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Everything posted by Crimsonsmash

  1. my rsn is Crimsonsmash and I guess I'm a f2p skiller/slayer and this thread looks like exactly what I've been looking for to fend of the boredom, loneliness and repetitiveness of my skilling and training
  2. I would suggest that depending on the level of the spell a specific type of staff should be required (ie. regular elemental staff for strike spells, battlestaff for bolt and blast spells, and mystic staff for wave spells) instead of all staves working for all spell levels. This will keep the staves stats and costs in better balance with their power. I'd also like to point out that you missed the blast spells when figuring your rune costs the above should read: For basic level strike spells: 100x required runes for one regular cast For low level bolt spells: 200x required runes for one regular cast For medium level wave spells: 300x required runes for one regular cast For high level wave spells: 400x required runes for one regular cas
  3. if your not afraid of the wildy and lvl 28 hobgobs the hobgoblin mine in lvl 30+ wildy has 17 mith and 8 addy rocks as well as a bunch of coal
  4. Are you sure? I think you can talk to Oziach to obtain another... nope, after you've completed dragon slayer you can't anymore keys from him
  5. Get yourself 1k steel bars and work for one of those smithing companies that trade you the supplies to make plus some gp for your bars. I went from 50 something to 70 smithing that way and made a pretty good profit too :D.
  6. I know for a guaranteed fact that the max hit of the lvl 75 ankous is 8 but i don't know about the other two. also as a heads up I've killed over 2k of them and I have never seen a fire rune, coal or addy med drop yet. I am f2p btw
  7. I find that coal and iron seem to give me the most gems
  8. I have found that if your lvl is high enough a great way is to harpoon tunas and swordies on karajama. to start just bring 30gp and your harpoon, fish until your inventory is full, sell the tunas to the general store, continue fishing. Once your inventory is full of swordies lumby home port, bank, run back to port sarim and repeat. note: you may bring an axe and a tinderbox if you want cooking exp as well
  9. quick and easy solution for the armor switching problem. you can't. that's it plain and simple once you enter this "shadow realm" you can't take off or equip any new/different items, with the exception of restocking arrows/bolts of the same type that you are currently wielding.
  10. give skull scepter the ability to autocast crumble undead I think this would be a good ability to give the skull scepter beacuse to be honest it is pretty useless right now all you get with it is 5 teles to barbarian village which IMO aren't very useful if enough people like this idea I'll expand on it more cause I already have few ideas but if no one likes the original idea it would be a waste to post them
  11. I support the friends list system really is in need of a massive overhaulin
  12. both option 1 and 2 combined and as others have shown with they're pics it's not actually that bad a burger compared to others and if I remember correctly burger king had a breakfast sandwich called the eggnormous omelte sandwich that was 3000!!! calories u know this lil baby here:
  13. if ur burning willows there's a large bunch (8 trees) dirrectly south of rimmington also if ur a member u could use ur house to bank them quite easily as well as those willows there are 4 yews firrectly south of melzar's maze that members could easily bank through their POH's and (to my knowledge) these areas are generaly fairly empty (at least on f2p servers) I also circled a group of 4 willows just south-east of the others pic:
  14. gilligan and grg06 peter griffin is not his FULL name i want his firts middle and last name so the question still stands "wut is Peter's full name?"
  15. animal starts with the letter "L"
  16. where is there water every where for miles around u and none of it is water u would want to drink
  17. ya sry bout that i nvr figured that one one out i just found a hint that basically said the answer gimme a sec and I'll c if i can find it EDIT: here it is hope u don't mind me beyin this obvious but it's the only hint i can think of allen bought a cup of dried beets and barley
  18. google harry randall the answer should be in the first result
  19. ne photo editimg program should work also if u look at it at the right agle u should be able c wut ur lookin for
  20. k um post the url of the lvl ur on i don't remeber wut most of the lvls r same goes for ne1 else that wants help on ne other lvl
  21. ya that bugged me too. have a look round in here: http://tricky01.proboards52.com/index.cgi#general serach for gobblegobble I know it sound weird but trust me in the first riddle board near bottom there's a topic called keyword started by hannah but the only post is actually by tricky and that's where the keyword is
  22. w00t 1850 in lvl. 101 hall of fame
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