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Gang Sabre

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Everything posted by Gang Sabre

  1. Id be on Diablo III if only my WiFi would cooperate. :(
  2. I'm pretty sure BL2 is meant to be played as a team. Also theres still Diablo III Reaper of Souls.
  3. This game is beautiful and better than I hoped. See you online as FatalAcid
  4. No kidding.... I'm still at 20% This game seems to be bigger than World of Warcraft.
  5. Im giving 9Dragons a try... an asian martial arts MMORPG. Also seeinng if Dragon Nest is any good in the long run, cuz it has the equivilant of RS cards.
  6. ^^ You forgot Dragon Nest. Been playing for a couple days now.... very fast gameplay.
  7. Take a few breaks from RS3 and see what happens..... The fashionable phats are worthless now. :(
  8. That really sux... looks good on me tho.
  9. Some 1 just gave me a Red Phat to go along with my white Phat I have on my classic account... Things are looking up. :)
  10. I was fishing on the first character I ever made, and this strange dude asked me what my fav color was... red no doubt. I did a bit of answering his questions, and then, SWEEET!!! A free red party hat. :) :) :) :) :)
  11. Banned for not following through with his rage quit. :P
  12. There was never a class system in RuneScape. And, what could the harm be if 99 strength calls your character Hulk or Heavyweight or whatever?
  13. Not being able to play RS in all given moments was crappy as an 11 year old... But now that Ive finished school I can play all I want to. Yet, I don't.
  14. I really would love it if Pker Dude Jr, Vas, Fook, and Ivy would start posting again.
  15. Y know, RS writers could learn from Arenascapes class system.... It would seriously look great for RS4 and RS3 is classless at the moment.
  16. Just picked up a Gamecube, should be some fun if I can find some older RPGs.
  17. Ah well, I give up trying to get this game started again.... Rest in peace, Well Of Souls. :(
  18. Thats quite a risk for a lvl 55 def pker, about 4x price. It looks silly anyway. :P
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