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Everything posted by FunPhish

  1. You're calling a guy a douche because of how he dresses. Is that because he seems superficial to you? Isn't superficial to say that about someone you don't know? Though you do have a good point about abc's ability to converse. The way you dress determines the way you're labeled. If he was dressed in all black with makeup I would call him a goth, but instead he's in a wife-beater with [bleep]ed hair, therefore labeled a tool(or douche, same diff). Not to mention the guy looks like 12-pack from VH1.
  2. People just kind of ignore me :/ I don't really know what they think of me. I still don't understand how you're supposed to make friends though. Hell just talk to people the same way you do on here, you don't seem awkward to me. Try playing basketball, I make so many friends just going to local courts and playing pick-ups. If you're not athletic try the skating rink or something, just anywhere there will be people your age. Dude if you can't spot a tool when you see it then maybe you're one yourself. If you can say he's good with the girls just off of the picture why can't I say he's a douche just based on the picture? I don't know why anyone feels the need to defend this nameless guy but cool it, insulting people on here isn't going to make that guy look like any less of a tool. Besides dude, you're from Australia...
  3. Man thank god people are agreeing with me on Bioshock, when I try and explain it to my friends they act like I'm insane in tha' membrane.
  4. ROFLMAO! The half-done fake tans are really all a girl needs in a man. I'm incredibly cheered up by these pictures. You just made my life, thank you! :thumbsup:
  5. Yeah I can't disagree with that, it's definatly greedy. You're idea is definatly the way to go, and honestly should just be common sence. The way they do it is just stupid, I definatly can't defend bungie when it comes to greediness. Bungie is not greedy, they had nothing to do with the price. Most of what they do, they do because MS told them to. Halo 2 was basicly a beta. Bungie wanted another year or so to work on it, but MS told them to release what they had. They were required to make atleast some of the map packs, and if it were up to Bungie they wouldn't be priced at $10 a pop most likely. Well yes I do realise they have MS breathing down their throats, but what I was more talking about was the map pack reqs. No reason they can't prioritize. But I guess by now that's been said enough, we all agree the way they do it is stupid.
  6. I'm from Tuscaloosa, trust me, I know a tool when I see it. The only people that like tools are wannabetools and [bleep]s(Morons), I mean for god sakes the guy looks like he's trying out for I Love Money.
  7. BIOSHOCK. I'm sorry but, it was just kind of boring to me. It's not a bad game, but it's soooo overrated. I blew through it playing on normal half asleep by how easy it was, the beautiful Biggies that looked so mean in the trailer were just push overs, "Back up, tommy gun, that was hard...". So then I load that [bleep] up on hard and whatta' you know, not only do you have to beat Bioshock, but you also have to complete the entire game of Pipe-Builder, I mean just CONSTANT hacking and frustration. The game was pretty, it wasn't horrible, but it is without doubt imo overrated. Maybe Bioshock 2 will suprise me, I'm definatly going to give it a chance.
  8. FunPhish


    If that is the only thing you need to realive your stress then you and I have 2 different definitions of the word. I smoke on and off, mostly just a social smoker I guess, can't stand to drink alcohol without em'. Personally I don't find them addicting, but I also smoke Marijuana so that probobly keeps my mind occupied. Yes, they're nasty, yes they kill you, but yes they also can be an instant stress relief, like no other medicine.
  9. Yeah it's good to have an identity though honestly the part about looking like a certain group is bs bruh. I have an identity but I am also unique, you never want to look like a dime-a-dozen douche who wears a uniform. Just wear things that express the way you feel, it doesn't have to be perfect, sacrifice alittle to make sure it actually looks nice. Also, never sell out and wear things that aren't true to your personality, if you don't like it DON'T wear it, it's not worth it to sacrifice what you want to impress a dumb girl. Also, never be that guy on the right, so what if he can get girls if everyone else hates him, he's the definition of a TOOL.
  10. Ha, lucky me I'm 6'1 and about 155lbs, I have great abs my arms is all cut and my chest is pretty small but it's toned. I used to be sooo underweight(still am but..) untill I decided to start working out. For all the people on here talking about being tall and lanky and underweight, trust me it is NOTHING to complain about. I used to be the same way, just do some curls and get a rotation of about 3-5 different ab workouts and you'll look friggen' awesome in no time. When you're skinny all you have to do is put alittle time into working out, if you're fat then you have to really put forth an effort. Oh and don't worry about what you eat, I live on McChickens(like 40 carbs ea) and Cookies N' Creme candy bars and I never gain a pound.
  11. Yeah I can't disagree with that, it's definatly greedy. You're idea is definatly the way to go, and honestly should just be common sence. The way they do it is just stupid, I definatly can't defend bungie when it comes to greediness.
  12. If you were wearing that neck tie to look cool, then job well done! Cause' you totally look cool as hell.
  13. Knocking on Heavens Door - Guns' N Roses. Not only the worst cover ever but just all around the worst song EVER.
  14. Sorry but I have The Orange Box and HL2's campaign is pretty boring dude, when i'm rating a shooter the storyline is the last thing on my mind. Hl2 and Halo both have ridiculous and unrealistic storylines, whichever you like is completely opinion, not fact. And of course there will be mods when it drops for pc, just ebcause HL has volleyball and gun game doesn't make it deeper.. What exactly makes any of the Halo series games 'deep' then. Problems with Halo 3: 1. Over half of online playlists require DLC you pay for. 2. 'Boosting' is much too easy. 3. A good portion of the player base is immature. I'm not even talking about the young ones. I'm talking about the older age group. They're the [bleep]s. 4. If there is any lag, it becomes nearly impossible to play. 5. Matchmaking can take quite a long time, and even once you've been matched, there's a fairly decent chance for you to simply be disconnected. 6. A large part of 'serious' players aren't serious, just whiny and obsessed. They complain about the simplest aspects of the game, like someone using grenades or an 'unfair' weapon. If they use methods that require no skill, why are they beating you? 7. Forge, which I'd say is the selling point of the console game, is very iffy.: A) You try to pick up an item just to move it ever so slightly, and it is set to a default distance from the manipulator, putting it competely out of position. B)The physics engine is still used when manipulating items. It is fine to have it come into effect after the item is placed, but I shouldn't have to worry about friction when I'm trying to rotate a box for a wall. C)If another object gets between you and the object you are manipulating, the distance is set to default. D) It is quite easy to knock over moveable objects with an object you are manipulating. So, the amount of playlists available is just an illusion, matchingmaking is flawed in more than one way, finding a good community to get into is difficult, leg disrupts gameplay quite a bit, serious gaming is not really serious, just obsessive, one of the best aspects of the game is flawed, and not even that special, even for a console. Matchmaking takes a while because IT HAS TO. Halo is a game where if you're even slightly out-skilled the game is already over, so it has to take the time to find you a good match. Oh wow you have to pay $10 for DLC? If you're that broke how do you afford Xbox Live to begin with. Yeah lag is a problem, but if you're using that as a flaw then every online game ever has that draw back. And enough complaining about the community for god sakes, atleast on Halo people don't tag the walls with disgusting porn like they do on HL, now THAT is immature and sick at the same time. Yes, players can boost, but big deal. If you're a 50 and didn't legitimatly earn it then you can't play matchmaking because you'd be constantly getting your [wagon] kicked, and on HL and CS people hack to all hell, there are even hacks you can't tell they have running. Yes all of what you said about forge is definatly true, but I wouldn't exactly consider that the selling point for me. Not to mention no one ever talks about the theatre, that alone makes it stand out from other console shooters, not only can the most insane ridiculous things happen on Halo, but you can go back and watch or record them without buying some ridiculous software. TBH why are we even having this arguement, if you don't like Halo, WHY IN THE HELL ARE YOU IN THIS THREAD?
  15. Sorry but I have The Orange Box and HL2's campaign is pretty boring dude, when i'm rating a shooter the storyline is the last thing on my mind. Hl2 and Halo both have ridiculous and unrealistic storylines, whichever you like is completely opinion, not fact. And of course there will be mods when it drops for pc, just ebcause HL has volleyball and gun game doesn't make it deeper..
  16. You don't have a clue how bad you sound, do you? This isn't a matter of skill, it's a matter of a company not innovating and spending a huge budget on a game that really does nothing spectacular. I'm going to get straight to the point: Halo is nothing impressive or special. If you want something impressive, look into games like Team Fortress 2, Half-life, and the like, which encourages what this game fails to accomplish: modding. But that's another story for another time. Dude if it wasn't special it wouldn't be the best selling FPS of all time. Name 1 FPS deeper than Halo, of wait, you can't. Anything can happen, they've done a GREAT job of making new features instead of just expansion packs like CoD does. Yeah Half Life is OK, CS is better in my opinion tbh. Besides now you're trying to compare a PC shooter to a console? Of course you can't mod on Halo it's a CONSOLE game. Oh and all the people complaining about the kids? If you where good enough to rank up you wouldn't be stuck playing with them anymore. Every thing people tell me is wrong with Halo is usually due to them sucking at it and not understanding the game.
  17. Being from Bama' I got to see Vick play all the time, He's one of the most exciting players I've ever seen. He's done his time, no one can tell him otherwise, everyone deserves a second chance and Vick is no different. I really hope to see him playing soon, I don't think it's likely he'll be back at QB but I think he'd be a great addition to any team as a RB. Also all the people who say he hasn't been punished enough, do you even know what he did? He didn't just go on a dog killing spree, he personally didn't really do anything. He just made the mistake of going along with his friends and letting them run a dog fighting ring at one of his houses, he's not a dog killing monster.
  18. Man that's the same way I felt, this girl was the only girl who had ever told me she loved me, and in the end it all feels like a lie. Don't feel bad, when my girl broke up with me she was literally texting the other guy in the middle of it.. High school girls never know what they want, it's not your fault, she's just stupid. You're a much better guy then that douche she's with now I gurantee, you'll find someone better and then maybe she'll realise that she made a huge mistake and that she's with a total loser.
  19. Thanks man..I try and keep these things in midn all the time. I actually work out kind of alott so I'll just look at myself in the mirror when I start to get sad. Honestly though sometimes it just isn't enough, I'm just really sensitive I guess.. Days like these where i wake up so early and I'm by myself all day are the worst. I appreciate the advice though, I needed someone to tell me something like that. Hopefully I can just get over it.. it just sucks because I'll go a whole day where I'm in a "Don't care" mood, then I wake up the next day feeling like [cabbage]. Tbh man I might be Bi-polar, but that's a whole different conversation completely. Anyways man thank you!
  20. Yeah dude quit trolling, no one thinks you're cool. The only people that think Halo sucks are the people who suck at it. If you aren't good at a game that doesn't mean it sucks.
  21. Racial slurs? That's just something I say when I'm excited, sorry. Anyways I know I'm sexy but I can't help it.
  22. Ok so I'm 18. From the time I was 12 untill this year I had 0 girlfriends, I had a hook up every now and then but never anything serious. So this February I met this amazing beautiful girl who lives just right down the street from me, I've known her for a while but it's a wierd situation. Anyways, we hit it off right away and we started dating about 2 weeks later. Everything(to me) was going great, I was the happiest i had ever been, literally. So then she starts getting me to goto her youth group...not a big deal, I mean, I'm not exactly a christian but it's whatever. So at her youth group there's this guy named Quencie, and her and him would text every now and then, but I didn't think anything of it because she was always texting someone. Anyways, so about a month into this I've noticed they've ben flirting way too much, and I feel the walls crumbling around me. Sure enough she goes on this youth convention trip over a weekend, comes back, breakes up with me of course. Well at first I just wanted to die, I couldn't understand what was wrong with me, what I did wrong. Almost immediatly she starts dating him, which makes me feel like she never cared anyway. Which honestly she probobly didn't, she was in a good mood when she broke up with me. Anyways at first it was awkward, I really didn't talk to her at all. But then after a few weeks I started hanging out with her all the time and we became best friends, which is a bad way to describe the relationship because we were even closer than when we dated. Regardless, so we stayed real tight all this Summer, hung out every day, I would even sleep with her (Not sexually). So that kept up for a long while, and just recently she break up with him because the whole time he treated her badly. Which kind of made me feel worse, she didn't even give me a second chance, yet she put up with so much from him. It made me feel like I wasn't worth anyones time.. So I thought I stood a good chance of getting her back, but as usual, I'm an idiot. We started hanging out more at my house with my friends, and lucky me! She falls for my best friend.. which makes me feel even more worthless, because all the excuses she gave me for breaking up with me are the same problems he has. I obviously just wasn't worth it.. So anyways they're together now, and I feel like I've lost 2 best friends. Whenever I'm around them I get the sharpest pain in my chest, it's unbearable. I'm holding back tears constantly just thinking about all of this.. I don't understand why i waited 6 years only to be crushed, why would this happen to me? Why would the most perfect situation come around just for me to ruin it.. I just feel like dieing, she's a diabetic and everytime I'm at her house I have to keep myself from injecting myself with insulin. I don't really need any help because honestly what could anyone do, or say... I just needed to say all of this to someone, I'll post sopme pics of me and her to make it alittle more personal. This is us..
  23. It's always good to be re-assured there are smart people here.
  24. Pretty much sums up my opinion, not to mention marijuana actually affects you mentally, and you can mantain control even while completely blazed.
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