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Everything posted by oilertay

  1. I know what I want, thanks.
  2. Right now I have a cheap ddrum d2 5 piece, 10 x 8 12 x 9 16 x 14 14 x 5.5 22 x 16 Remo clear emperors over clear ambassadors on toms Remo Experor X over stock reso on snare Evans EQ2 kick batter, EQ3 reso Nothing special, I'm hoping to buy new sometime soon, maybe around spring.
  3. War Gods - N64. We ended up throwing it into some random yard years ago because we hated it :P
  4. My family has season's one, two and three on dvd, as well as season one signed by the cast. It's a great show. :)
  5. Flea, Geddy Lee, and Steve Harris. Flea and Geddy are pretty outspoken, I have much respect for Harris because he wrote most of maiden's songs, as well as having a realy unique technique.
  6. 7/10 Witchdoctor - Cartoons :lol:
  7. Vocals: Zp Theart ( Dragonforce ) Lead Guitar: Herman Li ( Dragonforce ) Secondary Guitar: Dimebag Darrell ( Pantera ) Rythm Guitar: John Petrucci ( Dream Theatre ) Bass: Steve Harris ( Iron Maiden ) Keyboards: Rick Wakeman ( Yes ) Drums: Neil Peart ( Rush )
  8. Anybody here have a home studio? My brother and I are looking into buying one, just to lay down tracks for ourselves, to help capture inspiration and to entertain ourselves. If you do, some specs would be nice. :)
  9. Just bought the special edition. A great album, and very interesting documentary. I definately recommend.
  10. Theocracy - prog metal http://www.theocracymusic.com http://www.myspace.com/theocracyband http://www.nolifetilmetal.com/theocracy.htm Currently in studo working on second album. Gonna be sweet.
  11. Theocracy - Deck the Joy ]http://www.theocracymusic.com/mp3/DeckTheJoy[extension not allowed]
  12. Deck The Joy - Theocracy ]http://www.theocracymusic.com/mp3/DeckTheJoy[extension not allowed] Check them out at http://www.theocracymusic.com A little early for Christmas music I know, I'm sorry! :P
  13. Guitar:Smoke on the Water Bass:Song my band wrote Drums:anything
  14. Haha, thanks. But if I was to stick around the forums, why not just play altogether? :P Thanks guys :)
  15. I didn't. sorry. you didn't keep up with my blog?!? shame on you! :P
  16. It's time for me to move on :) I don't feel like details, but I sold most of my stuff and bought a santa to sit in my bank in case I ever come back :P Thanks a whole bunch to my friends. If it wasn't for you, this game wouldn't have kept me for so long. I can't list them all, there's so many. A general thanks goes out to all those who manage and post on these forms, you guys make it a great place to be. I'll probably visit from time to time to talk to you guys, so keep me on your friendslists! :P I might have a drop party with the rest of my stuff when I know for sure that I can have comp access so I can warn you in advance. If this is the last time I see some of you, have lots of fun. Don't take the game too seriously, make lots of friends, and keep your stick on the ice. Cya guys, you own =D>
  17. Just saw it today at my friend's house. hilarious :D
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