a literal nightmare) Yeah I figured I should train DG and get it but im worried I wont be able to make the cash in time to take advantage of BXP (Im in uni so i have very little time to play). I will do it anyway, because im hoping herb prices crash near the date (like they did last time). Also I get my dailies done usually correction: it's scroll of cleaning. you definitely need that for herblore training.
  15. hlpmee


    p2p binds have no stat in f2p. you have to destroy p2p bind first to bind f2p. And if you don't bind anything new, you will keep your p2p binds. f2p exp is horrible (50% nerf), myself might not wanna dg in f2p.
  16. I guess drop in game has "memories". based on my experience of hunting effigies, multiple drops usually happened after a long dry, vice versa. well, just a guess. p.s. "multiple drops" refer to the case of extremely lucky, like the guy have 3 boots in 100 kills.
  17. I'm not sure about this, because: 1. the effect of reducing defense is not visible; 2. the beast may drop something good when you use it, waste time to pick up twice.
  18. "Broad Leaf Arrow", good for fletching, but sadly it's not tradeable, and IMO it's not quite useful. What do you do with it?
  19. I heared flesh+4 or thunder+4 instead of occ+4. now I know it's named after the boss. So, what's the exact floors? flesh = f42-44 ? thunder = f45-47 ? Is it aimed to avoid nerco? Will you call different floor for warp? if yes what for?
  20. Thanks for tips. I will get a platebody and see how it goes.
  21. Currently I have binded: Shadow silk hood Promethium 2h sword Celestial surgebox ring set to beserker/blazer I'm going to key more floors, what changes would be helpful? e.g. ring set to tank ? 2h sword --> battleaxe ? I appreciate your help.
  22. really? have you planted at least one flower on surface before claim the points?
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