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Everything posted by oilertay

  1. thats is seriously awesome, im not kidding 10/10 just for char. Open a sig shop, 500k a piece, u'll do good. Seriously.
  2. where did kenny come from? Axe was doin awsome on his own and as far as i can see, kenny had only 2 examples out there and...they werent up to axes.
  3. dude your sigs are seriously sweet. I love the halberd. You are great in anim8or? well anyways, keep up the good work! :wink:
  4. yea, TJ is the best pixeler here. I melt at his works :roll: MxM 's characters are really sweet but his backgrounds are generally not up to the standard he sets with the awesome characters. :(
  5. nice sig as always, your characters are possibly best around except for the lack of shading in the backgrounds, the overall effect still put u way up there. 9/10
  6. hey cool sig, nice shading, only thing is the gore...little as it is...its not aloud.
  7. o ya lol theres no hand, thx for the advice!
  8. i was follin around in paint and decided to experiment with shading and stuff so i gave a mage a go. if any of u wanted it or anything go right ahead theres no a/w and of if u dont want it give it a rating and some constructive critisim. thx!
  9. magic trees have lil white and blue sprkles in em i think
  10. ya i was just tryin out colours and stuff, seein wat i could do, maybe ill try to shade it a lil bit.
  11. here it is, took me around 15-20mins, i think it is pretty good for a first attempt and btw, i know there is a break in the lightning :oops: made for a friend
  12. i like it except could u have his legs not so far apart and a blue shirt? thx
  13. cool and with these people paying u may never get mine done :cry: maybe ill put 26k down to put me first 'specially with yer hot new style :wink: i like it rsn: oilertay ur rsn: quer skull added
  14. wow, u make some sweet, cheap sigs! maybe ill take one after i see how quer skull's of mine turns out...or maybe ill stick with my mario one :P i like it aa lot but w/e 8)
  15. ya evry1 out there gotta admit, pixel sigs are sweet but ya, its kinda gettin outa hand.
  16. the 3-finger thing kinda kills it...
  17. I like what you'vce done so far, srry im not good enuf to give u any ideas
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