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Everything posted by jayc3399

  1. You can get the first ability with 31k renown (only spending 21k of it, but you need an upgraded token which needs 31k), and you can get 30k per day which can easily be done in under an hour. Silver token is 10k, not 31k. That was the whole 21k on the ability but you need 10k for token first, IE you need 31k total. RS wiki page says 10k, and considering it was 1k to upgrade with the first event, I think it's glitched :P Everything is 10* more expensive this time.
  2. You can get the first ability with 31k renown (only spending 21k of it, but you need an upgraded token which needs 31k), and you can get 30k per day which can easily be done in under an hour. Silver token is 10k, not 31k. That was the whole 21k on the ability but you need 10k for token first, IE you need 31k total.
  3. I've noticed the forums doing that a lot lately for me as well.
  4. Too many years playing runescape. I have to use spell-check now on all my essays to remove the extra "u"s from my words. They belong there though. :)
  5. I believe when fully upgraded yes it is.
  6. I've never seen it as Gray except for someones last name. Its always been grey and I live in Canada.
  7. Fantastic guide I will try it out later. As a note could you use the pig bob familiar if you can't get a yak?
  8. I don't think you are. I played around with the numbers one time and I just switched where my currency was coming from and it didn't care.
  9. So someone posted on reddit that you should use the aura on your slowest skill for the first ~25 minutes, then do a fast skill to use up the remainder in the last 5 minutes to maximize your gains. Why is it that you say 200k/hr is best? As long as you gain the full xp doesn't it save the same amount of time? EDIT: I realized that this only holds true if you can use the instant xp on a skill that is slower then 200k/hr. IE making sea singers gear.
  10. Alright for this whole its so much slower debate. At 3 seconds wasted in the new format. it takes an additional 84 seconds to make 700 pouches. However it now only takes you 25 runs to use those pouches instead of 28 runs previously, So 3 runs = 84 seconds. I'm not totally aware on how long it takes to kyatt + run + use pouches + tele back to bank, but if this is close to the 28 second mark, or even slightly less it isn't that big of a deal. Add onto this if you were to make scrolls and use the new gems you will see an increase in speed. *All numbers are made up and assumed. I used 700 pouches because it is divisible by 25 and 28.*
  11. Thats incredibly cheap prayer xp. considering they offer about 50% more xp then dragon bones.
  12. yea but it still probl 10% xp waste 2-3 seconds is 10%? It isn't that big of a deal.
  13. Wow. Wow. Goodbye Taverly, you will be missed. What was the taverly thing? Selling secondaries to the vendor and buying them back so you didn't have to bank, was a very fast method for very wealthy people.
  14. Sorry for just links, apparently I used an img extension tip.it doesn't like? (jpg)
  15. Oh so it procs off bonus xp?
  16. I was under the impression that the aura was 2x bxp this year instead of the 50%. I used it on divination the first day, and say I got 10 xp base, I was getting 30 xp with aura + bonus xp. Which would imply 2x base xp. Which means that they 200k/hr moves down to 100k/hr does it not?
  17. Why is this happening Where did you find this? I half ass tried out a titan at work this morning I saw auto attacks of 1k. Hotfixes under patch notes. Interesting, wasn't put on the ones on in the archive. Not sure if anyone has tried out the scrolls yet but my guess is they must be pretty decent if they were worried about people titan spec'ing ascb's so easy.
  18. I imagine the more pouches you run at once the more this becomes valuable? The extra bank/craft action only takes seconds, and in turn you spend less time running to the obelisk. That only really helps if your making scrolls though, because if your not you don't have the space to withdrawal the uncharged ones. Why is this happening Where did you find this? I half ass tried out a titan at work this morning I saw auto attacks of 1k.
  19. Most plots saw about a 10-15% increase, with summoning getting a large increase to bring it inline with ~smithing. Is it truly that bad? Or are we maybe blowing it out of proportion a little. You do the same actions as before in terms of withdrawaling/depositing to make pouches, the only thing it added was an additional withdrawal.
  20. Except it isn't cheap for membership. If your at the current ratse $7.95 it works out to be almost the same, if you have either old rate $5 or $5.95, then it is an awful deal.
  21. How quick are they to kill? And what gear is needed? Quick, roughly same speed if not faster then dragons by the looks of things, and people seem to be doing just fine in drygores+ melee gear and soulsplit. Requires some attention in the same way frosts do.
  22. The bones give 132.5 xp, so they are between Dag and ourg or for the average person about 50% more then dragon and about 50% less the frost bones. I imagine they will settle around the 10k mark.
  23. Well looks like the restat might be alright, I'm fairly laggy at work but I saw my steel titan auto attack for 1k dmg.
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