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Everything posted by GrandZephyr

  1. ^^ hacking is bad news, but the return of the content is good news. :) ty Tecmaster.
  2. Thanks for the contribution Baffler. I'm sure staff will take a look at it soon.
  3. Ya, it'll be nice to be able to make some profit when I work on Runecrafting in the future. I just felt like ranting about the hiccup with my plans to magic to 99 by alching for profit. ;) Thank you all for your input. :)
  4. The runes look amazing. Keep up the great work.
  5. Assuming you mean the removal of the bots, then HECK YA!! WOOHOOO!! bye byes to the botties. As far as I know your claim of "The stable price of natures is meant to be 300 each" is arbitrary, or can you provide sources? As for prices going up, sounds great, means when I work on Runecrafting I make that much more from the runes! I understand that for each change some will benefit, and some won't. What I meant when I said this thread wasn't posted due to anger, but rather disappointment, I meant I don't mean to rant saying "Nature rune prices shouldn't go up", but rather just sharing the frustration that "they ARE going up, and I wish they wouldn't at the moment".
  6. Nature rune prices have increased by something like 50% or more in the last week!! So, here I was thinking, Hey, I can use this super awesome Dynamic Calculator to figure out what to buy so I can buy it and nature runes from the GE to not only get my High-Alching on, I could arrange not to lose money while I do it! So, when I started this lil shindig several days ago nature runes were costing me ~105GP/ea and life was good. I was able to find quite a few things that would at least break even at that, and some that would even give me several GP profit! Sadly, every hour the price seems to go higher and higher! I just looked into it again and they are going for 173GP/ea!!! Not sure if this is anger, it's more of just a disappointing bit when I had just gotten my hopes up, reality hits! Anyhow, thanks for reading.
  7. Fletching; No pictures, because I did it late at night quiet and all alone in a bank . I can't remember when it was, all I remember is it was before GE because I kept having to world hop to buy the logs.
  8. I agree that the use of fetuses for stem cell research would help people to justify abortions, but I don't think we should stint the research just because of this. I believe the law should be against the promotion of abortion to further stem cell research, not to hinder stem cell research in the fear of increased abortion. As far as the idea of cloning people then slaughtering them for parts; Either way you look at it, there will be people with a rationale to complain. If you're religious and you don't think clones are people because they won't have souls, then I'll bet you won't support cloning of people in the first place as the creation of man is in god's hands. If you're of the mind that people are just a collection of organs and tissue, then you will then support that the clones are in-fact humans and deserve human rights. To me cloning seems like a form of reproduction. So, I believe that a cloned person should be handled similarly to how a child is. If, once they are old enough, this clone wants to give up an organ or be an organ donor when they die, so be it. I don't support the idea of cloning entire people simply to be used as spare parts for the original. If we could clone individual organs, then that is something I would consider.
  9. So, is the "Silent Terror" part of your merged clan name in there? It's just silent? ;) C'grats on the new clan and I wish you the best. =) Sadly I don't meet your requirements yet. =(
  10. I think if they don't want bots in the game, then it's up to them to find whatever means they can to stop it. I can understand their position. I just hope the courts aren't dumb enough to allow them to misuse the laws that are in place. If their claims are what is expected for a law to cover, then so be it, but I don't think they should be trying to achieve something on a technicality.
  11. Congratulations Killerred005!!!
  12. After years of lurking and benefiting from all the work that is put into tip.it, I decided to start posting. I originally started playing RS shortly after RS2 came out, while I was in school. Had lots of fun mining after keyboard practice during computer class. I wanted to mine the silver/gold ores in the crafting guild so, I went ahead and made over 1K bowls. My friend, who said he liked to cook received these bowls. Later, my friend told me to never give him a bowl, ever again. It was good times. I've played off and on since then and made friends that have lasted through the years. Several months ago I returned from a break and decided to finish my way to 99 smithing. After that I decided I was going to quest again, and guess where that lead me? Back to tip.it! Thank you to everyone past and present who has spent their time making this site as awesome as it is. I have also begun hanging out in irc.tip.it #runescape. Come chat with me!!
  13. I would be interested in assisting with the tasks to make this information available to the community. If this would be possible, please send me a PM or catch me at #runescape.
  14. I apologize if you have already checked this, but I went ahead and checked. OrTradeMe appears to have been correct. When I superheat an iron ore I receive 53 Magic XP and 12.5 Smithing XP. When I superheat any other item I receive 53 Magic XP and then whatever Smithing XP based on the item being superheated.
  15. It looks great. So far it looks exactly like what I meant. I hope it is useful for others as well. Thanks again!
  16. I gotta say, I think it took me longer writing the greasemonkey javascripts for that then it did for you to agree to implement the ideas. I assumed it would be weeks/months before the idea would be considered, let alone implemented. I originally registered back in 05, and just never posted, I feel lucky they didn't prune the account! Thanks for the warm welcome, and I look forward to seeing this functionality as part of the website. Thank you!!
  17. I was looking at the Dynamic High Alch Calculator (High Alch w/GE Compare Calculator) http://www.tip.it/ru...e/high_alch.php I was hoping for a row to be added to the table that contains High Alch, Low Alch, and GE Prices. Could we add a [Profit +/-] row that would contain similar information to what is given when you use the !alchloss command in IRC. On the "Money Earned(-Nature Rune)" row, could the GE cell = GE Price + Nat Price, since the GE Price is given in the top row. I was also wondering if an input could be placed below the "Amount" that would be called "Nature Price" to allow people to input a custom price for the nature runes, but default to the last known mid-price as is used now. Here is a screenshot of what I mean. I would be willing to contribute PHP/Javascript code if needed to assist with the changes. I apologize if this thread is incorrectly place. If so, please move it to the correct location. Thank you!
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