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Everything posted by Embraced

  1. I enjoy reading what you have to say so dont listen to them! Keep it up. O:)
  2. Ranging lesser demons, just got 64 range. \
  3. The computer i normally play RS on is about 5-6 years old. It never takes more than 10 seconds to loads onto RS.
  4. Sensible idea. But i think it would make this too complicated if you started splitting skills into sub-skills. sorry if that doesnt make sense, its late.
  5. I think those spinning plates that came out ages ago. I have some in my bank just sitting there. I think you had to get them in draynor, can anyone clarify this? :-k edit lol :lol: that made me laugh
  6. I did. It was annoying having fatigue. But i think it would sort the problem of autoers by alot. So id like to see fatigue brought back. I'm sure i am going to get many replys at this telling me not to be stupid. :lol:
  7. i am training range on lesser demons. no rune med yet :(
  8. I think if you cry over Runescape then you have become a little too attatched. I have been severely pissed off on multiple occasions, but never close to crying. Thats a bit childish.
  9. I agree, knives are better.
  10. Went through that gate North of Fally. I'd wanted to go through that for years i was so happy when i finally did. Then it took me about an hour to get over. It felt like i had started RS all over again, it was great!
  11. When you're walking through Varrock dungeon. Go to walk through a door. Some noob closes it in your face, you open it, then he closes it, you open it, he closes it. etc. :evil:
  12. The hours i spent on those darn levers!! And that was before i knew about quest guides. Shield of Arrav is just frustrating!
  13. It has saved me countless times. I get distracted and the next thing i know im standing in lumby but thankfully with my stuff. Thank you ring of life. :)
  14. I often give people full mith if they have steel or whatever. I go to the varrock sword shop and theres always a few low levels so i say, 'first person to ask gets any sword they want' and uys the winner whatever they choose. I do that whenever i walk past.
  15. A year ago i had just bought members, i had rubbish combat and total level. All i used to train was combat stats. I was about lvl 60 with 850 ish total level. Now i am lvl 84 with 1137 total with many more quests done and a much nicer bank. :lol:
  16. I play 2+ hours a day. On weekends maybe 5 hours.
  17. i know someone called hairchest666 which is quite a strange, disturbing name.
  18. I have Runescape client (opened twice, i use one to see peoples highscores) Fire fox (various tabs: Myspace, Radioblogclub, Tip.it) MSN Calculator (im im buying/selling anything)
  19. LOL! I bet his brother either killed him or killed himself :lol: [TEST] :shock: How bad..!!! I feel sorry for his brother. Lucky person whoever bought it. =D>
  20. I've met people like that and i always give them money, armour, maybe some arrows or weapons to start them off. Makes you feel good about yourself seeing their reaction. I could just imagine what i'd have been like if the situation was the other way around.
  21. why not get all your skills to 30 to get a good foundation of your char.
  22. my mith scimmy, i thought i was invinsible. i went to wildy with it, skulled and then got pked and lost it lol. i was so gutted.
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