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Everything posted by Militaris

  1. If you mean true love probably not... lust yes. I am just overly defensive and paranoid to let someone get to close in a relationship. So they are lucky to last for more then a few weeks. I generally try to avoid using the word love. I can not remember the last time I said it with a person being the target. It is quite a powerful word and one which I believe should only be used when it is really meant.
  2. The best example would have to be the implementaytion of mouse gestures. In opera they can be customised for speceific areas of the UI.... The opera mouse gestures can pretty much do anything. Firefox mouse gestures can not be customized for speciefic areas of the UI. You would need dozens of gestures, not just a few. ALso unless you have done it several times before it would take much longer then 5 minutes. Nope, bugs can spend months, even years floating around in bugzillia. They even claimed that one security threat was a feature. A securtiy threat is only fixed once it is avaiable in the main release of a product. Nope, it use to cost prior to 1998, at that poiunt its development was shifted to the Mozzila community. Although the vast majoirty of programmers were still paid by netscape. Also Opera was generating revenue before it went free. The engine is the core of any browser. So that is a direct relationship.
  3. I always thought tip.it was Italian based because of its domain name. But then I have no idea where they host servers are.
  4. Yes it is possible to make the extensions to communicate between each others, but the extension coder does not know what other extensions a potential user is also using. By implementing the features straight into the browser start with it is possible to know what other features/functions they would have to operate beside. It is simply a much more efficient and less complicated way to do things. Efficiency has everything to do with stability and readability. If the code is all over the place, it would be inefficient. By having a horrible product that crashes due to a simple change in the environment goes completely against the basic definition of being efficient. ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅBeing effective without wasting time or effort or expenseÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
  5. The data I was quoting is just for alcohol. Independent of the form it is in. Although wine does offer additional benefits other then its alcohol content. Wine is probably the best form of alcohol to drink due to the additional benefits it offers. But the same decrease in heart disease is present in spirit and beer drinkers.
  6. The core fundamentals of opera are designed and coded in house. Code is not code, there is efficient code and bad code. The more efficient the code the more it can archive for less computing resources. The more efficient the code, the less likely bugs and instability would occur. The more efficient the code the easier it would be for others to read and modify. The original analogy was better. When the consumer uses the browser it is a finished product, people use the browser, not read the recipe. The main flaw in firefox design aspect is the lack of integration between the various features, and the core engine itself. Because many of the extensions are developed independently they are not designed to take advantage of the previous extensions already in use.
  7. What lead to his problems is a lack of self control, not being drunk. Being drunk is never a excuse for stupid behavior and blaming his behavior on being drunk is not focusing on the main problem. His main problem is a lack of loyalty towards his friend.
  8. It is also a major flaw, because many people do contribute which are not part of the main development team. In projects like Opera everyone has a clear goal in mind, and they work together to achieve that. In firefox it is a bunch of individuals who supply bits and pieces and the main development team have to make it work and fit together flawlessly. Plus in firefox the developers trend to concentrate on the more exciting and rewarding aspects of design, leaving other key but less interesting aspects underdeveloped. A community based product would never be as good as a bunch of specialists working together. Would you rather eat a omelette made by a team of train chiefs, or by a few hundred volunteer?
  9. People support the other teams because they are the underdogs, and it is human nature to support them. The American players are simply brilliant and they should not of lost.
  10. I suspect most people outside of the USA would of been supporting the greeks. My team peaked before the world champs, finished 4th in their pool. Their first knock out game was against.... Argentina. In the previous world champs they finished 4th overall. (Partly luck, partly skill, and partly because they were unknown)
  11. I suspect most of you would not realize that the basketball world championships are currently under way. There is same amazing basketball currently being played. If you are a basketball fan I suggest you spend a few minutes watching (I generally watch the last 10 minutes of each game, the most exciting). I just finished watching the first semi-finals, between the exceptionally skilled and brilliant USA team who have been embarrassed by losing the last world champs and the Olympic gold, they were out to prove a point. They were up against the european champions Greece (never knew they played). It was a amazing game, one of the best I have ever seen. The final score Greece: 101 USA: 95 The next semi-finals is later today. It is Spain vs Argentina. Argentina is the current Olympic gold medalist and Spain has been in firm. Both teams are unbeaten going into this match. In the pre-tournament games Spain beat Argentina Twice... It is going to be another exceptional game. The finals and the play offs for 3rd/4th would also be great. It is 4 of the best teams up against each other.
  12. Only if you install a 3rd party plugin and that still doesnt change the fact that its the most insecure browser. Thats true. But Firefox requires 'extensions' (basically a more efficient version of 3rd party PlugIns) to give it much of its functionality. Mozilla record on security has also been less then stellar. Used correctly, with the right supporting software all browsers are extremely capable products. I personally use the browser which is highly capable with the minimal amount of extra add-ons required.
  13. The drinking of alcohol in moderation has properties which extend the life span not shorten it. (Moderate is less then 4 standard drinks per adult male per day). There is quite substantial evidence around that moderate drinkers are less likely to to suffer heart disease In Italy they do not have a age limit on drinking, and their average lifespan is one of the best in the world. They also do not suffer from the same degree of binge drinking which is a prevalent in many countries with strict control of youth drinking. If someone is allowed to be brought up with alcohol, it losses its 'special' status making it less attractive to drink by youth, and hence a reduction of excessive drinking. I also highly doubt that he has a serious drinking problem. There is a difference between binge drinking and Alcoholism. Now, binge drinking is not a smart thing to do and is probably best to be avoided. But by binge drinking it is not a sign of a drinking problem, it is a sign of lack of control. Just learn to drink in moderation.
  14. There is nothing wrong with drinking at a young age, probably not wise to drink to excess but learn to drink in moderation.
  15. IE has had the ability to have tab broweing for a long time, no need to get the IE beta.
  16. Was it Java or Javascript that opera was faster at? They are only very distanty related. I might be wrong there but I believe that Java is almost entirely independent from the browser which loads it. Java is like another program running inside of the browser. With regards to browser speed Opera is quite easily the fasest 'complete' browser around for most tasks. http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/browserSpeed.html
  17. As a bit of a AMD fanboy this is quite hard for me to say, but the Intel current offerings are signifcanly better then anything AMD can throw at it. The AMD x2 CPU are not focusing on the value market. If you want preformance get a Intel Core 2 Duo. Their is also a much better range of motherboards around for the intel. Now with regards to motherboards. There is a few things to look for. Reliability. The motherboard must be stable and must be reliable. Features. Must have the features which you want. Layout. Many motherboards have heaps of features but due to bad layout many of them are difficult to use. Preformance. There is slight preformance differences between motherboards. Same also overclock better then others. Price. Some boards cost more then others.
  18. The main reason why Pluto is not a planet is because of this definition "the body must also clear the neighborhood around its orbit.".... But using this argument, Neptune has failed to clear Pluto from its orbit. So there is a argument that Neptune is not be a planet.
  19. I use to play quite a few text bases games, they were very fun. Thinking back Trade Wars was one of them, (at least it was a space game where you fly around, trade, kill people ect)... It was all very complicated so I let my brother take over and he quickly dominated the server. In the other text based games, I played them, and got very strong and quickly become the dominate player in them all and brought all the best equipment, killed everything and everyone. I become king in one and threw the server admin in prison for a week (maybe a month) because he tried to kill me, but he abused his powers and threated to ban me unless I freed him and the others I arrested. Thinking back there was only around 3 or 4 people who played the games so my dominance in them was nothing amazing. I can not remember any of the names.
  20. The problem could even be more widespread because I believe the Sony laptops batteries are made by Mitsubishi... So any laptop which uses a Mitsubishi battery could also have the fault. Such notebooks include Apple, HP and Lenovo. Although, HP has claimed "It is a Dell Issue" and that they are not affected by the Investigation. So what is going on here. Has Sony been knowingly selling dodgy batteries to Dell, or has dell been requesting the batteries to be made cheaply so corners have been cut.
  21. Militaris

    Date me

    Ummm yes you can. I can easily think of several things which could cause it to go wrong.
  22. and would any of these make for better games? No
  23. The mistake is wasting time reading it.
  24. There is still heaps of oil in the ground. Much of it is in areas which are not currently economical to drill. In a few cases we simply lack the technology. Many of the western countries are keeping their fields intact just in case they still require it in 50, 100 years or so when the middle eastern fields have run dry. It simply makes more sense to use up someones else resources first. Although within the next 50 years the demand for oil as a fuel would almost disappear as alternative fuels take over. This would leave heaps of oil in the ground. Nadril what is so interesting about that advertisement. Pretty typical of the stuff which the ifcj does.
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