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Everything posted by jayc3399

  1. In taveryly dungeon at the black knights at the very bottem by the place where you get key.
  2. Try google's toolbar, has a great popup blocker
  3. Go to my clan site and ask there, the guy that manages knows how to do it. http://z14.invisionfree.com/Pures_Of_We ... hp?act=idx
  4. Yea, free is great, legally is good, but I'm not worried about bending the rules a little bit. What is "gimp"?
  5. Mid 20's on my second main. I quit once so I knew what I was doing, and I did it with mage and the safe spot. Was like level 30 sum after
  6. What do people use to create siggys, and edit pictures and stuff. It can't be paint because it isn't that detail. Any help is greatly appriciated.
  7. It all depends on what you beliefs are, I have beliefs, but no in god. I'm Atheist. But I would die for some of my other beliefs. Like doing good no matter what, always treating people fairly. I would die for Love, my girlfriend and my family. But I wouldn't die for God.
  8. Well, first kiss, umm 4th grade. Serious kissing, ummm... rather not state. :oops:
  9. I'm so with you. I have to shave my face everyday, sometimes twice :shock: it grows so fast, and I like the clean shaven feeling "down there". Besides that, my girlfriend said to never shave my legs arms or chest, but get ride of the rest
  10. Get a cannon, a few k cannon balls, and go to the black knights in the member dungeon where you get the dusty key, mutli zone = pure ownage.
  11. I'd alch the bows insted, making your own nats. Best money there is.
  12. Greetings: Howdy Hey, Hows it going Mornin Farewells: Later, Tootles, G'night
  13. Why would I post my spots so other people can take them????
  14. I looked at that, but I think I remember reading that you need to have 100% on the stat to get the bonus, I just can't remember
  15. Just use fire strike and the safe spot, bring like 10 lobs just incase, d shield is a must also
  16. With Manage Thy Kingdom, do you have to have one on 100% to get the bonuses, or if I put 2 on 75% will I still get bonuses?
  17. All you need is 13 mage and you can do it easy, just use safe spot
  18. Big Chewy------------------- 35 Right Skull Pieces ------ Lots of trout-------------------------- archermanme----------------153,486 Feathered Arrow Shafts------ 10ea feather-------------------------- Edit: # of skulls 2 times
  19. You also forget 3 other kinds or dragons, bronze iron and steel.
  20. Just thought of a new on, 17 right skull halfs on my pure, going for 100+ Big Chewy
  21. 146,051 Feathered arrow shafts. Taken me ages. Still climbing, pluss I'm going to make them into mith arrows soon. Much fun there... :roll:
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