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Everything posted by X_Awesome_X

  1. People saying that they do that stuff or are gonna do it should realise that many of them are vandilism or stealing and just think of that before you do it. Some are harmless fun though :D
  2. iv never gotten a rock golem and i think swarm is worst.
  3. use the thing on tip.it it will show you where then just dig like crazy :twisted:
  4. Yea i died on my first lv 3 clue from pker in wild. Then 2nd one i almost died to lv 108 guy same sorta thing as you but i had drag ammy on me. Just be ready any time you gotta do coordinates in non wild its lv 108 mage and in wild i think he is lv 65 mage.
  5. yea he is funny i like the doughnut and baked potato best.
  6. Here are a few things I have problems with not really plot flaws but... 1. How come in ep III r2d2 can take out those bad [wagon] droids but in IV-VI he just always goes along? 2. How can r2d2 fly? and why doesn't he ever in IV-VI? 3. How come many jedi when they get the chance use 2 light sabers? If they fought better with 2 why not just always have 2 on them? 4. Too much throwing stuff around in ep III i mean later they have to concentrate very hard to move things but in III they are just like blah. 5. No jedi mind control ever :cry: just disappointed me you would think someone would at least try it.
  7. I love prayer books but don't you think there should be like monks boots and gloves? maybe make them treasure trail only like wizard boots and even if they not that good i think it would be cool.
  8. vibrate, silent or the ring i have now the 1812 overture.
  9. Umm...Did you watch the commercial? Yes I did.
  10. I don't think it's really that bad and besides i think the girl in the old spice (i think) commercial is hotter. That one is funny. This is also by no means porn softcore porn at least has breasts and thongs.
  11. Ah yes and we really have glowing swords that can cut through anything and mind powers to choke people. Wait what about giant furry 7 foot tall creatures that just scream. IT WAS A FILM! GET OVER IT! Yea well those things were made up. This is a goof up that is being pointed out, and with the millions of dollars that went into this you would think they would catch things like that.
  12. omg dudeee put star wars spoiler alert warning or something before you post that! I think the ending to gladiator and rob roy are pretty good.
  13. No other relitives you could live with around? If not I would say stay with friends and just split up the time you live with them I wouldn't care if someone stayed at my place. Also why did your dad kick you out?
  14. I would suggest The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander.
  15. #1 My moms homemade choc chip #2 My homemade choc chip best store bought is the chips ahoy choc chunk or whatever they called.
  16. X_Awesome_X


    i got like 10 and they sit on the floor by the tv.
  17. Sorry to hear that but seriously your fall to the floor no way makes them evil.
  18. the problem is that just way too much money gets put into the game and very little gets take out. how many billions of gp are high alched from fletching or smithing and those billions are just gonna drive the price of whatever is "rare" up. I would rather have phats going for 20 mil and whips going for 9 mil rather then if they paid everyone with phats then whips would go up to 20 mil.
  19. im gonna have to go with yellow on this one.
  20. DUI is Driving Under the Influence. In other words driving drunk.
  21. I agree that people over a certain age should have to take a driving test once every few years, but to say that everyone should have to I think is stupid. If anything I will become a better driver as I get somewhat older. I have never had any sort of accident or traffic violation why should I have to go waste a day at the DMV? Also the tests are not good for what the problems are. It doesn't matter if someone stops at a stoplight or know how to parralell park. It matters whether or not they can see people coming from the side when they start from the stop. Also reaction time is a big factor which was not tested in my test at least.
  22. I like hippies and in fact many of my friends are hippies :D even I may be somewhat hippieish :wink:
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