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Everything posted by Ianbur

  1. I'd recommend The Movies. I haven't played it before, but it looks really good, its something different.
  2. What is the point of this question? The point is that they became what the public wanted. They became popular because of that, they advertised themselves unlike some bands - because of that, as a last stand of being cool, to be unique among the masses, to be an individual, people like you appear in action. You guys hate them because they're popular. Of course they're different from 5-10 years ago because of just that, it's 5 to 10 years ago. Times pass, you'll be different after years pass too, nothing stays the same. They can play, maybe not as good as some, but at the least, they can play. You hate them because girls like them? Don't even try to back yourself up :lol: I'm sorry if it seems harsh, but people who come up to threads and posts for the sole reason of ruining it are just plain stupid. I don't hate them because they are popular, please PLEASE don't put words in my mouth. I hate them because they went emo, and they were NEVER like that in the past. And the moment 90% of a band's fans are emo teenage girls, you realize they have to be doing SOMETHING wrong. Aaah! Nobber!!! So because they wear makeup, they are an emo band? Bloody hell, wouldn't that make R.E.M. emo then? Yes, they have changed the style of music they play, but its hardly unheard of, if you continue with the same style throughout your career, you get really boring. I don't understand why Green Day are getting barracked for it. AND IT ISN'T EMO! Unless you can prove that 90% 'statistic', im not believing one word of it. Um? Who said anything about makeup? More slander. Have you ever listened to the lyrics in their hit "boulevard of broken dreams" come on, don't act nieve. Its been mentioned before, and I didn't necessarily point the finger at you. Besides, its the only thing that makes them seem emo. Boulevard simply isn't an emo song, it isn't in an emo style, you should try listening to some emo music before making any kind of these crazy statements.
  3. What is the point of this question? The point is that they became what the public wanted. They became popular because of that, they advertised themselves unlike some bands - because of that, as a last stand of being cool, to be unique among the masses, to be an individual, people like you appear in action. You guys hate them because they're popular. Of course they're different from 5-10 years ago because of just that, it's 5 to 10 years ago. Times pass, you'll be different after years pass too, nothing stays the same. They can play, maybe not as good as some, but at the least, they can play. You hate them because girls like them? Don't even try to back yourself up :lol: I'm sorry if it seems harsh, but people who come up to threads and posts for the sole reason of ruining it are just plain stupid. I don't hate them because they are popular, please PLEASE don't put words in my mouth. I hate them because they went emo, and they were NEVER like that in the past. And the moment 90% of a band's fans are emo teenage girls, you realize they have to be doing SOMETHING wrong. Aaah! Nobber!!! So because they wear makeup, they are an emo band? Bloody hell, wouldn't that make R.E.M. emo then? Yes, they have changed the style of music they play, but its hardly unheard of, if you continue with the same style throughout your career, you get really boring. I don't understand why Green Day are getting barracked for it. AND IT ISN'T EMO! Unless you can prove that 90% 'statistic', im not believing one word of it.
  4. No, because they are emo now. Older stuff circia 90s was passable. Nimrod was an awesome CD, but now? Psh.....high school teeny bopper mainstream emo trash. Just because Billie Joe wears eye shadow, they are now emo? Fool. Rock is quite a loose term, not sure what type you mean, but for a proper rock band, i'd probably say Foo Fighters are the best.
  5. 2005 hasn't been a great year for games, really. I'd probably say Mario Kart DS.
  6. Seems like an esay group for England, apart from Sweden perhaps. No doubt we'll go out to the first half-decent team we face though.
  7. Wah, doesn't come out over here in England for years. I heard you could get up to four people running round your town all at once, but is it online?
  8. Yeah its streets. You could also drive a tank on the runway level.
  9. Yeah, I was peeved when Nintendo first sold Rare, but now you can see it was a wise descision as they are well past it. I hate Xbox, but if there was one game that would make me want to play one, it would be PDZ. It was amazing on the N64, but all of Rare's decent staff have gone to Free Radical. It looks to have shown, it got a poor review on Eurogamer.
  10. Ianbur


    Football, and not the stupid American handball version.
  11. Only sold online? Thats insane, they've been hyping up the DS' online mode for ages. Looks like i'm just going to have to get a normal router....
  12. Can't argue with the top two, but Gerrard third? There's no doubting he's a great player, but I didn't think he had that good a year. And although I hate Chelsea so much it hurts, I was suprised only Lampard made the list, as they did thrash everyone last year. Terry and Cech should have definately been on it.
  13. The UK website isn't up yet. Does that mean that the WiFi network isn't either? I don't have access to my DS right now, so I can't tell (my DS is at home in England, I'm stuck in Belfast). Wi-Fi is up in the UK, but I can't find the stupid usb connector dongle in any game retail shops, so I haven't played online yet, but I know it'll be ace. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone in the UK had manged to get their hands on the dongle?
  14. revolution will be so to speak, a "novelty" it wont have many graphical improvements, but innovation-wise it will bring alot to gaming ... good thing yes.. but i hate gimmicks :P I really don't think it's just a "gimmick". If it was from somone else, maybe, but you know that Nintendo will be able to deliver. For all we know the motion-sensetive control-system might truly be the next-generation of video games. As for no graphical improvements? Meh, wait and see I guess. Yeah, I don't think it will be a gimmick. Not from Nintendo, anyway. I was a bit skeptical when I first saw the controller, but i've since realised that it has huge potential. Anyway, this thread is stupid. The PS3 isn't even out so how can we compare it to the 360?! Okay, odds are high that it will be the PS2 wilh better graphics, and little in the way of innovation, but you still can't compare it to the 360 right now.
  15. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that a bundle was coming out. Gah, ive still got to wait until Friday to get my copy, but I know its going to be ace.
  16. Runescape obviously. I'd rather spend about ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã3.00 per month playong a decent online RPG than splashing out ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã300 on a crap console that is the same as the original Xbox which was poor anyway, but with better graphics.
  17. Lol, it was always going to turn into a flame war. The narrow minded fools who probably hate Nintendo versus the people who look beyond the cutesy aesthetics.
  18. I know.. I don't know why everyone thinks they out of the World Cup already, they have got a few decent players. I think they could be one of those teams that could spring an upset.
  19. I noticed that Sonic had gone downhill five years ago. The 2D games never matched Mario, but they were still okay to play. But the 3D games are just woeful to say the least.
  20. Yes, With The Likes Of Mr Ruud van Nistelrooy I said wrath, not donkey. Wahah, not funny. You do have to fear a Holland side with Van Nistelrooy firing on all cylinders, though.
  21. Shut your face, you narrow-minded freak. Pokemon could be percieved as for kids to the likes of you, but it is a really deep RPG in which you need a great deal of stratgey and skill to succeed with. Try playing it before making assumptions?
  22. Final Fantasy? I seriously doubt it.
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